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Búfalo Blanco

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Posts posted by Búfalo Blanco

  1. 11 hours ago, john wawrow said:


    Bills were interested in Fitz. He was firm on staying in Tampa



    Like I said in an earlier post.. and John confirmed it here (at least as far as Fitz is concerned), he seemed to have no interest in returning to Buffalo. Unfortunately and unfairly for us, many players don’t want to sign here for various reasons. That is why it is crucial for Buffalo to build through the draft. Just because a player signs for 3 or 4 million with a different team does not mean the Bills could have easily had him cheap. It’s just not as simple as some on here like to think it is, particularly for a small market team like the Bills. I feel as though this regime did not have much choice outside of drafting Allen last spring and Peterman in 2017. Hell, even McCarron wasn’t too keen on being here, according to T Master (per Murphy and Tasker). 

  2. 27 minutes ago, Reed83HOF said:



    1- year $3.3 million with the Bucs signed on March 10 2018

    Really? You think Fitz would want to come back to Buffalo after how he was treated here? What makes you think he’d have signed? And the contract would have been higher if he’d been brought back as the starter. 

  3. Wawrow brings up great points concerning the choices this offseason... Keenum, $36 million, $25 million guaranteed over 2 years. He’s really tearing it up for that, isn’t he..? I’d have been fine keeping Tyrod one more year.. But at what? 16-18 million, most if not totally guaranteed..? He also brought a 3rd which then helped the move up to get Allen, correct? Bridgewater was not allowing physicals after his major injury? Kaepernick? I mean, besides the baggage he opted out of his contract in SF and turned down Denver? And who the hell says he’d have chosen Buffalo after those two gigs? Who else...? Matt Moore? Trade for Eli..? It takes 2 to tango and who knows what the trade price would be with other front offices for various QBs. The armchair GMs think they’ve got this stuff figured out easily... Despite their massive egos, they don’t.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Nelius said:


    It's not exactly fun to watch and spend money on a horrible team while hoping that they may be good in 2, 3, 8 years. There are bright spots and I agree that Edmunds is one of them, but people have every right to complain.

    Hey, complain away... I’m no hall monitor. People will complain, and in Bills Land they love to. At the same time, I can make fun of the simpleton cynics if I so choose. This is no longer Wilson’s team. Pegula has had the franchise for only 4 years. Give it time. Yeah, he had a rookie mistake in hiring Rex. He’s made up for that, I believe. If Beane/McDermott are still failing in Year 4, then by all means call for their heads. I’ll likely be there too. But, this is a long term project with a small market team with a whole lot of bad luck. They need time... unfortunately, today’s fanbase has NO patience for long term process. Call it instant gratification addiction (people get what they want, when they want these days at home). Doesn’t work that way with fandom. Takes time to build a real team. The armchair GMs who are calling for heads after 24 games have NO clue about long term strategy. Let them work on the offense now, with several draft picks, salary cap space finally and a young defense that looks pretty solid (with a few more tweaks). If Allen is not progressing by late 2019-early 2020, and there are still MAJOR issues, then by all means, look at another GM/HC solution. But this knee jerk, short attention span, black and white millennial type impatient rage is folly. Learn some patience.. or wash, rinse, repeat every 2-3 years. 


    Having said that, I believe Edmunds will be a great player... We’ll see on Allen/the offense. Give it some time, for F’s sake... the b**chiness is getting irritating. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, K-GunJimKelly12 said:

    Your post is *****.  Carucci is respected nation wide in football circles and Begnini does a good job in my opinion.  The team is 2-5, gets blown out 50% of the time and the McDermott/Peterman saga has been national embarrassment on more than one occasion over two seasons.  Continuity is one thing, continuity of suck and embarrassment is another.  They have bungled not only the QB position but the entire offense.  The offense is bad enough that unless Allen is great next season, it is probably going to be pretty bad next year as well. 


    Yellow journalism, lmao.  If the Bills and McDermott don't want to be criticized and questioned, put a better product on the field.  Not only is the offense the worst in the league, it is worse than any we had during the entire 17 year drought.  McDermott is lucky he is in a small market like Buffalo where most of the media will cower to his browbeating.  If he were in NYC, Boston, etc., he would have already been torn a new *****.

    You're precisely the type of knee jerk, short attention spanned, "What have you done for me this second" supposed fan I'm talking about. I've been reading Carucci's stuff for nearly 30 years. I even met him and listened to him in a stadium booth once. I used to call his show back in the 90s. He has changed since he's come back to the Buffalo News. He uses the sensationalist tactics (look up Yellow Journalism) I have explained like so many do these days... to sell papers, get ratings, etc. It works on a lot of American suckers. Based on your overreaction, you likely have no clue what I'm even talking about. Can't wrap your head around these concepts, like most Americans these days. Probably an Amazon Prime member too, eh? Gotta have your stuff NOW! Read a book sometime or sit with just your thoughts. Might actually sharpen things a bit and teach you some patience.


    Firing McDermott would solve nothing as of now.... just make things worse. He's been the HC for what? 24 games? You think coming in with a completely new regime, an owner who has had the team for 4 years, and rebuilding Rex Ryan's crap show along with Whaley's ridiculous contracts can be done in a year and a half? Again, you're right there at the top of the instant gratification crowd I'm talking about. Someone had to bite the bullet and completely rebuild this team, stick their neck out and take a chance on a possible franchise QB and "change the culture" on this perennial loser.  Name me a regime under Ralph Wilson who took these risks... They were too worried about holding onto their jobs as long as possible and Wilson sure wasn't going to pay that management or coaching. Everyone else in the NFL was strongly hinting at it for years. Top coaches/GMs wouldn't come here. We now have only the 2nd owner in this franchise's history. He is the 7th richest NFL owner as of now and willing to spend whatever necessary to produce a winner, and after 4 years as owner, fans like you and some of the others on here and elsewhere want him to clean house AGAIN and start over. Here's an idea Sparky... how about you consider the concept that a successful NFL franchise isn't built in a day. Defense has made strides... the offense is next, once they have some cap space and draft picks to address it. Bottom out and build back up. 

  6. It's called yellow journalism. Sensationalism is all the rage these days, as news media is looking to turn any profit through ratings, clicks, subscriptions, whatever. Gotta use shock value and manufacture controversy... push people's buttons. Couple that with the era of instant gratification and a cynical fanbase and VIOLA! A revolving door that never stops because no one can stand to wait long enough for any sort of continuity. 

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