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Posts posted by billybob

  1. Some drafts are just weak- I think the top three guys might be late first round early second round in other years- If you compared Oher Combine tests and Physical measurables with Joel Bells' without names you'd pick Bell - and Maybins no sure thing either- I think he compares with Manny Lawson in fact Lawson was probably the better athlete and look what Lawson has done.

  2. Hardy wasn't considered raw until he started to disappoint at OTAs. That was when we started to hear about how raw he was.


    He still has a chance to be good. Only people without patience (and therefore with judgment problems) have declared him a bust. But he has disappointed, and it's impossible to be sure what he will become.



    That might be when you heard how raw he was, the scouting reports I saw before the draft said basically -doesn't have great speed, needs to run better routes, needs to get stronger, needs to become more mature in attitude- but to be fair if I was to rank who I thought might do well their first year D Jackson would have been down the list and E Royal wouldn't have been on the list- so no crystal ball have I.

  3. My ideal defense is simplistic in nature.


    2 big run stopping defensive tackles in the vain of A Ted Washington/Pat Williams type combo. Which is part of the reason why Im jumping on the early bandwagon for the Terrence Cody 2 Buffalo campaign for 2010.


    Stock up on multiple pass rushing ends kind of like the giants do. I wanna come at you in waves, and if it means I'm sacrificing talent in the back half of the defense so f'n what. When you got players the caliber of Tuck/Osi/Kiwanuka/Sintim wtf cares who's playing corner.


    Lbs- I want my lb's to have sideline to sideline range with coverage ability. Size isn't all that important, but if you aren't covering you are useless in my defense. Too many teams run the short area passes over the middle, te's are a staple of any good offense, and there are plenty of good receiving backs in the league. Coverage ability for lb's is a must. Know how to form tackle. You can teach a backer pass rush moves. Good coverage ability is a gift, seldom learned.


    I want my corners with good size and physical. I'll sacrifice some speed for the ability to jam up at the los. Too much of football is won/lost in short down and distance. Fast corners are great. 5'11-6'1 200-210lb corners who can man up in the redzone and stop the quick slants and fades are a godsend. My nickle corners I want a quicker faster player to play up in the slot.


    My safeties I want interchangeable. In the box ss are a thing of the past. Gotta be the total package. Good up in run support, with the speed to cover deep. Have the knack for blitzing, and the hands to pick off passes.


    As far as my philosophy I'd probably lean towards a Jim Johnson agressive style defense. I'm coming after your offense with pressure as often as possible. Yeah I may give up some plays, but with my 2 stout dt's playing the run, and the lb's with good coverage ability I'm letting my dend talent play up to their strengths. I'm not gonna throw many fancy looks. You'll know I'm coming, and it's up to your offense to stop it, and my defense to make a play. Again I would majorly go very talent heavy along the dline, using multiple high end picks/free agent pickups to stockpile talent, while sacrificing areas like corners/safeties/lb's

    I so agree

  4. The amazing think to me are the posters who thought he was going to be a difference maker his rookie year- 1. the rookie WRs who do anything are as rare as hens teeth and 2. Hardy was considered particularly raw coming out of college but with a high upside- Hardy was considered a project ,if the Bills wanted a big contributor at WR last year they needed to go into FA, which they did this year, see Juaron learns, abet slowly.

  5. Not as a regular QB - if you were talking about as a wildcat specialist then that's a conversation.


    As for the dog fighting I think it's a horrible thing but there are a lot of horrible things going on that many people find perfectly acceptable - torture, acceptable collateral damage, bow hunting, helicopter hunting, 39.9 % credit interest, spying on every American's E-mails and phone calls to keep us free. At least Vick paid a price which is more than a lot of criminals do.

  6. The American Auto makers problem was a long time coming- they were content giving us pretty crappy cars for about 25 years and had a take it or leave it attitude, then in the mid to late 90% they decided to compete and started to close the gap till now they are on pretty equal footing with Japan and Germany but perception-wise they are stuck with the image of an inferior car everywhere except for styling or HP, what they have to do is make a superior car for next 5-10 years to erase the perception of inferior quality- ironically this is the same hurdle the Japanese automakers had to overcome in the 70s and 80s.

