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Posts posted by Keukasmallie

  1. OK, OK, I thank you all for the curriculum vitae of the Kennedy clan....


    However, I saw nothing that even hinted that Caroline K might be qualified to even be considered for a Senate seat. Todays paper noted that now that her children are grown she is searching around for something to do. Well, that cinches it tight for me! Who wouldn't want her as the junior Senator from the Great State of New York?


    Politics is unfathomable; politicians are arrogrant, self-aggrandizing, power hungry people. For example, who could keep a straight face watching Sentaors, then Congressman, chastize automakers for squandering money?


    ROTFLMAO funny

  2. It was bad enough that Hill'ry the carpet-bagger used and misused NYS as she clawed her way to the near-top. Now, Caroline Kennedy is being mentioned as her replacement. Just what the %*&@ are her qualifications? Can she display task maturity and a skill set related to political effectiveness? She is such a slickster that she stopped using her married name (Schlosberg) so as to emphasize the "Kennedy-esque" nature of her being. Just awful!


    Jesus Christ, don't wish another loser on us!

  3. I have a 2006 Explorer XLT. Hands down worst engineered truck ever. Interior door latches are in an impossible position. There is no easily gripped door handle inside to assist one in holding the door against wind or easily closing the door. Engine labors on even the slightest grade. The interior is noisy. I hated the truck the first week I owned it. It is an ergonomic disaster.


    I encourage you to drive the truck you're considering long and hard before you buy it.

  4. If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got!


    I believe the Bills need a seismic change--new ownership, new coach, possibly even new city; if there is going to be a real lasting change. I'm simply tired of "wait 'til next year," "....we're just an offensive line away....," "we're in a rebuilding year."


    How patient are consumers expected to be in a discretionary economic context?


    For me, enough!

  5. Well, I won't be there physically, but many of my elected representatives will be there. It is my fervent hope that they will be able to take a few moments out from doing the peoples work to welcome the new boss. My "peeps" will be there in the spirit of bipartisanship, the hands-across-the-aisle sense that I believe will permeate the next Congress.


    After all, now that one party controls the legislative and executive branches, the solutions, positive policies, and nationwide remedies will flow across the land.


    Let me have an A-Man.

  6. I'm just tired of all the what-ifs, the speculation about how we'd be with so-and-so, conjecture regarding this cover versus that....


    I'm slowly moving to the school of thought that nothing is going to change until Ralph is out of the picture and new ownership takes dramatic steps to put a successful product on the field. Ralph appears satisfied to trudge along the path he devised decades ago. As they say, "That don't feed the bulldog."

  7. For twenty-one months of the recent campaign, Obama and his minions ridiculed even the slightest suggestion that Hill'ry had any ability whatsoever in foreign policy. Recall the comments indicating that just being married to the Commander in Chief did not give her any credibility in international affairs. And that hosting foreign service teas did not cumulate as experience on the world stage. And meeting foreign dignitaries as First Lady did not mean she had credibility in foreign affairs.


    Shazam! She is now the bes' we gots in the land! Damn, when the man said "change" I had no idea it meant a cranial implant for the girl!

  8. Oh golly, erynthered, ya'll's not s'posed to criticize a Democrat, and a liberal at that. Y'all's s'posed to nod, smile, and gaze with wonder as the Mz Pelosi, Musta Reid, Prez'dint Obama machine synthesizes into a seamlessly smooth entity that resolves all problems, rises above the petty and delivers the world to the promised land. Can I have an A-man?


    Save all that po' mouthin for them misguided Republican boys.

  9. I agree, Nita Lowey has the requisite qualifications to be Senator from NYS. She's been around a long time and she has sucked up to the right people, i.e, the Clintons.


    I also agree with you about Weezy. Old (so she has some chits to cash), long time in grade, in the right party at the moment...what else could possibly be important?

  10. How 'bout that Obama fella! He is going to unveil some of his economic plans tomorrow, and those plans will lead to the creation of 2.5 million jobs in the next two years. Good on yer', Barack.


    So, 2.5 million, plus the 200,000 jobs that Mz Hill'ry promised for NYS (never delivered, but that's water over the dam, right?), totals one smokin' lot of work for us.


    Wowzer! I can feel the stimulus now...or is that a peristaltic wave I feel....?

  11. So, Nita Lowey "deserves" a Senate seat because she was considering running once before? Gee, she is, therefore, loaded with qualifications....


    And let's not even think about scouring the bushes for a Kennedy to appoint. Although, maybe Bobby Kennedy should be considered since he appears to have the same qualifications evidenced by Eliot Spitzer!

  12. So, Rahm Emanual and the guy nominated for AG, they represent (A) Change..with that capital C; (B) A reprise of Clinton appointees; © The tip of that smoky back room iceberg; (D) Washington with a capital W as it always will be.


    That 20th Century philosopher, Aretha Franklin, said it best: Who's zoomin' who?"

  13. I'm paying a big share of my current and upcoming taxes for the mortgage bailout, so you don't have to meet your housing payment obligations; I'm paying for the "coupons" you can get to ease the cost of your TV conversion in 2009; I'm subsidizing you winter fuel costs; I'm....well, you get the picture....


    So, if you need anything else just let me know. Maybe I can give you a lift on my way to work and have some lunch money for you, too. Oh, social services gives you travel vouchers, well maybe I could drive you somewhere on the weekend.


    Glad to help, especially since I know you are working extra hard to solve your own problems. Yeah, that's it, solve your own problems.


    Well, call if you need me. I live in NYS, so I have plenty of extra money after taxes....

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