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Posts posted by AlbanyBill

  1. We need this guy and the Bills are being stubborn. Pick up the phone!

    Yeah, we do need him but he needs us also. There's no way he'll sit out a whole year. The fact is he has 3 years left on his current contract. The Bills should not just "pick up the phone" and reach out to him to make a deal- Peters needs to fire his agent, reach out to the organization, say he's sorry and that he wants to play and get his ass to Orchard Park. He would be doing himself a disservice by sitting out any longer. He'll get a better contract but not this way...

  2. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...ex.html?eref=T1


    "9. Buffalo: J.P. Losman -- The ex-Bills starter isn't thrilled with his task of serving as Trent Edwards' understudy this year, but with the free agency market awaiting next offseason, he has to make the best of it and hope he can resurrect his starting career elsewhere in 2009. Losman did some of his better work last year coming off the bench in relief of Edwards."

  3. Last year at Bills/Fins game a couple of douchebag dolphin fans (who I'm pretty sure were also canadian- go figure huh?) start in about the whole 'Toronto Bills' thing after about an hour of this and a whole bunch of awful things said to them in return, including threats of terrible violence, they got beat up pretty bad. one of the kids got thrown down and landed on top of me and he got pummeled for a good 5 minutes, until security broke it up. Which seemed like forever. I didn't partake in the beating, but I did want to pour my beer on one of their stupid faces (but it was the fourth quarter and I only had the one beer left and I figured it would have been terrible to waste it on them). Good times at the Ralph!

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