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Posts posted by RuffMuff

  1. Chris Kelsay is still employed on this team pulling in 6 million dollars a year. Their head coach, who has a ridiculous 7 out of 8 years losing record as a head coach, just got a freaking pay raise and a 3 years extension. Not only has he yet to have a winning record for us, he has yet to beat a good team.


    But they get pissed that their pro-bowl LT of the future wants the going rate for his services and so they deal him for basically what amounts to a high second round draft pick while creating a gaping whole for which they will patchwork a couple of rookies and scrub offensive lineman, knowing full well their starting QB has the fragility of a china doll.


    The Buffalo Bills...where every good to great player leaves, every over-rated "high-motor" player gets a new contract and every average free agent acquired from other teams get boat loads of money. Wash, rinse and repeat. We really do have morons running our team.

    Best post I read on this site -

  2. Everyone who is saying this is def entitled to their opinon....but I just want to throw this out there.......


    It is obvious that JP is motivated by nothing but money......so what happens when he actually GETS that money. If I was the Eagles this is what would concern me.


    True - he could punk out and not perform. But its different then a Mike Williams where he never performed at his pay. Peters had it. You think they could have made him the highest - but with incentives. Like Sacks allowed and games played....

  3. Like who? Who is good that every team has not signed up until now that we can splash money on. No one. This is the problem as I see it. We now have to use the 11 to hopefully replace what we just traded. So we basically got rid of someone that our wonderkid GM couldnt handle. Ohhh contract negotiations were going to drag out. Fine. Peters wont show up. Fine. He will have a sub par year. Fine. Good luck getting a big league contract after 3 years of pulling this sh-- Jason Peters. By then he would have been 29. 3 years of sh--.. At somepoint Peters would have had to break down and play ball. So we now have the 28th pick to address the needs that we could have addressed at 11. Brilliant. But thank God we saved Ralphy boys money. Saving Bills Cap money like it effects our personal credit score. YEAH!!! This is the problem every year. Willis is the wrong RB. So we trade him for a couple of 3rds and draft MArshawn. Yeah.. Great upgrade and we wasted a high pick trading out. Same bunch of scouts.. Same bunch of evaluators. Same bunch of sh-- we get sold every year. At somepoint you would think they would get it right. But no. Every year it is the same sh--. 2 steps backwards. 1 step forward. I cant wait to trade Parrish for a 5th watch Leodis get hurt and then wonder why did we trade Parrish for that 5th round pick again? Then we can trade Lee Evans next year for a couple of 4ths and waste a 1st on a WR.

    I agree - and now we go 11th with OL? On who, some unproven chump? Least JP proved it a few times the past few years. He certainly has been our best lineman over the last 3 years. Now we have no continuity on the line, seasons screwed. Shoulda just paid em... though I do think he was acking like a douche.

  4. Don't get me wrong, i love the pickup of TO.....But now time has gone by and it's settiled in, and I dont see how this team is much better than last year.


    With or without Peters, our offensive line is very suspect. They cut Dockery and they had no center on the roster, and all they've done is bring in this Hangartner guy..I'm not very confident in the whole line. If you are going to cut Dockery, then get someone in here BETTER than Dockery. If not don't make another hole on your roster that you cant fill, when you arent getting much salary cap relief by releasing him.


    Pre Crowell injury which was a few days before the season, a LB core last year of Crowell, Poz and Mitchell is better than Poz, Mitchell and ?Thomas? I feel LB is a glaring need of this team. Especially with the Def Line the Bills have. And they havent done anything at DE either. Who is getting to the QB on this roster?


    I'd also take Jabari Greer over Florence...And im not sure it's that close. Greer was their best cornerback last year.


    Royal wasn't great, but he was better than what they have now...By the way, what is with the Bills and TE's? Why can't they ever get a decent option at the position?


    Their 1st and 2nd round picks in the draft should help 2 of the areas of need. Unless they draft another Hardy or McCargo...


    Even at QB, i'm no fan of Losman at all, but i think i'd rather have him than Fitzpatrick...At least he'd be able to throw up air balls to TO and Evans all day if Trent got hurt...


    The question is....Is TO and basically nothing else, leaving all the holes they have left unfilled, a successful year in FA? or would they have been better off without 1 year of TO, and instead getting a LB and C in here, and adding a Galloway or Toomer at WR. I feel if they were serious about improving the team, especially after they lured TO in to a 1 year deal, they would have went and signed a Crowell and maybe a Birk and really took a run at it this year. As they stand now, i see TO as a 1 year distraction to the fans as the team settles for another .500 season


    hey good thread.... no time to go through the + pages of responses - heres mine. I agree completely but I dont think Losman ever even won one game so changing up is better. He was here how many years then he cant even win a game or two.. That sucks, I expected him to play better then he did. He had several game starts a head of times. Filling in during the game sucks, but I expect more there too. your right on DL and LB and CB, no doubt. We need help all those places this year - where is it? I say we go TE first round, A we have a chance to get the best player at his position and B - we need a TE and C- maybe we out score somebody! With all these O weapons. Ha! Do we play Cleveland? Oh wait, we cant bet those clowns either.. Ahhggghehehe

  5. While I don't like the pessimistic nature of the thread, Belichik basically has FIVE MONTHS to gameplan for this game.

