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Posts posted by Keukasmallies

  1. So for years Presidents have been sending their Sec of State to confer, negotiate, express concern, etc. for no reason....? What you describe is business as usual...and isn't that anethma to this admin?


    Given an administration that was elected on the promise of no more business as usual, Yes We Can, and Change, is it really too much to expect that the Sec of State hit the ground running and visit the #1 region of concern--the Middle East? I think not.

  2. So Hill'ry is making door calls throughout the Far East while others hit the hot spots?


    Is this the best use of those high levels of foreign policy skills she touted during the primaries, that experience bank gathered throughout her years in the field serving as First Lady, her military prowess honed dodging incoming shells with her daughter at her side at foreign airfields under seige?


    finknottle, do you seriously believe that some ambassador who "paid" for the position through political contributions is the fulcrum of our policies in China?

  3. Wow, Hill'ry is running a department! Maybe she will chair a committee, too, eh?


    I notice she heads to SE Asia where things are relatively calm while George Mitchell goes off to the Middle East. I wonder what the message is there, huh?


    Maybe she's running a reprise of her famous "listening tour" she scammed NYS with a number of years ago.

  4. If VP Joe Biden is making major foreign policy speeches to the world about relations with Russia, Iran, et. al., and describing the international relations policy aims of the Obama administration; where is the woman who was appointed Secretary of State?


    You remember, the woman that carpetbagged her way into NYS for a cameo appearance as Senator on her way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The one where, "a funny thing happened on her way to the White House."

  5. So the schools are responsible for sex education, scoliosis screening, obesity awareness, gender and race sensitivity training; oh yeah, reading and that stuff.... Kind of reminds me of the performer trying to keep a whole lot of plates spinning on top of sticks spread across the stage--run ragged and in the end most of the plates fall and shatter.


    Ya' gotta' love those schools...told to accomplish tomorrows objectives with yesterdays resources....

  6. I don't think there is a chance of Al Gore surfacing as a political figure in the near future. Rumor has it he is in competition to become the next Michelin Man. Has he been blown up with a bicycle pump, or what?


    Well, actually if he gains any more weight, there isn't any chance of him surfacing at all....

  7. Lori, don't be upset about Hill'ry not visiting your area; she is "our" Senator and she sure hasn't visited here lately. I wonder if she has had someone substituting for her the past two years while she totally ignores the responsibilities of her Senate seat from NYS.


    OOoops, I forgot about that NYC fundraising thing a week or two ago....

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