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Posts posted by Keukasmallie

  1. Jimmy Kimmel pleads with POTUS to do something about guns.




    Why doesn't the Jimster appeal to his posse in the House and Senate to make a move toward compromise on some of the many measures aimed (no pun intended) at doing just that, eh?


    Oh, that's right, I forgot, it's much more de rigeur, and easier, to blast POTUS (see "moving monologue") than work to actually achieve something.

  2. 1 hour ago, KD in CA said:


    Actually I didn't say anything close that.   I said I don't miss the idiots in CT who, along with the idiots in RI, have been in a race to be as liberal of MA for decades and it's now costing them economically.  Ideally yes, we'd have fewer liberal loonies in CA and lower tolerance for bums pissing on Market Street, but the fact remains the Bay Area has a ridiculously booming economy that the Northeast doesn't, and if you want exposure a large variety of tech jobs and live somewhere with excellent schools for your kids, then the best place is still near large coastal cities.


    Plus the weather and natural beauty here beats just about anywhere else in the US.   That's why I live here.  I can ignore shrill idiots who think Trump = Hilter easier than I can ignore douchebag Pats* fans all over CT.




    In the interest of complete clarity:  I hate the Patriots with a smouldering fire intensity.  


    Additionally, I just returned from thirty days in Santa Barbara visiting son and daughter-in-law.  During that time the wife and I endured three minor earth quakes, the largest wildfire in CA's history and the tragic mudslide in Montecito.  That experince jaundiced me just a bit.


    Admittedly, the weather in CA is sometimes better than that here in western New York, BUT our "Snowmagedons" melt annually and we don't have to rebuild homes and infrastructure.  On the other hand, the surfing sux.

  3. On 2/2/2018 at 8:40 AM, The_Dude said:


    “evade responsibility”?


    you dipshit, we’re talking about typos and grammatical errors on an insignificant message board. 


    “You should have put a conman there and you failed, SIR! Admit to your wrongdoing and repent!”


    What a !@#$ing joke. 


    I refuse to use conmans in my writings!

  4. On 2/3/2018 at 2:34 AM, KD in CA said:

    Nothing like idiots arguing over whose state sucks worse....as a result of their left wing policies.   Don't miss it at all.


    So you live in CA to escape left wing policies....?  Cue Nancy Pelosi and her peeps from the left coast; camera boom left to the sanctuary movements throughout CA; focus on  Gov. Brown and others espousing high speed rail in the face of crying social needs in the big coastal cities, huh?

  5. 15 hours ago, The_Dude said:


    I detest people who call others out for grammar or spelling. Not that those things aren’t important; but because this is an internet message board and not a professional or academic forum. You must have been delighted at his “mistake’s.” 




    I detest people who are arrogant, close-minded and evade responsibility.

  6. When POTUS was merely a candidate he made many promises. Most were mocked by his opponents as impossible, some were viewed skeptically by members of his own political party, and it remains to be seen how much of the Republican platform will see the light of legislative day. One promise had to do with exposing corruption in government.


    During the campaign his opponents joined together to derail the efforts of the opposite party (and, as it turned out, the will of those driving the majority of the electoral votes) by any means possible. If his opponents efforts had prevailed, none of the double-dealing, back stabbing, dark alliances of convenience and general dishonesty would need come to light. But, for his opponents, the very worst thing happened; he won the election.


    At this point the Obama/Pelosi/Schumer cabal along with a cast of lesser dim bulbs are scampering for cover as emails, testimony and other evidences point to the dirty underbelly of politics in the 21st Century.


    Attention Democrats: If you were in on your party’s dirty dealings, run for cover; if you weren’t, step back and take a good look at your party leaders. Even the MSM may be on the brink of defecting to the side of truth in government.

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  7. On 1/24/2018 at 8:40 AM,  Tiberius said: 

    At least I can make a coherent argument. You have to resort to dribbling out ab hominem attacks because you are an idiot. You are a Trump supporter. :doh:


    Nice win by the Sabres though. 



    Uh, you might want to edit your comment to read, "ad hominem...," misspellings are the curse of the truly ignorant.



  8.    22 minutes ago,  Tiberius said: 

    Somewhere out there in a meeting room, The Media is planning how to protect the Narrative. Everything will be decided at the meeting. 



