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Posts posted by Keukasmallie

  1. You need to understand that we don't have a government to actually govern; we have one to keep the media in stories and provide the rest of us with grins.


    If we actually wanted to be governed, we would turn the current office holders out and elect caring people....

  2. Wow, am I from another age or what....


    I still believe the best way to get your message across is to focus every comment and speech on your own experiences, task maturity, successes and plans for things to come; and virtually ignore the other guy. Why, because I would want voters to know what I will deliver when I'm elected. Bashing my opponent may be de rigeur in most circles, but it "don't feed the bulldog" when it's time to put up or shut up.


    Oh that's right, that's why I don't understand politicians....

  3. I don't "need" her to do much of anything...except maybe go away....


    However, in terms of her relationship with Billy-guy, I believe she should have taken a very specific public stance on her relationship with him, not just let time and the flow of events lead the public to assume whatever is politically in vogue at the moment. (I don't care if she's with him, or not; although being with him might save some other woman from having to suffer him on a long-term basis.)


    It appears to me that her response to his infidelity was managed by her people, calculated by the mood of the times, and massaged to be vanilla as needed at the moment. Not the way I would like to have elected officials respond to a "crisis." I believe that response to personal crises telegraph potential responses to public, official crises.


    I also think that by virtue of his having been President, she owes the nation even more explanation of his "role" in her political life. When one enters public life, I believe that person has higher standards to fulfill. As HST said, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

  4. Agreed...the comments on her clothing are simply off the mark.


    In fact, she's a fat-thighed, bug-eyed, self-aggrandizing B word who continues to bilk the residents of NYS by masquerading as a US Senator. She styles herself as ready to make nation-changing decisions, but she can't even resolve her personal situation vis a vis Billy-guy? What a phoney!


    Yeah, that's what she is....

  5. So, Hill'ry initially refuses to recognize the reality of Obama's reaching the magic number; spends several days making self-aggrandizing statements that ignore the reality of the situation; expects her opponent to bail her out to the tune of $30,000,000; makes a luke warm speech after having her arm twisted by the DNC and others; generally expects party faithful to "kowtow" to her whims....


    Again, whatta' gig!


    Or...whatta pig....

  6. Fuzzy math, super delegates, primary vs caucus...whatever; just please, I'm beggin' here, make the Clintons go away for good!


    Billy-guy can get down to some serious Cougar doodlin' and MILF munchin' and Hill'ry can finally find time to bake those cookies and scheme a way to do Billy in for sinking her ambitions.

  7. PJ, here are some facts for you: Hill'ry promised upsatate NY 200,000 jobs when she originally ran for the US Senate from NYS. She produced nothing. When questioned recently, she said at the time she made the campaign promise she assumed that Al Gore would be President. Just prior to the NC primary she promised North Carolinians 200,000 jobs if she was elected....


    Second fact: Although Hill'ry is, through no fault of mine, the junior Senator from NYS, she hasn't spent "spit's worth" of time on the affairs of NYS for the past two years. If she can't do today's job, who really thinks she can do tomorrow's?


    If she can't even read the political realities of this primary campaign season, why should I believe she will be able to read the nuances of world affairs as President?

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