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Christopher Capolupo

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Posts posted by Christopher Capolupo

  1. There's been talk about it for the past couple days.



    talk between you and your buddies wishing it would happen? because not once have I heard this.. Not trying to knock you man, but without a report, it's not even worth talking about.

  2. I think we've taken the approach that it is better to have a clearly defined strength than just be good in all aspects. I think our strength will be our offense this year, and our coaches will be scheming around our defensive deficiencies- something they are more than qualified to do.


    A rapidly improving QB, a franchise WR, and a much improved O-line should give us a very efficient offense, and having the best special teams in the league will help greatly. If we have another strong draft, playoffs are a disctict possibility.


    because we paid a lot of money for O-Line, doesn't mean we will have an improved O-Line.. We don't even know what we will draft which leads me to believe there is nothing taking shape at this point.

  3. You all must be too young (dude) or nieve to see what a manipulator Rosencrook is. Agree his job is to get the best deal for his client. Once a contract is in place, go on to the next guy, not wait for an opportunity and renegotiate all client contracts, which by the way gets him more money too. Look at what has happened to guys like Thomas in Chicago, TO in Philly and Willis here. Get real, they all had contracts and Rosencrook put a little bug in their ear..... Get dissed, mad at the team or want to play elsewhere and I'll get you out and more money. Sure players want to sign with because by hook or crook, whether you perform or not, Drew will squeeze every drop of blood from the franchise.


    I will venture a guess that if Marv can avoid this low character guy in the future, he will. He hood winked TD and others but will not Marv.



    This guy is hilarious.. OK OK, the next topic I want you to talk about is the conspiracy of the Bills having a poor offensive line year after year and missing the playoffs for nearly a decade. Alright..... GO!

  4. and Anthony Thomas was on the NFL scrap heap this time last year having been cut by two teams in 2005 (the Saints and Cowboys). Yet he found a home here and was serviceable and to date Brown's shown to be a better NFL RB than Thomas.



    this guy makes a good point.. whomever he was arguing with, he got you.. he got you good.

  5. To all ungratefull and perfect Buffalo fans...Willis did not play 2 games and played with Broken ribs for a hopeless team. Get it together, face the facts. Buffalo never intended to help him with his job. No rb wants to come here because they saw the film and they saw what Willis was playing behind. In some games Willis didn't have over 15 carries and was taken out of the game on 3rd down.



    He was taken out on 3rd down if he didn't take himself out of the game before that.. And if he was playing hurt, it's because he doesn't want to seem imjury prone to a team that wants to acquire him.. He doesn't do it to help the team, he does it to help himself.. Don't give him too much credit.

  6. Browns just signed Jamal Lewis. Not the long-term solution, but it gives them options to take a Brady Quinn, Joe Thomas, even consider Calvin Johnson...I really dont think they go AP here. Though its possible. More likely home IMO is Houston. But those are really the ONLY two possibilites for him before Buffalo...


    Why would the BROWNS pass up on AP? If Jamal Lewis was their answer at RB, he would have been signed long-term. And why would the Texans try and draft him when they just signed Ahman Green to a huge contract? Also, Peterson has had injury problems throughout his college career, including breaking his collarbone and missing the rest of the season.. I will pass, as he will cost us too much to move up and get.. He would not fall to 12, and if he did, draft him and trade him.. We can get good backs in the 2nd/3rd round and fill in holes in the secondary and defensive line in the 1st rd of the draft.

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