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Posts posted by Homer

  1. Out of the 2010 draft we still have 5 players on the team...Moats is starting, Spiller is 1b RB, Carrington rotation, Easley is on the PS and Troup would be in the DT rotation if not on IR. Yes we lost a 5th, 6th and 2...7th rounders.


    2011...8 players still onthe team with 4 starters including Hairston until Pears gets back and the rest valuable backup.

    2012...We cut some player we would have kept in any other year because our talent is better.

    All in all I can find little fault in Nix's drafts

  2. I have been hearing (reading) alot of whining about cuts and who we should have kept and even who we should bring back in. It got me thinking about if this team is significantly better than last year. So lets go down the list.


    FO= +0…the same...no changes that I remember (but I am getting old)

    Coaching staff= same as above with the exception of bumping DW from LB coach to DC. Plus addition of quality QB coach, I really like this move and I feel like we've gotten better so I'll give it a +1.


    QB=the same, same guys with the exception of TJ who no one has seen enough of in a Bills uni. I think this is even +0 although additions to the coaching staff may result in better play.


    RB = +1 better. I believe that the RB position got better in 2 ways. Spiller grew up or improved his running and is staying behind his blockers better. He is also a better blocker which allows for more run differentiation.


    Fred X is still the man and Choice is probably a decent 3rd back. I’m going to add Dickerson to this list because I saw him listed as FB. I think he is a good pick up and can catch the ball out of the backfield or off the LOS. All in all +1.


    WR= +0 (even). I struggled with this one, although I don’t think keeping 4 wr’s plus Smith is an issue due to the fact that we have Chandler, Fred X, Spiller and maybe Dickerson who also offer targets. Im looking forward to TJ Graham coming along but at this point we haven’t seen enough of him. This group may be addition by subtraction…I was never that fond of Ruvell Martin.


    Oline= +1. I say this because I feel Cordy Glen is an upgrade over Bell and the overall depth is better, especially with blocking scheme. I feel Cordy has been thrown in the fire and has done relatively well against top DE’s Orackpo in Washington and Jared Allen of Vikes. Much of this depends on Eric Pears and whether Hairston needs to take his place for injury issues.


    Dline +2. I think we’ve made our biggest improvement on the team in this area in a number of ways. First I think switching from a 3-4 to a 4-3 suited our players better allowing us to put both Dareus and K. Williams on the line at the same time and have suitable depth in Johnson and Carrington although many would have wished to keep Heard or Gilbert instead of Carrington. I think in this case they FO kept Carrington for several reasons…1, he was a Bills third round pick and the FO wants this to work out…2, he has played everywhere except DB and may have become a very versatile player adding to depth. Our pass rush is so much better that the differing teams will have to “pick their poison” in who to double team. We’ve gotten a glimpse of this in pre season with Dareus, Williams and Williams all getting sacks without the help of Anderson who has been off the field since the first game.


    LB= +0. Hopefully some of the young guys will come on and/or the Dline will make the LB,s look better but I don’t see a huge amount of increase nor do I see any fall off from last season.


    DB’s= +1. I think Florence was cut for a reason more than just salary and will not be back…apparently Denver felt the same. I think that when McGee is healthy he is the best corner on the team and always plays his heart out either in pass or run support. I think Gilmore is an important addition and will go a long way to making this team better but may have general rookie mistakes along the way. I feel McKelvin has finally found his spot and has become very valuable on ST. Byrd and Wilson should have a good year but I’m kind of worried about fall off from Wilson who is getting older and I’m starting to wonder about Searcy’s ability to come on not to mention we kept Howell who I understand had a good preseason but still have to think (who?) when ever his name is mentioned. I kind of worry about AJ Williams and feel he may be the weak link which may not matter as much if McGee is healthy. All in all I feel as though the DB’s have gotten better.


    ST= +1. I think Potter adds a lot and will challenge Lindel next season for more than just kick offs. This part of the team seems to be in mid season form and is really looking good in all areas.


    Overall I see no negatives, although there are some areas we may not have improved on this year, this was an exciting off season and maybe you can’t do it all. I feel the overall talent on this team is much better and we have finally gotten to the point where when we make cuts other teams may pick them up. Take this with a grain of salt as it is all seen through a Homers eyes.

  3. FO has made some bold moves this year, but it will all be for naught since the powers that be somehow decided to put all their offensive eggs in the Ryan Fitzpatrick basket. He simply is not starting QB caliber. Period, end of story. This could be a breakout year if they had a mid-level NFL QB at the helm, but instead they have stuck with a Harvard QB who is at best a mediocre backup. What a shame.


    Oh...who do you think waas QB for those 6 wins we had??? The same guy we had for the 10 loses...nvm

  4. For those that dont know, a concussion is a brain bruise,the brain is approximately the consistancy of a stiff custard pudding, think of the brain as a peanut in a shell, when you rattle it you get a bruise on one side but you also get a bruise on the opposite side causing twice the damage as most people think. Continuous concussions cause tearing and stretching of the neurons making thought (electrical and chemical)transmition difficult.

  5. I'm not saying this for sympathy (ok,maybe a little would be nice. Lol!) but because here I am, fresh from a mild heart attack, laying in a hospital bed with a ton of time (hopefully!) on my hands and guess what I'm mostly thinking about? These stinking Buffalo Bills and their upcoming season! And here's the kicker. I know that most of you maniacs out there would be doing the exact same thing! I have come to the conclusion that we are a bunch of sick bastards (literally) to be a Bills' fan. Here's a franchise that hasn't accomplished **** in well over a decade and here I am eternally optimistic about the upcoming season.......again, like the past several years! Lol! I hope this post comes off right and that it's not misinterpreted. I really love this team/franchise for just about the past 4 decades and I can hardly contain my excitement for the upcoming season, I'm hoping and expecting a BIG year for our beloved Bills!


    Anyways, here's the silver lining to my ****ty situation. I haven't been able to get into or follow the path of the Bills for about a year now like I have in the past due to what's been going on in my life, which in turn has probably contributed heavily to my current situation but now I can lie here and do ALL the reading and research that a die hard Bills' fan would love to do. So I guess that this is a fair warning to everyone to brace themselves for all my wild predictions, prognostications and speculations on the upcoming draft! Lol! I'd like to ask for a mulligan and not have everyone blast me because it will be coming from my best intentions, passion and love for this crazy !@#$ing franchise that I got trapped with almost 40 years ago.


    One last thing.


    Go Bills!


    A heart attack before the draft...that sucks. get well soon and dont read too much on the forums...lol

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