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Posts posted by Keukasmallie

  1. Or, here's another plan: Let's appoint a female Secretary of State to represent the US in discussions with Iran. That would confirm that we have no &%$#ing clue about the values and mores of their culture. Gee, don't they simply revere women in Iran...or do you think they'll give us a mulligan if Hill'ry doesn't work out quite right the first time?

  2. The party in power controls bipartisanship since they have the votes to pass legislation without the other folks involvement. If the party in power decides it wants the other party to support some of the legislation under consideration, it need only include some things the minority party wants in the legislation to get additional votes.


    On the other hand, it is much easier to whine about lack of bipartisan support than to actually build it.....

  3. We've heard for years, from Nancy Pelosi, et. al., that once the Dem's were in control of the Legislative and the Executive branches of government, things would change for the better.


    They are, it hasn't...why not?


    What's the objective--fix things, or bipartisanship?


    Let's go Nancy, drive those spurs in, pass those bills, give away that $! Harry, whup them Sen's into shape and pass stuff along to the President!


    Oh, maybe not ALL Dem's see things the same way?


    What's more important, developing, passing and implementing efficient and effective legislation, or quietly building political ties to maintain control of power?


    I'm sorry, I withdraw that last question....

  4. I keep thinking there are just two options: Devise a circuitous route of money through the tax structure; reallocation to agencies, states, other entities; reliance on that middle man using the money in such a way as to impact the economy...OR just cut taxes, let us keep the same amount of money and accomplish many of the same things.


    Wait, the latter means there is no role for the pork-developing politicians!

  5. Since Caroline Kennedy is out of the running for Senator from NYS, the field is open. If you know of someone who wants to live in Washington, DC, please ask them to submit their name to NYS Governor Patterson. As we've seen, one need not have any experience, nor even be a NYS resident...although you might have to rent an apartment in a hurry to establish faux residence if they make the short list.


    Ya'll come, now y'ere?

  6. Why is there any reason to believe that Ralph will move into a state of anxiety at some point in the future...no matter what happens with the team? The league plus TV guarantee him operating money, he appears not to even feel the reactions of the fans and others in WNY, etc., he is on the down side of involvement with his businesses in general...so why should we think there is a "line in the sand" to which he will respond when (not if, but when) things go south again.

  7. just make you gag? How does that phony B word come up with these one-liners? She'll always be a New Yorker...give me a *&%^ing break.


    She'll screw up by exceeding her authority and BO will rue the day he made a pact with the devil and appointed her SofS.

  8. BO is instituting a Clinton redux, with an even greater role for the bug-eyed, fat-thighed shrew that he beat in the primaries. BO will rue the day he made his deal with the devil and brought her into his administration. She'll turn on him like the viper she is....

  9. Ah, I see. My heart swells now that I understand that there is a parsing of terms/ideas/approaches that needs be applied to reveal the inner focus and true heart of Ralph Wilson.


    So, reservations for the playoff suite....?


    As that great 20th Century philosopher, Aretha Franklin, said, "Who's zoomin' who?

  10. Just what evidence is there that Ralph actually wants/is willing to build a winning team? The "General Manager" is a numbers cruncher, not a football person. The head coach is a poster boy for mediocracy. The owner appears to believe that yesterdays approaches will eventually lead to tomorrows winning seasons (while I believe that if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got).


    What evidence do you see that convinces you that the Buffalo Bills are on the right track toward a playoff game in the next three to five years?

  11. I sympathize with James Hardy since I plan to be out for most of next year, too. Why ever would one spend time, money, and emotion on a team that promises no return whatsoever?


    Would you buy a [fill in the blank] from a company with the failure record of the Bills? A company that tells its potential customers there will be no administrative/managerial changes? A company whose revenue stream has little or no connection to the personal consumers of the product?


    Me either!

  12. How many things do you spend money on that fail with the regularity of the Bills? The only thing that come to mind as being remotely close are public schools...and we have no choice there!


    Given the economy, and the number of things competing for our shrinking spending power, why should we continue to finance an organization that clearly has no intention of improving the product it offers for sale?

  13. My list of minimum quals for a decision-making officer at the state/national level include some experience at decision-making on lower levels of gov't to insure a modicum of understanding the breadth of the issues, procedures, individuals involved in decisions that impact local life; the development of networks of information, residents, local decision makers and others who will provide input to the Senator and be impacted by the Senator's decisions. Have in place feedback networks for quick exchange of correct information. Have a track record of honesty, consistent adherance to a value system (mine or others--consistency is the key) and willingness to spend whatever time it takes to get results. Also, a willingness to buck political parties, fellow Senators, whomever, when her values warrant.


    In other words, there is no living politician that qualifies!

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