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Posts posted by Homer

  1. Buffalo Rumblings did a poll on if the Bills can win one more game this season, that is a f@!cking joke!!! To think we used to be such a proud organization, the cream-of-the-crop in the AFC during the late 80's and early 90's. Even Santonio Holmes ripped on the Bills Sunday on the CBS pre-game show when commenting on Stevie Johnson's TD celebration saying "He's playing for the Buffalo Bills..."


    19 winning seasons out of 52

    12 years without the playoffs


    Another year of watching other teams fight for a playoff spot, teams playing in the playoffs and 2 teams (other than the Bills) playing in the Superbowl. God I miss the early 90's.


    Ive been a fan for 50 years...i you want to quit go ahead...many have before you

  2. It's gonna take some time before a majority of posters admit that Spiller was a mistake. It was the same with Losman and Whitner.


    At the time of the draft Spiller was BPA. I like the way he has started to run, I think he hsa followed Freds lead and sort of flows down hill and has put up good numbers when given the chance. He'll be a good player in this league long after Fred has retired. He's a couple of shoe string tackles away from big yardage.

  3. I was impressed with Hairston. He wasn't going against the usual elite talent that LT's are usually up against every week with Cole out, but he sure seemed to be holding his own out there. What a tough thing to ask of the young dude. I heard the Giants have some defensive line injuries too, hopefully that will help next week as well.


    Isnt Jason Babin the NFL sack leader? Im pretty sure he went against Hairston alot today

  4. I am new to the site and have fumed over some of the preseason posts, I am an eternal optomist so keep that in mind. Also thank you to my always parking in the Hammer lot for my one game a year I was able to get my access started, thank you TDB tailgate!

    Anyway does this team remind anyone else of the 87 Bills? A fairly young gunslinger type quarterback, Dareus as a possible Bruce, Merriman as Talley, Johnson as Reed? I just see several parallels if the players pan out as I see them so far it seems that this team could build into something special, we are not quite there yet but I get the same vibe from this team as I did in the 87 time frame. This most likely is not the year as it seems we may be missing a few pieces, but it seems close and for the first time since Bledsoe came to town I am even more optomistic than ususal. What do you guys think?


    Johnson would have to be Lofton, David Nelson would have to be Reed ;)

  5. Thank you David Nelson all your help is greatly appreciated here in Joplin MO.


    Just to give you an example: It took ten men all day to clear the debre from my yard and im two blocks south o the major destruction and was just hit a glancing blow that I thought was tearing my house to shreds.

    I was just looking at those pics and they seem to be really close to my house, its hard to tell since it all looks the same.

    By the way Im Spillerscores on the other Bills forum I originally wrote about the destruction here.

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