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  1. If this is what the market gives him its hard to see how the Bills would ever spend this much on a CB in the Cover 2 as we run it.
  2. Willis appear to have more future upside, but if one cares more about next year, my guess is that one follows Marv's thinking at his last press conference and slides Crowell over to his natural position where he played well in pre-season learning behind F-B and then goes for a pick such as Timmons (more highly rated on most mocks than Willis actually) to fill the OLB slot left by Crowell.
  3. Here we go. The Bills may need to trade down and settle for playing a rookie like Willis as our starter at MLB. Let's hope his learning curve is short and not too painful.
  4. Competition and options. Certainly in Andersons case and in the most part in Panos case, these players came in with little real competition and thus few options if they did not play their best ball (Anderson) or suffered injury problems. While, we can still probably use another G, there is now a veritable logjam of competitive Ts at the Pennongton level of reasonable past play but the winner will be the player who excels. At OG, Dockery is a multi-year full season starter who appears to be a solid lock at starter compared to the other players who actually do have some starter experience also at G. This easily seems to be an upgrade one can feel hopeful about unless you are the type of person who prefers not to be hopeful about your team. To each his own.
  5. Though the views that you describe are in fact an accurate description of what was true in the past, that is what they are accurate for the past. In the current NFL, the one the article correctly describes as a heightened interest in drafting safeties high the past 2-3 years, which was seen in the simple fact that two safeties were drafted in the top 10 last year and three in the first round and most important for those who are more interested in the reality of on the field accomplishments rather than the often misleading draft stats, safety is really an important part of the Cover 2 rage sweeping the NFL (which Jauron and the Bills have endorsed. Your views of safeties being easily found in the later rounds have simply been passed by by the times. One can hold onto the past draft numbers, but in doing so a person is building their views on what works in the past and in fantasy leagues rather than what works now in the reality of football.
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