    Yea maybe this works out good for us.... Who has ever game planed for the Bills with TO? Nobody... So a division foe sees us with not much prep.. Sounds good to me, too bad its Billichick that fag...

  6. If he returns from injury in good shape I would argue that Yoboughtyplays nickel. He looked very good before he was hurt last season. Reggie Corner appeard to have talent also.

    Yea I agree, we have bigger needs then corner (though you can never have enough) and you just can't protect against injuries. Yob was outstanding and I bet he will push McKelvin for the other starter especially when he is returning on ST too.

    We go a good list and maybe 2 and 3 swap or 4 and 5.

    1. McGee

    2. Yoboughty

    3. McKelvin

    4. Corner

    5. New Guy!


    But that money that we didnt sign Geer needs to go to someone and TO can't be our only FA p/u with any true value. We need Peppers too bad Cotrell aint here to run the 3-4.

  7. Owens: Hi, James this is T.O.


    Hardy: Hey, Terrell can't wait to play with you!


    Owens: Yeah, well since your wrecked your ACL and won't be playing much this year I was wondering if I could have your number?


    Hardy: My telephone number?


    Owens: No wonder you only had 2 TDs last year.


    Hardy: Huh?!


    Owens: Just give me your God Damn #!!!


    LOL - How lucky is Hardy right now - I ask for like $250k! for my damn #!

  8. Uhmmmm, no, exactly the opposite. For once there is some excitement on the side of fans. After the dagger through the heart of Jauron being extended this is like a peace offering from the bills franchise. We all know this could blow up in their face, but for a team that played (or rather *coached*) as scared as the bills did in the latter half of last season, this is good news.



    And the moment we are out, who cares...? I actually think we'll be in it the whole way through the season if trent plays as well as he's capable of playing.




    Wouldn't you rather them try some outside-the-box strategies rather than the same'ol same'ol nonsense they've been doin the last 10yrs?


    With Lee & TO on the outside and Reed in the slot - And then Marshawn or Jackson in the backfield, it really opens up our offense... I think it's going to be a good season. Then again, i'm always hopeful this time of year.


    Right on slyng1 - and if we got a TE in the draft... Maybe we outscore some teams! Ha! wait..Bills..Pinch me ----

  9. We need impact players on the front 7. June or Peterson would be ok, but not enough. Get somebody in round 1 of the draft. I don't even care if it's a run-stuffer, an edge-rusher, or a hybrid LB. Just find 1 nasty player on the front 7. Do this and now we instantly have an average defense.

    On offense, my first priority would be a Guard. You can moan about our TE situation (I've certainly have) but in reality it's not as imperative now with our WR weapons. Our offense is either going to be very good if Trent gets it, or very ordinary again if he doesn't. It's that simple.


    I am still sold on the TE - TO will be gone next year (or he'll cost an arm and a leg) and we will need to compensate for his loss. If this TE is as good as advertised (possible top 10 ten draft pick). We shoulda did a two year w/ TO..

  10. That's the worst thing about it. Ralph Wilson could sell to a local group with the stipulation that the team remain in Buffalo and could have enough money for generations of his off springs to have plenty of money to live a life of leisure and could meanwhile ensure his place in the hearts of all Buffalo sports fans. Instead he'll use our loyalty to squeeze every last dime out of us while he's alive and he'll pull off the ultimate screw job once he dies by ensuring that the franchise will be sold to the highest bidder and ensuring that that buyer will immediately move the franchise.

    Well said, dont know why nobody else see this. It's appalling. The sooner he croaks the better........Lets get it over with.

  11. All on coaching.. Shotgun on 3rd in short numerous times?? Throwing on 3rd in short even when in running scheme? Running the last few plays, instead of taking a shot? Even Jim Kelly will tell you to take the wind instead of the ball at the Ralph. Heard him preach this numerous times in the 80s. Anyone who has followed this team has heard this as well. Head and O Coaches totaly blew this game. Period. The D looked good but couldn't stop Brady when it mattered? C'mon, I am sick of our D making Pennington, Cassel and Quinn look like MVPs.

  12. This past week was actually the first time in years I left the game in the living room and started WORKING from my computer in the dining room with the game in the background. And the only thing I missed was that awesome onsides kick we, oh wait... We never recovered that, game over.


    I too knew we were cooked 1 Qtr. But hey we got Cleveland coming up on MNF! :wallbash:

  13. I was at every single home game against the fish from 1988 to 1996. The Bryan Cox era was the best. For one game, someone went out and bought a bunch of Dolphins trading cards, pulled out the Bryan Cox cards, and put them in the

    urinals of every men's room in the stadium. To this day, I would love to know who came up with that idea. This anonymous Bills Fan, a true hero for all of us to to see, will always have a special place in my heart as a shining example of how to elegantly express the hatred we all feel toward all things Miami.


    I brought a big sign that read "Miami sucks Cox" to that final game with Shula and Marino. We ran for like 330 yards! One of the best days of my life!

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