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Posts posted by AlbanyBill

  1. I want Lee Evans to retire as a Bill, with multiple Superbowl rings!

    :pirate: I agree 100%! It will be a great day for the Bills once he is resigned. Also, you gotta love his attitude through this whole thing- kinda 'I'm going to go out and do my best on the football field, I'm not too worried about the talks, it'll get done sort of thing'. And he's playing great!

  2. Do you guys really think you beat TWO playoff teams this year? Jax, maybe. Seattle? Even if they do, by some miracle, they're still a joke. We are going to run aaaalllllllll over you.


    McFadden-175 yds 2TDs

    Bush-65 yds 1TD

    Last week:

    Fred Taylor 14 attempts, 49 yds

    Maurice Jones-Drew 7 attempts for 17 yds.


    But you're probably right- the Oakland run game is WAY better than Jax. :pirate:

  3. You're lucky Fargas isn't playing or the score would be much, much more lopsided in the Raiders' favor.

    Yeah Fargas is basically the best running back ever. LOL! When will Oakland let go and let the Raiders move back to LA? Maybe after a 1-15 season this year? :unsure:

  4. It levels the playing field in the event of injuries. Now, each team gets up to six injured players on the roster without playing short-handed; if every player was active, then the team with fewer injuries would have a significant advantage - even more than they do already.

    Pow! indeed

  5. Thats what Tasker was saying but I don't get the logic.....if I'm a kicker I'm kicking it to the guy who's taking a nap on the field not the all-pro who's in position to return the kick. Just my two cents though.


    Yeah. Either way it was weird. I'm loving our return game though- McGee, Roscoe, McKelvin and Freddie!! Not to shabby IMO

  6. http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2008/09/13/fred-sm...ins-absolutely/

    didn't see it posted yet. pretty good read

    "The Jets are frauds," Smerlas said from his office in Marlboro, Mass. "They barely beat Miami, a team that absolutely sucks. I've watched tape of [the Dolphins], and they're in trouble. The Jets had a hard time with them.


    "Brett Favre is going off the cuff in the huddle. Favre, that pass he threw [a 22-yard desperation lob to Chansi Stuckey] was a punt. It turned into a touchdown, and they win by six points."

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