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Posts posted by ThreeBillsDrive

  1. My buddy text messaged me today while I was at work with what Jaws said...Did he really say the Bills might be Super Bowl contenders?? I'm shocked.


    Is ESPN also the network where so many "experts" picked the Dolphins to win Superbowl XLI?

  2. Leaving a legacy is one of a competitor's greatest drivers. Edge can count his cash until he's blue in the face but he kissed goodbye to a ticket to the HOF. We also saw this year how Edge's great Indy numbers were dependent on a credible offensive line. Weaker OL in Arizona, weaker results.

  3. Rex Grossman gave up the back breaking points on an ill-advised pass.


    Rex Grossman failed to do a basic thing pee wee football quarterbacks can do: handle a snap. TWICE!


    Rex Grossman failed to make plays when he needed to down the stretch.


    Rex Grossman didn't do a damned thing to help the Bears in the fourth quarter yesterday.


    So, does CBS's "NFL General Manager" Charlie Casserly still think Grossman is a better QB than JP Losman. Remember when he said Losman wasn't even in the same "league" compared with Grossman (and his other young QB favorites including Rivers, Big Ben, etc.)

  4. link from Palm Beach Post or just someone who who knows someone who thought they saw this.


    Here's the link: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/search/conten...e_col_0203.html




    ... Former Buffalo Bills and U. of Miami QB Jim Kelly, visibly feeling very little pain, was bumping 'n' grinding wildly with three barely dressed women Thursday night on the dance floor of Automatic Slims in Miami Beach, while the nerdy former Dolphins QB Jay Fiedler egged him on with: "Go, Jimmy! Go, Jimmy! Go!" ...

  5. Peyton Manning

    Marsha Brady

    Drew Brees

    Big Ben

    Michael Vick


    Personally after the SB last night, I think I would take Peyton over any of them.


    Phillip Rivers. He's younger than them all (with the exception of Big Ben, who's the same age). He showed incredible poise for a QB playing his first full year. He wasn't the reason SD lost to NE. He looked like a veteran for much of the year, and yes, even during the NE game. I wish JP can show the same poise in 2007.

  6. Serves 'em right!


    Wussies can't handle the big bad cold weather!


    Exactly. I was in Miami for the December 25th Monday night game between the Jets and Fins. It poured from the start to the finish. How is it that all the woosies who pay 1000 bucks a ticket can't stay till the finish as a poor puck like me who pays 75 bucks.

  7. First off I'm not some flag waving nazi overly patriotic american.


    Second I was completely sober for the entire game.


    But didn't Billy Joel miss a line of the National Anthem?


    Didn't he forget the part "O'er the ramparts we watched" ??


    Billy Joel's rendition was just plain awful.


    Billy Joel raced through the national anthem as if he was driving in the Indy 500. He took 1 minute and 31 seconds to sing it, 13 seconds short. His voice is also bad bad bad.


    Couldn't they bring Whitney back now that she's divorced her crack head dealer and in recovery.

  8. i thought the number of empty seats was astonishing...i realize it was pouring rain but, good grief. the game was sort of a mess, but what do you expect in those conditions?


    I actually was in Miami on December 25th for the Jets - Dolphins game for the Monday night football. The conditions were identical. I paid 75 bucks per tickets. The Superbowl attendees paid an average of 1000 bucks per tickets. I stayed and many of them left. Real football fans stay through the worst conditions. But when you have CEOs, celebrities, wealthy people, executives of sponsor/advertisers, etc. attending, what can you expect?

  9. I understand your point...but I do not agree with it 100 percent about not looking at LB in the draft....it depends on who is available...if there is a guy who is too good to pass up at a certian point in the draft and if he happens to be a LB, grab him. You can never have enough good LB's IMO.


    As for Wire, I am glad he is back, because he really wants to be here. And he has shown signs of improvement, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to help the team.


    How anyone can be upset with this move is beyond me.


    Exactly. Someone who really wants to be in Buffalo is the attitude we need in more players.

  10. Peyton didn't win it single handedly. His defense got hot at the right time and carried them to the superbowl.


    Exactly. The Colts got hot at the right moment with all 3 facets of their team clicking throughout the playoffs, much like the Steelers did last year (notwithstanding a so-so game by the offence in XL). That the defence clicked late in the season made a good team a great team, that clearly deserves the Lombardi.

  11. 2 interceptions, 1 lost fumble, 1 recovered fumbled snap, and the inability to engineer a consistent passing game in the biggest game of his career. And a continual insistence in throwing off his back foot in spite of his miserable results when doing so.


    The bad Rex Grossman showed up today. Was the media really "ignorant" in questioning his consistency?


    If I am Rex Grossman, I wouldn’t pick up the phone, listen to the radio, read the newspaper or watch TV, let alone go to the Supermarket, for awhile. Stinker and possibly psychologically terminal for a young quarterback, Grossman’s performance was the type of thing quarterbacks have nightmares about.

  12. I'd just like to know who chooses the half time stars which perform. Last year it was the strip tease, and this year Mr. Glyph gave his Jimmy Hendrix guitar impression, and sounded like a cross between Bob Dylan, Bruce Springstein and Joan Baez. His scarf and wardrobe make me wonder how weird it was going to get. Wished the marching band would have gotten more emphasis, at least they seemed capable of carrying a tune.


    What's with Prince wearing an aquamarine and orange outfit for the Superbowl. Is he a Dolfan?

  13. Peyton is still a self important pile of dung. See him whining about so many things during the game? As usual. F him.


    Billy Joel, I love his music but tonight the speed at which he played reflected his age.


    Prince was cool. I love how at the end he threw the weird custom made guitar into the crowd. Although not as some might suspect a cool thing to do. I think he threw it out there because it wasn't working for the last 30 seconds or so of the last bit he did.


    Billy Joel's voice may have been auto-tuned: http://chris.pirillo.com/2007/02/04/billy-...the-super-bowl/

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