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Tim Anderson's Lunch Pail

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Posts posted by Tim Anderson's Lunch Pail

  1. I love Freddie. Love his work ethic, love his story, love his skill. But Spiller is the better back. If we gave him the ball the whole game he would have had over 200 yards.


    Fred's injury will force the ball into Spillers hands and that will give us a better chance of winning. Fred was running into the piling over and over. Spiller bounced it outside, inside and everywhere for 20 yard pops at a time.


    Dude, Spiller looked great today, but you clearly forgot what a stud Jackson was last year.

  2. Here's the math -


    The Bills have visits scheduled with 30 draft-eligible players, plus local prospects; the Bills have 10 draft picks...


    Every year, roughly 3 or 4 (tops) of the draft-eligible players that visit OBD are drafted by the Bills.


    Yup... It is just the Bills exhibiting due diligence, nothing more. If he falls (which is not unheard of on draft day), the will be prepared. They are definitely not trading up.

  3. Was he wearing full pads, being covered by a cornerback and had to make a catch at the end of the dash? If not, I could give a sh-- about his 40 time.


    If there was no place for 40s, teams would not fly across the country to see guys run them.


    40s are just part of the evaluation, like everything else.

  4. That's my reaction as well, but then I looked at this and realized that the only pick that looked unlikely to me was the Rams taking Reiff. Then I got to thinking that Blackmon isn't a tall receiver, which conceivably could cause him to slip a bit. I still don't think it's at all likely, but I would literally jump out of my chair.


    Blackmon is a hair under 6'1", I wouldn't exactly call that small though.


    Even if some how, some way he falls past St. Louis at #6, I don't see how he would last to us at #10. The top receivers in Miami are Brian Hartline and Davone Bess for crying out loud. Jacksonville and Carolina could also use a WR of his caliber (although it isn't necessarily their most glaring weakness).


    I'd say it is more likely Blackmon fallsl to us than Kalil, but it still seems EXTREMELY unlikely.

  5. Yes.


    Prospect C is West Virginia DE/OLB Bruce Irvin. He's generally projected as a 2nd or 3rd rounder. I consider him to be an elite player. I could be wrong.


    Prospect D is Von Miller, last year's 2nd overall pick from Texas A&M.


    Irvin was intriguing to me, but his suspect maturity was confirmed (for me, at least) with his recent arrest. I think he's a better fit as a 3-4 OLB, anyway.

  6. I would also prefer Martin to Reiff, but I'm holding out hope that we can still re-sign Demetrius Bell for something like 2 yr $10M and let him battle it out with Chris Hairston. Just seems like having that flexibility would truly allow us go BPA.

  7. Merriman has been an unmitigated disaster but now some view him as a positive because some other good players are accepting millions to be here.


    This is the opposite of sound reasoning.


    Um, wow. Those are strong words. An unmitigated disaster? I would feel more comfortable calling Aaron Maybin an unmitigated disaster. He cost us the 11th overall pick in the draft, and he got us zero sacks.


    Shawne Merriman was free, and decided to extend his contract, and he has had trouble staying healthy. I think it would be much more to call Merriman a low-risk gamble that hasn't paid off on the field, but his impact off the field is debatable.

  8. It is easy to get swept up in all the great stuff going on today, but think about his:


    In Buddy Nix's first year as GM, he decided to put a waiver claim in for a chronically injured Pro Bowler, who may or may not have wanted to come to Buffalo. He re-signs him and people suggest he may have overpaid for a guy who won't play.


    But who was instrumental in bringing Nick Barnett to Buffalo? Who was a big advocate for Mario Williams to sign here?


    We may never get to enjoy all of Merriman's talents on the field, but when Nix claimed him, he may have set the coordinates for the Bills for years to come, whether he knew it or not.

  9. Call me crazy, but isn't it entirely possible that based on the amount of time he's spent here, the contract is simply be hammered out? With all of the other possible landing spots handing out other deals, you would think his agent would have a clearer plan in place with other teams in the event that he HAD to see other places.


    I'm thinking that might not be the case, and they don't have any intention of looking at other teams.

  10. #2- the agent reached a verbal agreement with team late last night and will tell stevie all the details this morning.


    This just doesn't make sense. Stevie has worked his whole life for this contract. Would his agent just say, "Boy, it's after the 9 pm cutoff on a school night. No more phone calls,"? If so, his agent is terrible.

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