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Posts posted by billybob

  1. That's very funny. We assume that the Pats always have a replacement. Yet we also assume the Bills never do. Is it possible there are apoplectic Pats fans howling over how cheap the Pats* are not paying Watson and trading for some scrub from TB?




    My point is they seem to acquire players first then cut whoever- the Bills often cut then go looking- to use a chess analogy the Bills might be able to find good individual moves but NE is looking 5 or 6 moves ahead.

  2. How I graded Butler at RG - Positives- Pretty good at pulling, pretty good at pass blocking the smaller quicker DTs

    Negatives- often got no movement on running plays, and got bull rusted into the pocket by the larger DTs.


    He might be a better RT than he was a guard - that was his college position and he has a more traditional OT build.

  3. I think we are about 13mil under the cap before signing the rookies - I'm not sure how much cap we get back for letting Kelsay go maybe most of the 5.6 mil- but Peppers has control of any trade because he can refuse to do a new long term deal and no can afford a 16.7 mil cap hit- With a deal similar to Haynesworth the cap hit would be 7-8 mil-. Personally I'd love the deal because Peppers can play either end position so he could play with Schobel and Maybin, I think the asking price would be a 1 and a 3 at least.

  4. .


    Why is it when the Pats dump big salary players they are hailed geniuses? If it were the Bills all we'd hear is how cheap Ralph is.




    Because they replace the guy first then cut or trade him- instead of cutting people then looking around the table saying "now what"

  5. This what I really know about Gelling- If the Bills are starting a bunch of people who have never played together or are playing new positions Bills fans will say that gelling is coach speak hogwash- if the Bills suck in 2009, Bills fans will say we'll get them in 2010 when our OL gells- yes it's all about the gelling everybody knows that.

  6. Ever play basketball? - If you run with the same guys all the time- you can often beat better players who don't run together - because you know where you teammates want the ball, where to set picks, who needs help on defense, where to go for rebounds on your teammates shots, and so on- never played on the OL but I would imagine it's the same sort of thing there.

  7. My question about Maybin is that since he doesn't have natural lower body power- if he wants to excel he's going to have to do the work ie Squats, tractor tire flipping, hill running, car pushing, sandbag lifting, reverse hypers, and so on- the trouble is that most people hate that kind of work, they're fine with benches, pulldowns and curls, even ab work but most people hate the hard work needed to develop lower body functional strength- it isn't fun so only the very disciplined do it.

  8. I'm not a huge Maybin fan but lets be serious for a second- this was a very weak draft, I had about 4 guys who seemed pretty solid (Curry, J Smith, E Monroe, and Raji)- the rest had flaws and concerns- Orakpo? is he maxed out? he seems stiff, got dominated at times in the run game. The best value might have been at CB or WR but that might have caused bloodshed.

  9. Bruce Smith was much lighter than his listed weight.....he had like 4% body fat......i remember seeing him in training camp at fredonia next to other players like Teddy Washington and Pat Williams.....he looked over a hundred pounds lighter than those guys.


    As far as maybin goes.....he will be able to get to whatever weight the Bills want him to play at.......as far as comparing him to Bruce for talent.....probably won't get close....but one can hope.


    I think it was more the case that Pat and Ted were much heavier than their listed weights- Pat pushed 350 and Ted 400

  10. Why would anyone compare Maybin with Bruce Smith they are nothing alike physically- DEs that are of similar builds would include Robert Mathis, Manny Lawson, Jevon Kearse and Maybe Richard Dent- I guess you could say both Smith and Maybin have very long arms and tremendous first step but Bruce had a much larger frame and immense lower body size and power.

  11. 1. Maybin - more upside in the long run than Orakpo but more downside too- Orakpo in the immediate future is the more complete player- This was not a great draft class for DEs and weak overall, the best talent at 11 was probably Jenkins or one of the WRs but I would have hurt myself screaming obscenities if we had taken one of them.


    1b. Woods- very safe pick- little chance of being an all-pro but even less chance of being a bust


    2a. Byrd- to me this is the genius or moron pick- if this guy is an Ed Reed clone or at least a poor man's Ed Reed we should throw flowers at the feet of the collected FO, if Byrd is average or worse then pitchforks an torches should march and heads be collected at 1Bills drive- there was a lot of talent out there when the Bills made this pick so pretty good doesn't cut it.


    2b. Levitra - another pretty safe pick


    4. Shawn Nelson -a highly rated player at an area of need- I'd say a no brainer


    5. Nick Harris- Marcus Freeman was available and generally rated higher and was a OLB in college not a projection obviously Nick Harris was rated higher on the Bills board- in a year we will see how good that board is


    6 and 7 anything the Bills get here is a bonus.


    Overall I say this draft depends on Maybin and Byrd if Maybin becomes Jason Taylor and Byrd becomes Ed Reed, then this will be a legendary draft, if Maybin is Eric flowers and Byrd nothing special, then you know pitchforks and torches!!!!

  12. Mike is an intellectual bully but not half as smart as he thinks he is- his football knowledge is poor- his hockey and baseball knowledge is fair- he seems frustrated that this is mostly a two sport town- one of my problems is that Parker doesn't call him on his bullsh!t and seems to kiss his butt way too much - an a-hole enabler.

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