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Christopher Capolupo

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Posts posted by Christopher Capolupo

  1. Or instead of all the stuff you listed for PP, we could have had Larry Johnson instead of Willis McGahee and we wouldn't have to have these conversations trying to make ourselves feel good about not making the playoffs for nearly a decade.

  2. Without expressing any like or dislike for the guy, what Mort actually said on the radio was that the Bills could have signed Nate to a $45 million deal last year instead of franchising him. He basically said that the Bills would have been better off spending the big bucks on a lockdown cornerback last year than a left guard this year.



    that's great and all.. but first we needed to find a lockdown corner to give that cash to.

  3. I begining to think that an NFL team in Las Vegas is more likely than a team in L.A.


    Reasons why:


    1. L.A. can't get a stadium done. And we all know that a stadium is the most important thing to the NFL.


    2. The NBA, NHL, and MLB are all holding discussions about putting teams in Las Vegas. Plus they also have a NASCAR race (March 11). The Pittsburgh Penquins are now talking about moving to Las Vagas. The Florida Marlins have talked and the Sacramento Kings are talking. Too much noise for it not to happen.


    3. The white population has shrunk in L.A. Because the cost of living is so high in L.A. Many white people moved to Las Vegas, Phoenix, Seattle, Boise, Idaho. And white people have higher incomes.


    4. Clark County Nevada is the fastest growing county in the US and it's likely to keep growing. Many people are moving to the sun belt and it's not just old people.


    An NFL team that I think would move to Vegas would be the San Diego Chargers. The Spanos family lives there and I think if they don't get their stadium they could take the plunge.



    Well, although you make some hilariously ignorant comments (white people have higher incomes), you also have no idea what is going on in the NFL.. Do you realize that if a team is to move, it's probably the Buffalo Bills.. They are less likely to move a team out of a larger market that sells out consistently and makes the playoffs, and more likely to move a team out of a smaller market team that had 4 home games blacked out last season due to lack of attendance at the games..


    P.S. enjoy your sheltered life.

  4. ZERO HEART? ??? Listen, I think Willis is as big a dumbass as the next guy. I dont know that he has ZERO heart, hes a bit selective, but its hard to say that about a guy who came back from such an injury and got to the point where he is currently at. I bet 90% of the people on this board would never walk quite right ever again if they suffered that injury, let alone carry a football 250 times a year.



    give me a couple million bucks and I will walk pretty good.. hell I will play RB for the Buffalo Bills.. I would have "heart" for money too.. oh wait, that's just good business sense not to be confused with heart and passion for football.

  5. My guess is that it could end up being for their late 2nd round pick. This would give us two 2nds which could be used to get back in the first round.


    Draft Lynch with the #12, then trade our two 2nds to move up and take Paul Pos out of PSU.



    we have more needs than a RB and LB on this team.. We need as many picks as we can get.. especially early first day picks.. It wouldn't be good to trade those two 2nd rounders we may have. Keep those picks, do some draft homework to help improve this team with the picks we have/acquire.

  6. I wouldn't start banging my head until we ACTUALLY lose Willis and Takeo. Since I am of the belief that both 21 and 51 will shroud the same bodies as last year, and since I belive Crowell can play in the middle, and since I am hopeful that something might be worked out for Briggs (though it may involve WM/TKO or a combination of the two), I say let's not go jumping the gun just yet, the draft is still almost two months away (46 days). That is an opportunity to add 8-12 players to the roster-until then, the sky is where it was this morning and where it will be tonight!


    since Briggs is unhappy, how does that make the Bills the front runners to get him? And why would the Bears, who just dumped a RB trade for Willis McGahee, who is basically Thomas Jones value wise.. They traded him because of cedric benson.. And how do you expect to add 8-12 players via the draft? We don't have that many draft picks, unless we trade for some more.. and sign a few guys.. I just think this is unrealistic.

  7. i think they should declare that a team can only use the tag once on a player. this way they know it's only for a year and after that they either get a longer term deal or they are free to go. what has to eat at a player is the potential for a team to keep tagging them to 1 year deals. bills showed class in committing to not doing this to nate although per league rules they had every right to. by letting the players know it's only a one-time thing i think it substantially reduces the odds they sit out and also increases their desire to perform for that year.



    well if by class you mean they followed the terms of the contract they agreed to, which was only to franchise him that one year.. then he was not allowed to be franchised by the bills again.

  8. Not a problem. We can get at least two picks for McGahee, including a first, which we can package to trade to the Raiders for the first pick in the draft, where we can pick the best RB available, who's sure to be a future Hall-of-Famer...and Marv's senile for even considering it, since an RB with the first pick is a reach when Brady Quinn's still on the board...

    Did I miss any TSW cliches?


    OK, I know your kidding..

  9. Jets fans appear to be fretting though that the team hasn't had a very active offseason. This is the first major move of their offseason program.



    very true, but they shouldn't complain too much.. that is a huge move for a team that has a young offensive line (built in part last year) and a very well coached team. We are !@#$ if we don't get some help up the middle of our defense.

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