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Git'er Done

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Posts posted by Git'er Done


    SITE (# Rounds) Name, Position

    About.com (1) Justin Blalock G

    Consensus Draft Services (3) Darrelle Revis CB (change from Pitcock)

    DallasCowboyFans (2) Levi Brown, OT

    D&J NFL Mock Draft (1) Amobi Okoye DT (change from Levi)

    DraftAce.com (2) Patrick Willis ILB

    draftboardinsider.com (2) Patrick Willis ILB

    Draft Connection (2) Levi Brown, OT

    Draft Daddy (1) Darrelle Revis CB

    Draft King (1) Leon Hall, CB

    Draft Notebook (1) Darrelle Revis CB

    Draft Season (Lupagus) (2) Dwayne Jarrett, WR

    East Coast Sports (1) Patrick Willis ILB

    FFCheatSheets.com (1) Amobi Okoye DT (change from Levi)

    FFLiveWire (Lukin) (1) Patrick Willis ILB

    FFToolbox.com (Matt Monaghan) (1) Paul Posluszny, OLB

    FFToolbox.com (Dave Thompson) (2) Darrelle Revis CB

    Fantasy Football Extreme (1) Amobi Okoye DT (change from R Nelson S)

    Fantasy Football Jungle (2) Levi Brown, OT change from Okoye DT

    FantasyTailgate.com (1) Gaines Adams DE

    Football.com (Mike McCollom) (1) Dwayne Jarrett, WR change from Nelson S

    More Soon!



    That's nice. The thing is you (I'm guessing) and I study the Bills, know the draft history, and generally know way more about the Bills than any of these mock draft guys. They are just making broad guesses, based on what they think might be the Bills needs.


    It's funny because the guys I grew up with, and who are super intense about fantasy football etc., know so much more about ALL the teams than Dan Marino, Chris Collingworth, or most of the NFL analysts. These "pro's" don't have to do anything but watch football, and you can tell that they haven't even bothered to watch any except MAYBE the previous weeks games of the two teams whose game they are gonna call, and possibly a "marquee" type game.

    I doubt very much that Jimmy Johnson watched a SINGLE Bills game this season, or Terry Bradshaw, or Howie Long or.....

  2. I have not convicted him.


    I just think that it is hilarious (and ironic) that many Willis haters hitched their wagon to Marshawn Lynch.


    By the way, there is no doubt in my mind that the Willis haters already would have "convicted" Willis if he had been accused of sexual assault.


    They already have "convicted" him even though he said that he loves Buffalo and "thanks God" for the situation in Buffalo.


    They already have "convicted" him even though, by all accounts, he had consentual sex.



    I agree, I have no problem with what Willis said, I think people here in Buffalo should get real. How many millionaires in their twenties have moved to Buffalo? I don't think many (unless they are pro athletes).


    So much that is said about him is speculation and rumor. I think that he knows he hasn't performed that well, and is more concerned about getting a good contract now for his own security. I think he is worried. We haven't heard what kind of numbers ($) he is looking for, everyone just assumes that it will be some outrageous demand.


    I am positive that alot of Bills players through the years would have rather played somewhere else. So what, as long as they perform I don't don't care how they feel about the area (though it is cool when they can appreciate the area's positive aspects).


    I think Willis is alright, but I can't see him being the MVP of a Super Bowl. I think the Bills need a better back.


    All that said, the Lynch story just came out. It doesn't look good, but lets get a few more rumors to convict him with at least.

  3. Last year they picked DBs as well. Does that mean they'll pick all DBs in this year's draft? This year's draftees are different than last year's. Similarly, the team's needs are different. Hence, I think it safe to assume we'll see different pick strategy.




    No, the reason they like to pick underclassmen is because they are players who have already dominated in college at a younger age. The best players come out early. They are younger (generally). The topped ranked junior at a given position would most likely be the highest ranked player overall at his position as a senior. Isn't that obvious?


    Surely any of the juniors (on any NFL team) that were drafted last year would have dominated in college this past year.

  4. Not sure why, but people don't seem to notice that the first 4 picks of last years draft were JUNIORS.


    I think that is the drafting philosophy. So when people say will it be Leon Hall, I say Darrelle Revis. When people say Patrick Willis, I say Brandon Siler. Not because I prefer one over the other, but because the Bills obviously want underclassmen.


    The only seniors that I think they might pick would be an O-lineman, but I don't think they will use a first rounder on a guard anyway.

