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Everything posted by tomdayfan

  1. The stick Sidney Crosby used when he scored the gold medal winning overtime goal is missing Have you seen Sidney's stick?
  2. UPDATE: Smithsonian said no Smithsonian kills OJ donation
  3. The suit OJ Simpson was wearing when he was acquitted of murder could end up on display at the Smithsonian Institution. This is a piece of American history? If the suit fits....
  4. Apparently the Canadian womens hockey team weren't the only ones having a good time no more condom shortage at Olympics
  5. Ryan Miller pissed him off Hitler unhappy about Olympic hockey (the usual NSFW subtitles)
  6. On the other hand, based on the criteria in this list, what's wrong with being miserable? what's wrong with a little misery?
  7. Some of the things that apparently got left out of this statement: Tiger talks
  8. What a surprise....that Toronto restaurant that did the bathroom sex promotion now says they were "just kidding". bathroom humor
  9. If it was a prank, it was a good one. If it was real, you have to feel sorry for the guy....even if he is a Rangers fan. marriage proposal fails
  10. Remember the Lockport guy who won the Bud Light contest and got a free trip to the Super Bowl? Beer Sphere guy's Super Bowl video
  11. I can't wait to see her campaign ads: Madam Governor?
  12. It's part of their Valentine's weekend promotion....sex in their bathrooms. sex on the menu
  13. The guy that hit those people after the Browns game last October got a pretty stiff sentence. driver sentenced for hitting pedestrians after Bills-Browns game
  14. Miramax had its roots in Buffalo. Remember Harvey & Corky? Miramax & Buffalo
  15. If the question is greatest player, I'd go with OJ...just edging out Bruce. For sheer talent, he was spectacular. In any game, at any time, wherever the Bills were on the field, he was a threat to go all the way. On a side note, it's amazing how lucky Buffalo sports fans were in the 70's. You had OJ playing for the Bills. Gil Perreault & the French Connection on the Sabres, and Bob McAdoo on the Braves.
  16. Pro athletes + cell phone cameras = internet bonanza Patrick sorry for his partying pics
  17. Tonight is the Buffalo episode of Extreme Makeover, and it's up against the NFC Championship. Even in Buffalo its ratings will suck. At least it will be DVR'd. Thanks a lot ABC. ABC hosed Buffalo
  18. I guess the guy won't be getting that Bentley T.O.'s take
  19. Just like we should sue the Bills offense for cruel and unusual punishment
  20. I especially like the one for Ralph The Bills' favorite movies?
  21. The Patriots' quarterback is married to a supermodel. We might have one on our team. John Wawrow story
  22. Does the figurine have a pack of smokes tucked in the shoulderpads?
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