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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. I just saw Joe the Plumber being interviewed. He's sounded like a shill for the Republicans. He's tired of people putting down America and thinks we should be proud that we went into Iraq. He wants America to remain a democracy and not become a socialist society. How soon before he shows up at a McPain rally?

    So let me get this straight. He is not free to think what he wants. Liberals are no longer liberal they are communists Communism will be destroyed in this country , literally. Obama is a fraud , the communist front man

  2. You know Boom... You better run... Or you might get blown up when the chickens come home to roost.




    What in the heck is everybody scared of? My God.



    What makes you think myself or anyone else is scared. I do not like the communist view. Scared no , pi$$ed yes.I have worked long and hard for what I have and I do not want the govt. telling I have to give it to some one else thats my choice. I have been shot at before obviously they were a poor shot.

  3. I "lurk" on these political boards and it seems like most of you are Obama supporters (personally I am not crazy about either candidate) but I wonder why no one is mentioning the elephant in the room - RACE. Obama presents himself as a "post racial" candidate, but I still believe that are a significant number of whites who will not vote for a black man as president, and not just in the mean ol' South.


    I am fifty years old and grew up in WNY. Some of you are going to get upset, angry and defensive when I say this, but my family and I faced a great deal of racism there. I literally can't count the number of times I was called "!@#$" there. Oh, don't forget being spit upon, nearly run off the road, the racist telephone calls, etc. I left WNY when I was 18. Things may have changed since then, but I could never bring myself to go back to the WNY area -- the memories are just too painful.


    I've lived in Philadelphia for 20 years, and there is also plenty of racism in the "City of Brotherly Love." I've been called !@#$, had people point to me and say "there's your cousin" and suffered other slights. And I am not a 'welfare mom," a drug user, a criminal, or any of the stereotypes often applied to black people. I've been working since I was sixteen. I am an articulate middle-aged woman with an Ivy League degree and a professional job, but to many of my fellow Americans, I'm still just a !@#$, and so is Obama.


    I'm not saying that all whites are racist, of course, but I think that are still quite a few who are. The polls say that Obama is ahead, but what people do in the privacy of the voting booth -- that's a different story.


    If you don't believe me, check out this article that shows bigotry even among younger voters:




    I wish I was wrong about race playing a big factor in the elections, but I don't think I am.

    The polls say 95 percent of black voters will vote for Obama I would call this racists and that alone wil cause a backlash among white voters against Obama and then media fans the flames its good for business. It appears the media favors Obama and the reason is its good for their business

  4. Are things like McCain advisors having direct ties to Sadam, Palin breaking ethics laws, Bush appointing a copyright czar, and the Keating 5 less important? Why do you not discuss those?

    You brought it up, besides Obama is fraud and a communist.Guess you would rather have a spread the wealth communist than a true American hero McCain.

    The thing that I concern myself with is the Presidents chief duty , Commander in Chief, and at this Obama is clueless.I leave all that touchy feely stuff to the libbers.

  5. Despite the fact that I disagree with him vehemently about this, I think he set his threshold too low for what he is trying to do. Make the threshold $1 million and you may get less opposition. I still think its wrong to penalize any success, but treating Warren Buffet and the plumber making $275k the same is blatantly unfair.

    Then vote McCain :nana: Obama is a fraud ,and a communists one at that.

  6. Neither does individual responsibility work when it comes to economics, especially when what you are good at make a lot of money unless you are a good business person as well. Free Markets are a farce, never has been one, always ends up with a small cadre that gets control wealth. What makes America great is that through innovation, government intervention and pure stubbornness, we find ways to break up these oligarchies and we are a diversified economy. Once again, balance, both sides have points but in pure form, neither side works because human nature can corrupt any form.


    Government and people need to change it up regularly and remain vigilant. If the Messiah doesn't work out then you can always go back to McSame. Either way it will be different. If only someone really crazy like Ron Paul was seriously in the mix then we could actually put the establishment's feet to the fire, if only because of the skizoidness of the whole thing.

    Ron Paul , now there is an idea , government would come to a halt for a while That would be ok :(

  7. It isn't about me personally, I think that is what the conservatives don't understand... I am not worried about me, I am fine... I want everybody else to have the same leg up.


    You can get worked up because other people have it rough... Even if I am making easy money and have it good... The big picture is that many not as lucky as myself are worse of as a whole.

    It wasnt luck you have what you have it was hard work. Individual responsibility is where its at. Communism does not work , it is a dream even Lenin admitted that before he died.

  8. ;)

    That's a pretty ridiculous interpretation of both Obama and the Democratic party. It would be far more accurate to say that the left sees everyone as a victim (almost literally, at this point - Obama's newest "economic" plan is to give money to everyone, including the rich), and therefore must be dependent on the government for help.


    Which isn't all that different from what the Republicans do (got your duct tape and plastic sheeting handy?) Convince people they're victims and you'll protect them, and they'll flock to you. That goes doubly when victimization is believed to be noble (as in our country).

    :D I am saving my duct tape and plastic sheating for the torture we will have to inflict on the enemy. lf Billls fans have to share their seasons tictkets I will be the victim :unsure:

    How is he going to give money to everyone even the rich ? Oh I know just print it.

  9. I'm for it.

    Thats two of us and I am sure there are many more , Obama says spread the wealth , thats pure communism .What we have is a Cold War at the ballot box.

    Some on this board support communism , you can see whom they are by thier postings. The way Obama looks at it you will have to share your Bills seasons tickets. It sounds like a stretch but thats the way it is.

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