  5. How about Travis Henry? He plead no contest to a sexual charge with a 15 year old and was suspended for marijuana use after we traded him.




    I'm sure they could have gotten more for him in a trade if he didn't already have "2 strikes" against him. This is a perfect example of the critics of the Bills not knowing really knowing what's going on behind the scenes. At the time, the Bills couldn't come out and say "we're having a hard time getting good value for Travis Henry because he has failed 2 drug tests".

  6. Q. Were you outraged by Willis having 2 out of wedlock children and undergoing a paternity test for a third.

    A. I have a limited amount of Outrage and usually save it for government officials and corporate criminals.

    Q. Did McGahee’s comments about Buffalo make you angry.

    A. If I cared about what stupid people think I’d be in a bad mood all the time so no.

    Q. If you don’t care about that what do you care about.

    A. If Willis held out, If Willis was a locker room distraction, If Willis dogged it on the field.

    Q. But none of those things would be in McGahee’s best interest to do.

    A. People Don’t always do what’s in their best interest and Willis is not the brightest bulb on the tree.

    Q. Would you cut Willis.

    A. No

    Q. Would you trade Willis.

    A. Only if the situation was right.

    Q. What would be the right situation.

    A. We acquire someone who we think is a better RB than McGahee and can trade McGahee for something of value.

    Q. For example.

    A. Getting Marshawn Lynch in the first round and getting value in the draft or a player in exchange for McGahee.

    Q. You think Lynch is better than McGahee so how many more rushing yards do you think Lynch gets compared to McGahee.

    A. I think Willis in a good year is about a 1200 yd back I think Lynch is a about a 1200 yd back.

    Q. Umm that the same, why do you think Lynch is better.

    A. Lynch will have a better yards per carry, Lynch has better hands and can run a pass route, Lynch can operate from a spread formation and doesn’t need a lead blocking fullback to be successful.

    Q. what do you have against FBs

    A. Nothing against the old time FB who use to block , run short yardage, and catch passes, but the FB who blocks like a third guard , and catches passes like a third guard and gets as many carries as a guard seems like a waste of an offensive position to me.

    Q. So with Lynch you’d use an extra TE or a slot WR most of the time.

    A. Exactly Picture sets with Royal and another TE like a Daniel Graham ,Zach Miller or one of our good slot receivers.- I’m thinking a 2 TE base set and then replacing Royal with a slot receiver on third and long.

    Q. Is there any other benefits from changing the Bills base personal sets

    A. with another TE and a RB who can make tough catches over the middle Bills have more options in their #2 WR

    Q. so this isn’t about hating Willis or thinking Willis sucks - it’s about giving the QB more options and putting the offense more in Losman’s hands.

    A. Exactly.



    Yep, I couldn't agree more.

    I think Willis is good, but it is often WHEN you gain the yards that matters most. A CLUTCH player. A big game player. I haven't seen Willis really play exceptional in the "Clutch". I don't know how good LYNCH is in the clutch, but the footage I have seen of him catching the ball made me think of Thurman Thomas (I'm not saying he will be TT, but he runs well inside, and can catch the ball real well). I think back to the way the Bills would drive down the field in the last 2 minutes of a game, with short passes to Thurman, I can't picture Willis doing that.

  7. I think the Bills strategy is to target certain players (underclassmen, the first 4 picks last year were Juniors, not a coincidence) and try to position themselves to get them. If the player isn't a #12 pick but they feel he is the right guy they might move down. Has anyone heard anything about Rice's personality (not "character", that word should be banned, it has too many interpetations).

  8. It will be very tough for the Bills to draft a sophomore as college football players are not eligible to enter the draft until after their junior season.


    Sidney Rice is an eligible Sophomore (because this post was about Sidney, I felt compelled to add the "maybe even a Sophomore "part because no doubt someone would have pointed that out :thumbsup: )

  9. Nice post,

    A big factor to consider is that an offensive lineman can have a looong career, I'm guessing because they don't have to be fast, whereas a DB or RB have shorter (effective) careers because a step or two lost is so much more crucial. This may have

    played into the Bills thinking in the past. I don't think it's necessary to spend a bunch of 1st round picks on offensive linemen, but an "anchor" type guy can hold his value for so long, and you won't need to replace him for 13 years!

  10. Here are some Sidney Rice plays I found on Youtube.com.......enjoy!





    The Bills could really use a guy that can pull the ball down in a crowd (not Lee Evans specialty,I love Lee tho). I would be surprised if the Bills picked him, but if they REALLY like him personally, and think that he stands out as a perfect fit for the team (I'm not gonna use the term "character" because that word seems to mean something different to everyone), and think he will be a consumate pro they might take him.


