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Huuuge Bills

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Posts posted by Huuuge Bills

  1. So I bought this fully loaded desktop from gateway (i know i know, but i got a great deal!) about a month back and other than having to upgrade to win7 I haven't had to do anything major with it. About a week after I upgraded to win7 (2 days ago) I could not connect to the internet at all - which clearly means that the upgrade had nothing to do with the problem. Other computers on my network are fine so its not the connection, the ethernet cable is working fine, the LAN card is working fine according to my device manager, etc... I was stumped so just to make sure it wasn't win7 I wiped my HD and downgraded to vista, and the problem persists. I've uninstalled and then reinstalled the drivers for the LAN....ugh. Seriously all components appear to be working fine, yet the end result of connecting to the internet just isn't happening. When I mouse over the LAN icon in the system tray it says local access only. HELP!


    Try this.

  2. could you be any more demeaning to people with religious beliefs or to people who are challenged with a.d.d. (not to mention the parents of people challenged with a.d.d.)?


    im sure you could make your point without looking and sounding uneducated, crude and intolerant - all it takes is a little effort and a creative thought process - try it for a change


    I could be a lot more demeaning to people of faith and people with A.D.D. :wallbash:


    And wouldn't some people who don't believe in god be offended/ annoyed if their QB kept bringing up religion at every opportunity. It doesn't stop him from doing it. I work with someone like that, and no one likes him because he is constantly preaching to us day in and day out. Leave that crap at church or at home.


    And I'd rather not be creative when trying to describe Tebow jumping around like a little kid. If I think he acts like a kid with A.D.D., I'll say just that. And if a simple comment like that gets you all in a tizzy, maybe the internet isn't the ideal place for you.


    BTW, why do you increase the size of all of your posts? We can read them just fine without you doing that.

  3. Describe to me what he does exceptionally well as a Quarterback without using the words leadership, willpower or heart.


    He has a weak arm, no accuracy, has never taken a snap from a center, isn't fast enough to outrun NFL linebackers, and isn't big enough to run over NFL linebackers. And all that rah-rah Jesus saves BS is only going to "work" if he can prove himself on the field first. Jumping up and down like a child with A.D.D. isn't going to motivate the Marcus Strouds' of the world.

  4. ¶ in a pissy mood, and it's time to close this sucker of a thread, so i dare anyone to top or, in all reality, bottom this one.

    ¶ the liquor's flowing, and so are my fingers on this keyboard, and there's one tweeter out there who's taken at least one too many liberties with the "old" adjective that's made this night far too incomplete. old, my ass. 91 or 70 or 40 for that matter. i'm 46, and this baby-faced "twit" seems to think that Jerry Jones and Bob Kraft and every other NFL owner is some naive innocent, capable of calling upon the wisdom of halas.

    ¶ good god, agism, alive an well in twitland.

    ¶ and this is not a night to take prisoners or ask questions.

    ¶ but i digress, and i'm not exactly sure what i'm diverging from, though the point i have might eventually, and hopefully, be as blunt as a triple-xxx porn show at the o'farrell (and for the laymen and women, please, look that reference up before making judgment).

    ¶ got the jazz butcher banging on the ipod, and several e-mails outstanding, and a vacation on the horizon before heading out to vancouver for a busy stretch of the olympics.

    ¶ the bills are making midnight moves and it's starting to impair on my drinking time. so i take issue with these ungodly hour press releases. and Lori can attest that.

    ¶ but on with this red-assed rant, with no real purpose or shame, because it's been a long day spoiled already. it began some 18 hours ago with some Mark from Albany accusing me of being a "Raiders fan," in an e-mail he sent to a Roger Wyland's radio show, and questioned why i'm so hard on the bills. well, if 10 years of mediocrity doesn't turn anyone's crank then god be with the fantasy writers, psychofants and baloney chuckers.

    ¶ there's not enough lipstick to paste on this pig to ham it up to a status of respectibility. 10 years of missing the playoffs and on pace with detroit lions should be enough to establish a level of skepticism, eh?

    ¶ please.

    ¶ i previously wondered what followed z.

    ¶ well, it's been well established that zed is dead. zed is dead.

    ¶ jw


    You're a Raiders fan? Well there's no way i can let you win this thing...



  5. Sounds like you need to buy a 360. :devil:


    Seriously though, it sounds like your router (and/or cable modem) might be going bad -- it's not giving out DHCP leases (ie: it's broken). I had a Linksys router that stopped giving out DHCP leases and then died a few months later.


    a) First...do you have a modem and a router. If your router (wireless or not) won't accept your ps3 (and you don't know why) then reset your router to remove any programmed security. (any other explaining would be too involved)


    b) plug your game directly into your modem (if that don't work call Time Warner)


    Thanks for the ideas guys, right after I wrote the message I just tried unplugging everything (router, modem, PS3). After I plugged it back in, it started working. Doesn't make any sense to me, but at least it works now. :wallbash:

  6. EDIT: It's fixed now.


    About a week ago I tried to log onto my PS3 and it kept saying "the attempt to obtain the IP address timed out." I went into my network settings, and everything is the same as it always has been.


    I then looked under the IP address listed, and it says (private networks only). I tried using my neighbors wireless connection (with their permission), and it works just fine. Is there any way I can fix this?


    If it helps any, I'm using Time Warner roadrunner for my internet service. Thanks in advance.

  7. I doubt we could even trade him. He's a backup on a bad team with two strikes already, and more allegations of theft looming over his head. Not to mention he is still making first round money and would need a new contract soon.


    If he does one more stupid thing he is done for a year, if not more. Why would anyone trade for him, when finding a descent RB isn't that hard to do in the first place.

  8. I'm excited for the AC130, apparently you open a suitcase and control it yourself but you can be killed while you're using it.


    Look on youtube for some of the MP footage people have posted. The AC130 is good, but the chopper gunner is much much better because the gun fires much more rapidly with no reloads. The AC130 is so high up, the bullets take about 2 seconds to reach the ground, you have to lead your shots.


    From what I've seen so far, my setup is going to be:


    UMP 45/ Bling. (Silencer, red dot)

    Stopping power, Ninja (Dead Silence).


    I'll use the pp2000 as my side arm. Pretty much a skorpion from COD 4.


    I'll use chopper, pavelow, and chopper gunner for my three killstreaks. BTW the pavelow is just like the regular chopper, only it has armor so it can withstand a rocket or two. :pirate:

  9. I said he was gonna get hurt before the season even started. He's built like a girl and played behind an NFL line last year. Give him an all new line and the same slight frame, and you're asking for trouble. And the hit that took him out today wasn't even that big.


    He plays in a spread offense, in a conference that plays no defense, has never had to handle pass rush pressure until this year, and he isn't built big enough to handle many hits. Why exactly is he being heralded as the next great Quarterback?

  10. Which is it? Personally, it is real close right now..


    Are you inferring that we as Bills fans should be a cheerful bunch right now?


    Let's forget that we haven't been to the playoffs in 10 years, haven't had a good QB since Jim Kelly, haven't had a good coach since Mary Levy, haven't had a good GM since John Butler, inexplicably hired/ extended /refused to fire Jauron, refuse to fire Modrak and Guy, play games in Toronto, haven't beat the Pats* since 2001, haven't won a division game in over a year, and add in a litany of idiotic personel moves and draft choices and we have every right to act a little pissy.

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