  7. How is this happiness measured?- Is this like the good Christian girls who report on surveys to never have premarital sex- and yet somehow end up unmarried and pregnant at even a greater rate than their less religious counterparts- and if right-wingers are so happy why does it seem that most of those murder suicides where the guy offs his family then does himself seem to be right wing nuts.

  8. for anyone wondering what Glenn Dorsey would cost in way of cap


    7/26/2008: Signed a five-year, $33 million contract. The deal includes $22.5 million guaranteed. Another $18 million is available through incentives. 2009: $385,000, 2010: $983,500, 2011: $1,582,250, 2012: $2.181 million, 2013: $2.75 million, 2014: Free Agent

  9. Is the income potential of the locals, just like Ralph said. Ralph mentioned that there is not a strong enough economy currently in place to support a normal NFL ticket price, based on someone else owning the team & the initial expenses of buying a NFL team. So what he was really saying is (in the nicest way), a majority of the people that live there are incapable of doing much past menial work for menial wages to earn a normal professional living and even if they could the jobs are just not there in the first place.


    Sadly, upon Ralph's death I think we lost our team unless Ralph sells it ahead of time to a group capable of holding out for a better time. After 30 + years of local depression, who knows when that will come as well.


    I agree, which is why I'm concerned with winning now- best deal for the long run? I don't think we have a long run

  10. This "football scientist" guy is questioning whether Pisa Tinoisamoa would be an upgrade from Ellison. At first glance, I think so, but I'm wondering how this guy can accurately stand by his numbers. He doesn't think he's much of an upgrade. I say he's comparing apples to oranges, because the Rams Defense sucked so much last year. Not as many good players around him. Still, it is kind of interesting.




    he might not be a huge upgrade but the difference between 7-9 or 9-7 is not huge- if you can do a lot of little things better we could go to 9-7 or even 10-6 and get into the playoffs - many games are won or loss on one play.

  11. A qualified yes- if he checks out medically and the Bills think he's a difference maker- I've seen the highlights, but I didn't really get to watch him in college- he didn't stand out in the couple of KCs games I saw- his measureables from the combine were not overly impressive- there were rumors of knee problems- there were rumors that he was less than rigorous in training and diet- so if the Bills have him pegged as a couple steps up from Williams and McCargo they could offer next years 1st, money shouldn't be to extreme KC paid the signing bonus, so around 30mil for 5 years with a lot of the money going in the finale two years.

  12. Correction: Buffalo may have the LEAST KNOWN Left Tackles in the NFL. These guys are not player personnel experts. They are basically groupies rating players based on the "have I heard of them?" factor. If Walker gives up fewer than 10 sacks it will be a step up from Peters.




    1. The Peters 11.5 sacks against is bull- propaganda just like WMD, it's out there and it ain't going away, but it isn't true


    2. Peters is a top 5 LT - he had what is for him a bad year- but he will dominate with Philly- so many on this board talk crap like an a$$ hurt chick who's been dumped


    3. It's all water under the bridge now


    4. Got to see Bell in training camp and he has good qualities for a LT- he's been by all reports a hard worker in the weight room and expect Bell to start the season around 320- I think he's going to be our starting LT and not be a liability


    5. Rookie guards have a history of playing at a pretty good level unlike some other positions


    6. I expect our starters to be Bell, Wood, Hangartner, Levitre, Walker with Butler and Chambers the dressed back-ups

  13. - Their biulds are similar


    - Ellison takes horrible angles.....misses a lot of tackles......and gets pushed around.....he really is a liability on the field.


    - Pia takes good angles and is all over the field.....but does not make BIG plays.......he is a good tackler and guys very seldom get away from him but a lot of his stuff IS downfield......he gets pushed around but does not give up on plays. He is not a star but is also not a liability on the field.


    Dont overpay for Pisa.....but hope that someone does replace Ellison.


    He has a decent amount of INTs, and Forced Fumbles, and a smattering of sacks- don't they count as big plays

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