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Posts posted by SuperKillerRobots

  1. For once, this makes sense for the Raidahs. He would be as good a mentor as there is for Russell.


    I bet Al closes the deal on this one.


    The mentor aspect might be what makes it worthwhile. McNabb is known to try to help African-American QBs and might look at this as an opportunity to take him under his wing. The Raiders might be able to work out a one year extension with him for mentoring purposes and then in a perfect world, have Russell ready by then. Of course it could also blow up in their face and just end up being a cash-grab for McNabb for a year until he can get to a team he really wants to play for.


    It would probably be a good deal for the Eagles as long as they could sign Asomugha to a long term deal.

  2. That chart is irrelevant due to the huge money at the top of the draft, ask the jets.


    That may be so, but I don't see the Skins passing on a the best LT in the draft (when they need one desperately) for our #9 and 3rd rounder. Even if Washington did that, I don't think that it would be worth it to us to give up a top 100 pick. That's a potential starter in a year or two we'd sacrifice, which is a lot for a team with this many needs.

  3. Rd 1 Derrick Morgan G.T. The staff knows him well. Our pass rushing OLB .

    Rd 2 Charles Brown OT USC. Money Maybin remembers him.

    Rd 3 Linval Joseph NT East Carolina Big Fast Strong.

    Rd 4 Ben Tate Auburn Great production. Great Value pick. Yeah 3 backs Lynch could be traded. Where I don`t know. Player or pick.


    I could live with this draft. Gets some talent at the LT, OLB, and NT positions that should be able to help eventually. I'm not looking to this draft for instant starters necessarily, so I think the goal is to get eventual starters at these positions. Hopefully at some point during the season, the LT can takeover, if not from the beginning. I think they have enough talent at OLB and along the line to allow the rookies there to platoon.

  4. I disagree that in hindsight picking up Bledsoe was a bad move in that like it or not he did play a key role in moving this team from being a 3-13 team to an 8-8 team and though obviously flawed he did play well enough that I think he merited his third QB on the Pro Bowl team nod (if you disagree then you should be able to simply point out which QB you think was a Pro Bowl talent who should have gone over Bledsoe.


    In hindsight the mistake was not in acquiring Bledsoe but in extending him after his goshawful second year, While the pick-ip of Bledsoe was a wash after two years (1 Pro Bowl season and one dreck, the mistake was in not having the grumbas to recognize this wash and cut him. This was quite easily forseeable by even ocaissional observers and TD missed it.


    On the other hand the acquisition was pretty clearly a needed move for marketing and the huge immediate payoff in ticket sales shows this.


    While ignoring the reality of the business of the game would simply be ignorant, it is understandable at least if folks make their judgments based on on the field performance, but if you take this view simply ignoring his great first year of proven production is the ignorant thing.


    What I meant about him not having anything left in the tank was simply that we only got about a season and a half out of him at a decent level of play for our first round pick. I agree about the business aspect of it and that was a good move.


    I was actually trying to disagree with the original poster's contention that the Bledsoe trade was a "bonehead move", as he put it. The article stated that we shouldn't trade for McNabb because we are not only a QB away from being competitive, while when we traded for Bledsoe we were only a QB away. The original poster took exception to this point, while I agreed with it. I think if they could have gotten a full three years out of him we would have made the playoffs. The fact that we didn't get that much time out of him while giving up a first rounder makes it a poor deal for us. I'm not syaing Bledsoe fell apart because of anything he did necessarily (I actually liked him a lot while he was here), but there was a problem witht he offense that was never addressed while he was here that ultimately did him in. I think if they had replaced Peerless with the McGahee pick instead of taking him (maybe Dallas Clark, I didn't look at the players drafted afterwards, just guessing) Bledsoe probably would have lasted longer and done better.

  5. I think the underlying reasons for the trade and the varied opinions on it is just that Peters has athletic ability and natural talents nearing on Bruce Smith to the point that he can play the game of football at a high level without much preparation against people who prepare like their lives depend on it. There is no debating this. The issue with him was that he did not always play hard on every play and was not a leader on the field or in his preparations.


    The question was do you want to pay a guy $10mm per year who can be dominant when he wants to, but will also take plays off. There was also an added factor of what a large contract with guaranteed money would do to his already questionable motivation.


    So the question becomes, do you pay a guy the money and accept the fact that there will be times when he can't be counted on or do you decide that's unacceptable and get rid of him?


    A valid question in this matter is if they had drafted Oher last year instead of Maybin (or Maybin becomes dominant in the next year or two) does this conversation happen? Probably not. If you're going to pay an LT $10mm per year, you'd like him to be in the top 5 in the league at least, if not better. I personally think at the best Peters is on the fringe of the top 5 in the league at LT right now. Going by that logic, it's hard to say whether he is worth it to the Eagles now or would have been worth it to the Bills. One thing that should be said is that Peters did seem to get dinged up a bit and you have to wonder if the lack of preparation in the offseason lead to that.


