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Posts posted by Keukasmallies

  1. Very familiar w/ the concept...also familiar with the concept of legislative control by the majority party; see definitions of leader, whip, chair and speaker in the context of the US Congress.


    Formally put - If'n there ain't no interest by the majority, it don't see the light of day!


    (Thanks for confirming the tendency of many of this board's posters to always ridicule the individual who holds an opinion that differs from yours.)

  2. Isn't it great that our representatives are looking into a revision of the annual determination of the #1 football team?


    Doesn't that kind of change renew your faith in the focus and function of our government?


    Will Pete Carrol and Nick Saban get to testify, will they bring their playbooks?


    Is Harry Reid an offensive coordinator?


    Does Nancy Pelosi look like a punt... er' punter to you?


    Will teams from Republican states always be the visiting team?



  3. Here is a great opportunity to slide Hill'ry into a politically safe (for Obama) position. No fear of her philosophy greatly impacting court decisions because she is the poster girl for situational ethics, policies, and general poll-defined responses. She could be the first Justice that based her decisions on a listening tour....yeah, I know, it didn't work here in NYS either.

  4. Damn George and Laura Bush! I thought they were cutting brush and all the time they were incubating flu virus. Those thoughtless bastards! Thank God President Obama and Ms Pelosi came to our rescue.


    Oh wait, Nancy hasn't heard about swine flu, was never briefed on it, and refuses to believe that it exists....

  5. I'm not able to opine on others, but my simplistic approach to war says that if we are forced to operate on the "other guys" battlefield, we had better be ready to adopt/adapt to the enemies tactics. Interrogation, enhanced interrogation, torture...what do these words mean to our enemies (given that we don't even know what they mean to us)? Where does one draw the line between the preceeding three concepts? Shouldn't we have efficient and effective tactics in our arsenal when confronting the enemy?

  6. "Specifically" CNN is liberal. See reporting of the recent TEA parties. See coverage (except there wasn't any....) of the "work product" of waterboarding. See every segment reporting on the need for tax $'s to fund social programs while ignoring that a majority of taxpayers want more say in how their $ is disbursed.


    That should give you some idea of why some of us consider CNN liberal on some issues. I never think of any person, news agency, etc. as totally liberal or totally conservative; I just see right or left-leaning responses to specific matters.

  7. Secretary of State Hill'ry proposes to resolve the Somalian pirate situation by rebuilding Somalia. Maybe she will apply a combination of mea culpa diplomacy, the keen insight that "works" in the Palestinian imbroglio and the uber effective approach honed to a keen edge in North Korea and Iran. Maybe she'll move directly to the pinnacle and refer the matter to the UN.

  8. If it's true, and Caroline Kennedy was rejected for Ambassador to the Vatican; maybe she can go back to using her married name--Caroline Kennedy Schlosberg--and take a shot at the Israel post. After all, neither lack of experience, nor flawed skill set stood in her way as she blindly groped for the Senate seat vacated by what's-her-name.

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