    In other news, the presidents lawyers must be terrified at the thought of Mueller interviewing the addle minded Trump. Trump's team  has been trying to get it so they --probably his lawyers--can respond in writing. That's wrong and Mueller should refuse and threaten to haul the blow hard fool in front of a grand jury if he refuses. He is almost certain to perjure himself. Can they just claim he is not competent to give an interview?



    Does the noise from the dehumidifier in your parent's basement confuse you that much?


  9. On 11/15/2017 at 10:19 AM, baskin said:


    Fixed it for you....


    Looks like Shep Smith also fixed the whole uranium thing for you too:lol:


    Actually, you just fixed it for yourself since you appear unable to handle the truth that most centerist Democrats are coming to understand and espouse.  I'm pretty much happy with the way I stated it originally.


    P.S. You might want to widen your source horizons; Shepard Smith is but a tiny sliver in the media source pie.


  10. No; on any given day, etc....


    There are just too many instances of the Bills losing, being beaten, failing, etc., when they were in a position to wn a the game.  There must be some excellent players/coaches in the Bills organization, but it appears they are not in key positions nor willing to bring it at a 100% level every down.

  11. On 11/30/2017 at 12:43 PM, DC Tom said:


    That's not new.  If it's not explicitly in the Constitution, it was established principle shortly after.  Congressmen can't be tried for crimes through normal judicial channels while Congress is in session, to prevent abuse of that system by the executive  (e.g., arresting the opposition party on trumped-up charges).


    And since Congress is always effectively in session these days, they're practically immune from prosecution.


    For bad behavior not of a criminal nature, of COURSE they can be removed from office.  It's called "an election."  People whining about Congressmen's exemption from ramifications of their actions are the ones setting them up as nobility.


    While Congress may be "...effectively in session...", they damn sure aren't in session effectively.

  12. 9 hours ago, row_33 said:


    the only people giving thoughtful and heartfelt speeches in Congress, such as they are,  are Maxine Waters and her crew.


    that's what happened.




    Maxine Waters, are you serious?  MaWa couldn't put two cogent thoughts together w/o assistance from Hill'ry or Nancy P to save her skin.

  13. 52 minutes ago, The_Dude said:

    Cannabis could be rescheduled either legislatively, through Congress, or through the executive branch.”




    Ya see...there. And I don’t want to hear crap about Wikipedia being an unreliable source because I’ve consistently found it to be accurate. 




    Wikipedia's website offers this definition of the site:  "Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation."


    So I'm thinkin' that the level of content ranges from Lorraine, in Grand Rapids, waiting at a red light to the most learned of scholars who has a spare moment for some Internet fun.  I'll buy the offerings as background, but not as bet ya' life on it.

  14. Whether pot, or not; what's wrong with reinstating enforcement of laws on the books?  Just because the previous POTUS saw fit to pick and choose what to enforce and what to ignore, doesn't mean the ship can't come back on course.


    Don't like the current laws, ask your national legislators to change 'em.  Oh, that's right, Congress is but a limp rag in the slop sink of Washington, DC.

  15. 22 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    I guess there are enough people out there who believe Hillary was a Russian stooge and Trump is the one being framed. All the evidence that matters is what Trump says and that is where all truth, evidence and actions should flow from, the will of the leader 


    Actually I thinnk Hill'ry is pretty much a stooge in general as well as being a liar, self-aggrandizing, narcissistic in extremis and an all around fat-thighed has-been.  (If you PM me I'll take the gloves off and tell you what I really think about her.)

  16. I recently made the switch from pc to Apple and am driving a MacBook Pro (or maybe it's driving me). My Linksys router was never that great, so I paid the steep price for an Apple Airport Extreme. That has proved to be a great move. MBP is very happy as is the Dell Inspiron laptop that is still in the family. Easy to set up, great service and range.


    After decades of pc use, I'm very happy to be in the Apple family.

  17. This just in: The much-reported moon base, championed by Newt Gingrich, will take its basic design from Washington, DC. In the event either the earth or the moon require an enema in the future, the "nozzle" will be inserted at that specific location. For ease of reference, both have been named @$$town.

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