    So I think what I'm trying to get at here is it a question of how good Peters is or how bad the replacement was. I don't think you can tie the two together in a fair argument, outside of one illustrating how poorly the previous decision-makers did with their overall strategy. Peters is a good player and had we signed him, we wouldn't be talking about the LT position right now outside of debating whether he is playing up to his contract. What are those mental lapses/screw-ups worth to a team? Maybe on a team with strong leadership in place already the light won't be focused on him so much and he can earn his money and not have to lead by example and be the most accountable player out there. On the Bills, he would have had to take on those roles for that type of money and in my opinion he wouldn't have been successful doing that. Maybe it was more of a situation of us needing more than he could offer at the time, while Philly only needed him to play LT.


    As far as his play, you have to say he has the ability to be the best in football, but you also can't deny him taking plays off or not stepping up to the competition (or whatever you want to call it) and some of those times have been in big games for them. Is that a quality you want in a LT that you are paying top dollar?

  6. I fully agree with his main point, which is that the Bills shouldn't trade away an early draft pick for McNabb. But there's one statement he made with which I take issue:



    The Bills had gone 3-13 in 2001; which was the season immediately before they acquired Bledsoe. A 3-13 record does not spell "no glaring needs except quarterback," at least not to me. The decision for that 3-13, rebuilding team to trade away a first round pick for an aging veteran QB was not the result of "sound thinking"! It was the result of boneheaded thinking!! :thumbsup: Boneheaded thinking which I hope Nix and Gailey are disciplined enough to avoid this time around with any would-be McNabb trade.


    It was a bad move in hindsight, but they had a defense, an RB, WRs, and looked to be only a QB away from being competitive. If Bledsoe still had something in the tank, we would have been pretty good for a few more years with those semi-dominant defenses.

  7. I disagree with you. There is a saying, "if its not broke dont fix it." Well guess what buddy, it (meaning the Bills) is BROKE!


    We have tried your approach the last several seasons, and look how that turned out, 7-9 4 seasons in a row, and a 6-10 year. All with trying to draft young players and develope them.


    You cant just draft young players, or just sign or trade for old vets. YOU HAVE TO USE BOTH, A BLEND, IF YOU WILL-OF BOTH!!!!


    So if Mcnabb can be had for a 2nd rd pick, you make the DEAL!!!! I agree that you dont usually bring in 30 something qbs, but when you have not made the playoffs in TEN PLUS YEARS-its time for a change




    I think in the past 10 years we have definitely drafted players, but who have we developed? There's not many. I think they need to still look to the draft as the primary addition of talent and then focusing on developing those players. Not trading for aging vets or signing guys that don't fit what they're trying to do just to add talent that doesn't fit. McNabb doesn't even want to come here, so I really think it would be a bad idea to sign him and then let him walk after his contract expires. I also think it would be a bad idea to get him here and then break the bank trying to keep a 34 year old QB that really doesn't want to be here other than for the ridiculous money we throw at him. They need to get young guys in here that will turn into starters for us down the road.

  8. I knew that a common response like "Crumpler isn't that great" was coming. That's not the point. I'm saying that the Pats go and fill holes, we don't bother much and are left with more holes than draft picks. Nobody can tell me that this roster couldn't have used a good blocking vet TE like Crumpler.


    So you're saying we should just be signing players regardless of whether they have anything left in the tank? I don't get it in this instance. Though I do understand generally what you're saying, I don't think plugging holes like that makes sense in year one of a new regime. Last year I could have seen it when the coaches were fighting for their jobs, but this year is year one of a rebuild. You gotta get more young guys in there as well as seeing what the young guys on the roster can do. Maybe Shawn Nelson and someone else makes us not need him. Either way, is he going to be the difference between making the playoffs and not? Probably not.

  9. I think it will be interesting to see how Williams plays at NT after last season. It is obvious he isn't big enough to be taking all the Reps at NT. But I think he should be good for some damage.


    I agree - I think he'll do pretty good, but not good enough to make it a top 10 defense unless there's a guy to play i obvious running situations.

  10. Unfortunately I see Maybin struggling...His physical attributes will not help him if he can't figure out how to read a misdirection play.


    Hope he does learn how to play the position but my initialize response last year when I watched him was, holy ****, this guy's not special...hopefully I'm wrong and he mentally prepares and studies hard instead of twitter tweeting during the off season. His career depends on it.


