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Posts posted by bananathumb

  1. bull ****! I sit on fhe 50 my friend and he had receivers open all day long and cant find em or when he does its off the mark. Nice try


    EJ is average, and so is the entire offense. Woods is average, the entire Oline is average, Sammy is average. We have a slightly better than average RB and TE: what the hell do you expect EJ to accomplish? He isn't Brady, but he isn't any worse than the rest of the offence. It's an 8-8 team with an average head coach. The defense is talented but today was horrible. Get off the kid's back.



    Banana - You KNEW you were going to get nailed for that big time!

    Yeah, knew the homers would be all over it. Anything approaching objectivity is like a red flag to them.

    A lot like most of your posts

    Looked pretty darn good for a rookie Tex

    Good to see someone finally told you about spell-check, John. Now if they only had a punctuation check.

  3. According to La Confora, Alonzo wanted out



    Can confirm ESPN report Eagles have traded Shady McCoy for Kiko Alonso. One for one trade I'm told. Alonso had wanted out of Buffalo. Wow



    We know Chip and McCoy had issues, so it looks like the teams just exchanged malcontents. If true, that changes my view of the trade. It actually makes sense now. But you have to wonder why a young LB wanted out of B-Lo.


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