    The Bills are trying to draft guys that will set high standards for any new incoming players, THAT is a big reason they drafted Whitner, they believe he has the right attitude to be a good pro/teammate. The more guys they get that have that attitude, the higher the demands on new players, they see guys that take the job seriously and will feel compelled to do the same.


    The Bills are gonna target a few guys that "fit the BILL" and position themselves to get those guys (trading up, or more likely down, to get them). I think this means more to them than the specific position the guy plays (they won't draft a safety or a QB with the first pick, but pretty much any other position could end up the first pick (methinks)


    And as I said before, the Bill will draft a JUNIOR (or maybe I should say "they won't draft a Senior).

  11. "Marvs going to throw a total curveball and draft a WR. I got a weird feeling about this. Szmardjia (sp?) could be a Bill by April."



    Uh....Samaradja (I don't know how to spell his name either) is gonna be throwing curveballs, fastballs, and sliders.

  12. Didn't anyone on this board notice that the Bills' first four picks last year were all JUNIORS? Do people think that's a coincidence? Scratch all the seniors offa the list! MAYBE they will draft a senior offensive lineman with their first pick (I doubt it). But if they draft a CB or RB it will DEFINITELY be a junior.


    I'm gonna make a list of the top Juniors coming out and post it soon, then we can start talking for real.

  13. The Bills would do well to get at any one of these: A fullback that can catch the ball real well, an everydown halfback that can catch the ball real well, or a first rate receiving tight-end. They won't be able to get all of these, but any one of these would make the whole offense alot better. The Red Zone play would really benefit from one of these.


    The Bills never really got the screen pass down. I noticed that, early in the year especially, the line really struggled with any plays that demanded timing, they will be better at that this year, and it will keep defense's a little more honest (JP could use some work on leading the runner on a screen pass too).


    P.S. They will pick a Junior with their first pick

  14. i had forgotten that he was a junior. i'm seeing a movie for you, too, though. "anger management". you can't let it stay all bottled up, brother, it'll tear you apart. get a dog to beat...a sail boat to sail...drink hard liquor. better yet, watch some movies. stay away from george clooney stuff though, he's a total hollywood liberal....and that will just make you angrierer.



    These Bills, they mean alot to me :bag:

    A pretty good rant tho...

    I have so much more, especially about the draft.....I'll be back!

  15. My first post (I can't take it any longer).

    First, BOTH these guys were JUNIORS when they came out. THAT"S VERY IMPORTANT. REMEMBER THAT FOR THIS COMING DRAFT! The first 4 picks were JUNIORS! Do you think that was a coincidence? What would Whitner have done in college this year? Probably tore it up! McCargo is still young, he would likely have tore it up in college as well (surely someone will say "How do you know?" Well, I trust that pro scouts around the league know pretty well when someone is ready to make the jump). McCargo is probably younger than a few of the top rated guys coming out in this years draft. The age means ALOT. When everyone was ripping into Losman, comparing him to Kelly it infuriated me. Jim Kelly was 26 when he came to the Bills, and he spent some time in the "Minors" (USFL), he never really had a true rookie NFL season. Anyway, even if Whitner ends up only above average on the field, we don't know what "intangibles" he bring to the team. Work ethic, study habits, competitiveness, team spirit, professionalism, even social attitudes, so much goes into the evaluation of a player. Whitner has done real well, lay off! McCargo is still up in the air, he was injured. They obviously saw something in him to trade up, let's wait until he's 24 or so before we write the guy off. And another thing. I couldn't care less about a players sex life as long as he keeps it legal. When Marv talked about character, he said he didn't mean they had to be choir boys, what he meant was that they had to have good team character (played hard, good teammates,were competitive, always tried to improve, etc.), so if Marv doesn't get rid of Willis, that doesn't mean that he isn't following through with his commitment to "character", I think Marv is more worried about the players' "professional" relationship (which isn't to say that Willis has a good or bad relationship with the team, I (and you) don't really know. Just give Levy and Jauron a few years to get the kind of players they want before you judge them so harshly.

    Oh yeah. The first pick is gonna be a junior, so take anyone that isn't a junior off the list (I know some d*** is gonna say "well what about that 19 year old senior"...I don't have time to write out the few exceptions, I hope you get the idea).

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