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Posts posted by Boomer860

  1. Yep, a lot of ministers and priests are recorded available for purchase, bet we could find some inflammatory remarks from the ministers that McCain has attended. Sooner or later, one of them will make them, although he has been in DC for so long... who knows?

    Doubt if there are any around with McCains ministers or they would be out there by now. What I would really like to hear are stories told by his old navy buddies about the early days in the Navy , and some of the shore leaves stories I.ll bet there was some heavy duty parties in keeping with Navy tradition of course :thumbsup:

    They can say all they want but here is a guy 23 years in the Navy 5 1/2 years in a prison camp and tortured., two marriages at least 5 children 26 years in the Senate and now at 72 he still has much stamina.

  2. Aliens to follow with endorsement later this evening at the House of Obama. Two drink minimum. Check your guns and love of Country at the door. Enjoy the free entitlements from now till whenever. Speaker will be Rev Wright, and the topic will be: KKK America, how it works for you and the Obama way.


    Enjoy your evening. Take all the cheese you need. XXXOOO





    Exclusive next week: Pelosi to have a sex change back to female.



    I understand Farukaan (sp)will be Sec. of State

  3. Bill Maher has, for the past several weeks, been profiling various places outside the US where people can go to live if McCain wins. I would imagine they'd be just as satisfactory if Obama wins. Perhaps you ought to check them out.

    I wonder how come Alex Baldwin didnt move the last election he said he was going to , generally speaking dems are cowards. Havent heard of any one since the last elst election say they would move.

    Bill Maher is an arrogant !@#$.

  4. no argument, but given the personalities and extreme hawkish environment at the time, Powell was outgunned and overruled time and time again.

    Powell was the hawkish one .The Secretary of Defense wanted to run the war on a shoe string .Once the war began Powell advised to go into it with many more troops than they did , as did all the Generals all except the Secretary of Defense. Instead of showing the President military victories he was showing him how frugal he was. Rumsfeld was a bum. History shows you can not win a protaced war.

  5. Retired Gen. Colin Powell, once considered a potential running mate for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), now may endorse his opponent, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), according to Republican sources. But an air of mystery surrounds Powell's planned live appearance Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," and no one is sure what he will say.


    Powell’s unassailable national security credentials could sway voters who are vacillating about whether Obama is ready to be commander in chief, and his endorsement of the Illinois senator would make a national security emphasis by McCain in the election's closing days extremely difficult.


    Powell, 71, a professional soldier for 35 years, has advised the last three Republican presidents.


    The general’s camp is being coy about what he might or might not say on Sunday. But some McCain advisers suspect, without being sure, that Powell will endorse Obama.


    “It’s going to make a lot of news, and certainly be personally embarrassing for McCain," a McCain official said. "It comes at a time when we need momentum, and it would create momentum against us.”



    Why wouldnt he endorse Obama ,he is black ,This contest is all about race . The news media wants Obama because he will give them all the good news like total turmoil.The media doesnt care its al about money.

  6. Why should I care about a little "extra" tax on the top 5 % of earners? I'm not one of them, and I'd bet most of the kooks on this board aren't either -regardless of how they like to portray themselves. It's not even a tax increase as the Bush tax cuts would simply be eliminated on that group. We see how well those worked for most people. The fact is, we're all going to have to pay a bit more to make up for the colossal f**kup in office right now. The country has been driven into the ground financially and we'll be paying for this for a long time. The majority need a real tax break and the 5% at the top can afford to carry their weight as this country has enabled their success. Have them go to Africa or Haiti and see if they are as successful there. The laws of this nation have allowed them to prosper through yes, hard work and also some luck if not just their location on the globe. If you are among the top 5% of earners (and I doubt you are if you are spending time on a Bills fan board) you probably should be against Obama. I would too. But simple math says their aren't enough of you to win McCain the Presidency. That said, I have a good job with good health insurance and pay my taxes like anyone else. I just cannot vote for a Republican because they are religious wackos and want everyone to conform to their religious ideology. Religion is the cause of 99% of the problems in the world, and as a secular person I always vote Liberal.

    There is no more Liberal or Democrat ,your party has been stolen by the communist.That said when they raise taxes on your company they could lay you lff , cut your health insurance to offset the raise in taxes , or riase the price of their product ,I dont know why you people dont understand that.Relifious wackos ,I dont recall religion entering inot the campaign except for the stance on abortion.Too much government , no good. I myself am pro life but I can see a womens right to choose if the government isnt paying for it

  7. Oh you mean like Ayers etc.... Gotta drive up McCain's negatives and expose him as a fraud, especially as he claims that he and full of shi4#% Palin they are going to clean up Washington.... yeah right. That is what the last set of Republicans said that came in with Bush and look at where we are at now.


    Only they can claim the economy is getting better after a 400 point rebound following a 700 point drop.

    The fraud in this election is Obama the communist

  8. I'm trying to figure this out...if Obama gets elected, he's basically going to force the "rich" people and businesses to go into the street and hand out $100 bills correct to the poor, stupid people? thats whats being implied in this thread. I mean, Obama is going to "take" their money and "give it away" to the poor.

    Close , by the force he uses its called taxes and he will save the rich the trouble of going inot the streets to pass out the money just send it to him and he will see it gets delivered. Its called spread the wealth .

  9. Dude I have started many businesses and none of them have failed. When you are in my income level there is very little risk. But I am really not a fair comparison.


    The guy you describe has no guarantee that his income will go from 50k to 150k. It may go from 50k to 0k. He might risk trying for the 150k if he got to keep 125k but not risk if he knew he'd only keep 100k.


    Most people that start their own businesses do not have multiple billions like me. If their income goes from 50k to 0k after trying something, they can't just walk down to the safe in the auxiliary Italian marble storage area, pop in the combo and grab a few 100k in case they need it for the weekend like me. They need to shelter their kids. They might be averse to risk and more taxes would make them even more averse.


    Don't get me wrong, I like Obama's plan because it keeps these peons out and allows me to make even more, but I'm just saying you are missing the point.

    If you have billions maybe you should buy the Bills :(

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