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Posts posted by freeagentqb

  1. We really have no chance, As bad as we looked in losing to KC and Miami, what the heck are we going to do vs New England and Denver? I know "on any given sunday", but we would have to catch either team on their lowest day, looking past us and us playing way over our heads to have any possible chance, Don't think those stars will be aligning at this point in the season. I would think their odds of making the playoffs are less than one percent.

  2. Yup.


    I think you could argue that if we dropped either harbaugh or manning in buffalo we'd be highly competitive immediately.


    But ultimately I think that the coaches are the bigger issue today.


    I have a suspicion that if Manning came to Buffalo he would light it up the first few games. Then in true tested Buffalo tradition he would have that one bad game, get sacked a bunch of times and then start to have that deer in the headlights look and turn into Drew Bledsoe, It's sad but I really believe that would happen. Our problems are team wide attitude and coaching issues.

  3. At this point it doesn't even matter. The conservative, confidence-lacking approach is ingrained in the game planning, the structure of the offense and its personnel, the way the QBs are coached, etc. To go for it on fourth down you need plays designed to succeed in critical situations, and players who believe they can get the job done. It's a cultural issue.


    Time to clean the f-ing house.


    Agree with this 100%. There is a much larger problem going on vs conservatism. It seems no matter what we do, we fail especially in must win games and later in the season. A couple of different decisions in the last two games doesn't change their overall performance. Orton has regressed, Watkins has regressed, Woods has regressed. The offense as a whole has regressed. Don't know what to blame other than coaching.

  4. When the situation calls for pressuring the QB (like 3rd and 17) we send only three rushers which allows the offensive play to develop, gives receivers the needed time to get deep and the QB extra time to find the open receiver.


    I don't know, I'm not a coach, but it seems the correct call would be to rush and blitz the passer. A hot read pass, short throw or dump off probably won't get you near 17 yards and would be the better option.

  5. I think a good play would be to sneak the ball after giving the impression that we were trying to pull them offsides. First, make sure we had the time then run off about 5 to 10 seconds doing all the hard counts and motion stuff, let the defense relax a bit and sit back on their heels (which they do) and then run a quick QB sneak to whatever side of center looks best.

  6. I guess Brady is that good - look at the receivers he's had throughout the years. Some good, some very good but he's won with them all. Then there's the coaching - look what happened when Brady got hurt, they inserted another QB (name escapes me) and they won anyway in convincing fashion. The combination of Brady and top level coaching make them very, very hard to beat. Our above average QB and below average offensive coaching won't get the job done against New England unless we're at the very top of our game and they are at a low point.

  7. I think it's ok to be conservative and run the ball frequently at times but what is maddening is running the same GD play everytime with the samr GD result. Hackett looks like an idiot and I was embarrassed with the repetitive play calling. Fine, if you must keep running, please vary the play call. As others have stated, run some sweeps, pitchouts, reverses or anything including a QB sneak. To me, it feels like we're kneeling down on 1st and 2nd down and leaving a lot of yardage on the field and putting us in a 3rd down hole. MIX IT UP SOME HACKETT, PLEASE BEFORE I LOSE MY MIND.

  8. It is absolutely mind boggling watching the 1st and 2nd down runs our OC coordinator calls. We're giving up precious yards all the time and forcing 3rd and long every series. Runnings ok but we need to mix up the variety and timing some. Watched some of his Syracuse games and knew it wouldn't work in the NFL. His offense was all QB running options. Go look for yourself. He needs to go, seriously - he's the worst OC I've ever seen.


    I don't care if they had to clone Hitler to throw some pads on him and put him at G if he would be an upgrade over what we have now. Do it. People will care a lot less when we're winning games.

    I'm definitely against bringing in a cloned Hitler to play guard. Too much baggage and negative publicity........

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