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Huuuge Bills

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Everything posted by Huuuge Bills

  1. If we bring in one of the big name coaches, he's going to want a say in the personnel decisions. I would rather have someone who knows how to actually draft defensive players. Say, that Bill Cowher guy knows how to draft good players. Now, that being said, if you think Ralph is going to pay Cowher $10,000,000.00 a year, and hand over football operations, you are certifiably bat-sh*t crazy. We'll end up with: a) Dick Jauron. b) Bobby April. c) The Cleveland Browns TE coach.
  2. Reed stopped running his route because there was a LB in front of him, a sane QB wouldn't have thrown the ball in his direction. After he stopped his route, Reed looked up-field to try to get open. But Trent had already thrown the ball. That throw was 100% on Edwards.
  3. Why would Trent even think about throwing to a receiver who had a LB IN FRONT of him?
  4. Announcer on Whitner penalty: "It looked more like a late miss than a late hit." He can't even commit a penalty correctly.
  5. He's been in for 3-4 plays so far, got double teamed a couple of times, no plays really went his way yet though.
  6. Yes, but the receiver they coveted dropped to them, so they nixed the deal. Reggie Williams was the guy if I'm not mistaken.
  7. I'll go against everyone here and say that McCoy is going to be the best of the QBs from next years draft class. Bradford got slightly nudged once or twice all of last year, not to mention he has the build of a 12 year old girl. Drop him behind our O-line and he's down for the count early. That being said, let's give Trent a few games this season before we Consider his replacement.
  8. I won't rip DJ for saying Edwards played timid, I'll rip DJ for instilling that attitude into all of his players in the first place.
  9. I would love it if Nic Harris and Stupar got reps with the first team units next week. And as far as who can get cut, Kelsay and Shouman do nothing to warrant a roster space, let alone being starters.
  10. You can no longer use the Wedge to block on kick returns for one. You are now only allowed to have two blockers in an area at any one time. Although why they want to limit the most exciting plays in the sport is beyond me.
  11. Nope! Seriously, why would we try to practice something that we might need to win a game. EDIT: Why in the name of all things holy are we using our timeouts but we won't try an onside kick?
  12. I seriously want to see what Stupar can do with the first team.
  13. Great return by Hall, stand around until you get hit. Running forwards is for suckers.
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