    I don't think it'll his primary responsibility to diagnose those plays anymore. They'll just turn him loose on the QB from different parts of the field. The problem with the cover 2 was that everyone had responsibility for the run game, whereas now there will be players plugging two gaps so other players can focus on rushing the QB. It;ll be more specialized.

  11. Don't want to give to much credit to players ratings but George Wilson was rated as the 4th best safety and was the highest rated Bill (I didn't check punters or kickers)- so I would be a little surprised if he's not one of the starters- I suppose it could happen for salary structure reasons.


    I think the point is that our HC (rightly so) doesn't care about last year's statistics. I think he intends to put the players with the proper skills in the proper positions. Whitner, no matter how well Wilson was rated by anyone, anywhere, can play the run, play near the line, diagnose plays, get other players into the right positions, and ultimately provide the best versatility of any of the safeties. It's not about salary, it's about putting a player a position that he's suited for and playing to his strengths.

  12. I know some feel you can plug in this or that RB and it's all smooth sailing. If they move Lynch, they better get a darn good price.


    I honestly don't view Lynch as a problem player. CIN has a rep for having such - truth is, almost all of their problems were youngsters with big jingle in their pockets going out and boozing up.


    Take me back to age 22, give me a couple of million in my pockets - I'd be your best jerk ever.


    Amen brother



  13. Yeah Poz played good at olb at penn state. I think Poz is faster and covers good . Mitch is older and with the injury is probably a little slower than he was.


    I don't think either of them are ideal as OLBs - Poz is too small and Mitchell isn't fast enough. Aside from the reasons they couldn't (I"m sure either would be able to pick it up in spot duty if necessary) I think the real point is they are bad fits outside and good fits inside. I could see them using Mitchell outside in obvious run situations though, especially since the pass rushing OLBs we have currently (and might get in the draft) will be kind of weak against the run (except Kelsey if he's still around of course).

  14. Exactly...I sure as hell hope this new Staff is not looking to stroke lil' donte's ego cause on the field Wilson/Byrd was a MUCH better combination than Whitner/anyone...


    I know it seems rediculous to have a #8 overall Draft Pick as your 3rd Safety...But that's all Donte is on this Team...He flat out is not as good as the other two guys and probably never will be...We'll see though...Maybe he gets a spark with this new Staff...Who knows? B-)


    I don't get this sentiment. Wilson was terrible against the run last year, while Whitner played very well - especially in the first few games of the year before he got hurt. Wilson was playing out of position at SS (he should be a FS and very clearly that's all he'll do in this defense, which wants a physical presence at SS), Scott was playing out of position at LB, and Donte was playing out of position at nickel corner. Gailey just wants everyone to line up where they are natural fits and Wilson isn't a better ballhawk than Byrd. You can't diminish a player's position on the team because you don't like where/when he was drafted vs what he is. He will never justify a top 10 pick, but that doesn't mean he isn't a good player or that we should get rid of him for a lesser player (yes, I'm calling Wilson and Scott lesser players).


    Just the fact that posters in this thread are bringing up his draft position in a thread that doesn't have anything to do with drafting or the year he was drafted shows how hung up people are on this issue. I don't think Gailey cares one bit about where he was drafted or what anyone thinks about his opinions of his players. That is probably a good thing.

  15. I get what you're saying, but I think there are teams out there who place more value on Spiller than just another RB. The Free Agency pool for RB's this year was extremely thin. I would bet a team like Houston would be willing to give up a fairly good deal to land at 9 if Spiller is still there. That's of course assuming there is another team or 2 also looking to slide into that spot. My guess would be ya, there's gonna be a deal to be had, should it play out that way.


    I'm sure there's always a deal to be made, I'm more questioning if it would be worth it to the Bills. I would trade down to 20 if we got two more top 120 picks, but other than that, it would be tough to do. I would almost rather take him.


    I do think they should shot for an impact player in the first round. A QB, Spiller, pass rusher, etc. I don't like the idea of taking the 4th or 5th best tackle prospect or an NT. I think you can get equal value on those two positions in the second or even third round.

  16. You don't think there would be 3-4 teams, at least, clamoring for that spot to grab Spiller???


    I do, I just don't think that teams will pay a lot to move up to grab an RB on draft day. RBs are a dime a dozen in the draft and even though he looks like a great pick, he could just as easily not. There are other players tat can be had in the second round that have similar skills that could be had. It might happen, but it's not like they're trading up for a QB. RBs just don't seem to have the premium placed on them by teams. Just my opinion based off years past.

  17. Assuming the Redskins don't take him (left tackle is the way they will be going) who else needs a QB if we can trade down with Cincinnati or Houston.


