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Wagon Circler

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Posts posted by Wagon Circler

  1. Every time we get down around the other teams 30, the play-calling gets rediculous, like the hand-off on third and 9. It's like we can 48 yard field goal the other team to death.

    Of course the running play with 20 seconds before half was classic Jauron. What purpose did a running play serve. No aggression on o,nothrows into the end zone, should have used the no-huddle in the third, no imagination. Nothing ever changes.


    Thanks for letting me vent. It's been a hell of a season.

  2. Good list. Thanks for posting. Golstyn is the bust of the draft. While drafting DE's is a gamble, our need is so great, I think its time to roll the dice. Maybe take 2-3 and hope one proves out. I want a pass rush. Pass rush changes the whole defense. Why did Denver overthrow Stokely wide open in the end zone. PASS RUSH!

    I don't think McKelvin deserved to be on the list. You don't take a kick returner in the first round. As a corner, he was picked on much of the season and only recently came on to play adequately.

    By the way anybody else impressed by Reggie the Corner on Sunday? Could help next year.

  3. I'd rather have a guy that lives in Russia and wins games for us then one who lives downtown and helps the community.


    These guys are !@#$ing football players. Let conservationalist and community organizers help the city. I just want players that win. Plain and simple.

    Youhave a problem with 10-23. :unsure:

  4. Edwards played well. The best part was seeing him get the ball out on time and not hesitating which was a problem for a time.

    We obviously need to bring in a veteran (David Carr?) to compete with him or just because TE can't stay healthy for 16.

    Priority no. 1 is a pass rusher so we can release Kelsey. I can't watch this guy another year and you can't make me Brandon.

  5. On the first and goal from the three, one of the articles said that a running play was called and JP audibled to a pass when he saw one on one coverage on Evans. JP confirmed this. I feel that a lot of our offensive problems the last 6 weeks were due to the inability of our QB's to execute the offense. It is an offense designed to get the ball quickly out of the quarterback's hands, forces him to make quick decisions, something JP was never able to do and EDwards stopped doing after the San Diego game.

    Schonert's biggest failing has been keeping the same boring three running plays as his predecessor. How can you run up the middle all the time when you don't have a center?

    I really feel that if we had Favre or even Pennington for that matter, we'd be with the other teams fighting for a division title.

  6. If Ralph demanded wins so much, why did he have the Bills playing in Toronto where the Dolphins had more of an advantage then the so called home team did. How many times did u hear the crowd getting loud when the Fins had the ball-None. Every time they showed the fans, it was someone in Miami gear. The main reason teams hate to come to Buffalo is the winter weather, which they had in Buffalo today. Too bad we were in a dome resembling Miami weather.

    Wouldn't have helped.

  7. Personally I gave it up after the Jet game when our defense didn't get a stop the whole second half. Biggest indictment - the Fish looked bored out there.

    Sometimes Ralph gets tired of losing and makes a bold move. Hire Chuck Knox or Bill Polian. But I think he is too old now to give a crap.Forget about Cowher or Marty- think cheap, like Ralph does.

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