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Posts posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Probably. like most things, there is no real boots-on-the-ground response planned because, until now, there was no need for one. Kind of like when one leg of the Axis of Evil triad fires off an ICBM wanna-be missle, then reports that their resulting satelite is playing music in space, and we turn to the UN.


    I pray we don't go to the UN with this piracy deal!


    What I am sure of is that there will be hearings, investigations, white papers and much gnashing of elected teeth while the situation festers.

  2. Of course, one option is to work through the auspices of the UN. You must remember the UN, the group that we support with money, troops, real estate, but gives the members little or nothing in return. Yeah, I know, we, and the world, are the UN. Proving once again Pogo was right in saying, "We have met the enemy and they are us."

  3. Why, Oh why, do we NYer's continue to elect our current state legislators?


    Our state has the dubious honor of having the most dysfunctional government in the US. The 2009 - 2010 State Budget was developed in secret by three men, and many New Yorkers are outraged...but not enough to determine which legislators are incumbents prior to the next election, then vote for their challengers.


    One mo' time: If you always do what you always did; you'll always get what you always got.

  4. I'm thinking that one great way to fix the economy is to invest BILLIONS in Iraq, as currently proposed by the President. In the contrarian sense, if creating debt to erase debt in this country is a "good thing," imagine just how good it can be if we create even more debt by investing in other countries, especially countries with little or no clear future!


    Happy days are here again....

  5. Percentages are percentages whether for upper, middle, or lower income groups; the group that fries my @$$ is made up of those people, companies, etc., who evade their "percentage" by offshoring, under reporting, or simply failing to report their income. They live in the good ol' USA in order to enjoy the amenities, but don't feel the need to pay their share.


    Assuming that Switzerland, Austria and other nations do respond positively to US requests for foreign national account info, I'll be interested in the specific actions the IRS et al take against these evaders.

  6. 500 B here, 500 B there...pretty soon we'll be talking about real money.


    Ironically, it appears we haven't been talking about real money for some time. Stimulus, bailout, TARP are interesting names given to the cure d' jour as far as I can discern.


    I'm getting a sense that the many current economic recovery plans equate to the old vaudeville act where a guy raced around the stage trying to keep a number of plates spinning on slender reeds without letting any of them fall...all the time adding more plates and reeds to the act.... Today, the audience is made up of those cheering him on to add even more plates and reeds (Democrats) and those hoping to see the plates come crashing down (the other party).

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