    10 - Jacksonville - no, may take Tebow in 2nd

    11 - Denver - no, just got Quinn, has Orton starting and drafted a kid they liked last year in 6th round

    12 - Miami - no, Henne is locked in, Pennington resigned

    13 - San Francisco - no, Alex Smith is finally developing into solid QB

    14 - Seattle - no, Just traded for Charlie Whitehurst to be their starter after Hasselback

    15 - NY Giants - no, Have Eli and his 92 million contract

    16 - Tennessee - no, developing Vince Young

    17 - San Francisco, no RT and CB are their needs

    18 - Pittsburgh - no, Have Ben do we really need to say more

    19 - Atlanta - no, Matt Ryan in place


    Please tell me why he woudn't be available at 20.


    I assume the following draft order:


    Rams - Bradford - QB

    Lions - Okung - LT

    Bucs - McCoy - DT

    Redskins - Williams - LT

    Chiefs - Berry - S

    Seahawks - Suh - DT

    Browns - Morgan - DE

    Raiders - Baluga - OT


    That leaves Clausen and Spiller along with Dan Williams, Dez Bryant, Pierre-Paul, etc to entice Cincinnati or Houston to come up and for the Bills to trade down to 20 if they really do want Clausen


    Assume we make the trade for a swap of 1st's, a 2nd and if Houston a 4th and with Cincinnati a 3rd, possible because the Bengals got two high compensatory picks and would consider giving their 3rd rounder to us. Assume Cincy and here we go:


    21 - Bills - Jimmy Clausen - QB

    41 - Bills - Cam Thomas - NT

    54 - Bills - Roger Saffold - OT (Choice from Bengals)

    73 - Bills - John Jarry - OG

    85 - Bills - Eric Decker - WR (Choise from Bengals)


    Now your OL for 2010 would be:


    LT - Saffold

    LG - Levitre

    C - Wood

    RG - Jarry

    RT - Bell or Meridith


    Much better with developing players, Decker might make an excellent possession receiver and then we could focus on situational OLB's to generate heat on the opposing QB


    Not saying I don't agree with your draft projection (I don't follow the drafting process that closely), but it would be the worst possible turnout for us. Without either of the QBs, three OTs gone, and Morgan gone, there would be little interest in trading into that spot from other teams. That might mean we would take Spiller.


    Sounds like a pass rusher is going to be at the top of their draft list. Could it be that the defense is just a pass rusher and NT away from being top 15? I wouldn't be surprised.


    It's also refreshing to hear our new head coach, an offensive guy, talk like he knows whats going on on the other side of the ball. DJ always seemed like he knew absolutely nothing about offense and it showed on the field. It sure sounds like Gailey has a plan for that side of the ball as well. Hopefully he does and whatever they decide to run and how they run it will mesh well with the new offense.


    I think Bell is going to be the primary backup at both tackle spots this year if not a starter at some point. Gailey seems to be open to letting him fight it out and he seems to have done well in the practice setting so far in his career. I get the feeling that Gailey is confident in his ability to vary the play calling to the point that a marginal offensive line will get him by this year - especially with the promise in the middle. If he wants to play smash mouth football and has the two backs to do it, you'd think the tackles might not matter so much. Fans have been clamoring for more play action and that coupled with a good running game up the middle would sure decrease the need for top notch tackle play.

  19. So, Wilson actually files an informative article. We actually learned that Nix wont be bringing back Simmons and McKinney on the line. Johnston and Hardy will get a chance to prove themselves. Nix isn't really targeting WR help. We might still go get two OTs. Holy crap, actual useful info from a hometown reporter. Kudos Allen Wilson. Short, sweet, and informative, to some extent article.


    Well done for once. We now can let go of the Kendall Simmons pipe dreams. We also now know Davis, Edwards, and brown are also here for leadership.


    In the spirit of not letting the hometown writers off easy (from the article, second to last paragraph):


    "It was the latest in a string of incidents for Lynch, who was suspended the first four games last season for violating the league's personal conduct policy."


    Wasn't Lynch suspended for three games, not four?


    Come on Allen, you're better than that.

  20. Mark it down - it's happening. All those in denial be prepared. That quote looks to me like Gailey was telling the reporter they need another back, then realized "Uh, oh, they might realize we want Spiller" and then added "but, there's a bunch of those guys..."


    There are a bunch of water bugs, but there's only one Spiller in the draft, and he'll be a Bill after pick 9. <_<



    I wouldn't mind taking him at 9 (also wouldn't mind the smokescreen they want him in the event they are trying to trade the pick).


    I'd almost liken it to the Titans taking Chris Johnson. They looked like a flawed team that needed some other help besides RB when they took him. There's something to be said for the impact of a guy who can take it to the house on any play.

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