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Posts posted by Koufax

  1. I think our path to the playoffs needs us to be 6-5 a week from today, so on to Jacksonville.


    What we really need is to start seeing some losses out west which would currently have both wild cards...everybody else is within take care of our business territory.


    Chiefs play the Broncos twice starting this Sunday, and we likely need one of those teams to sweep those games and pull away...because otherwise they each get their 8th win in the split and push us towards having to make up ground on multiple teams.


    Obviously seeing losses for Ind, Mia, Den, Bal, Pit, Ten are all good things as things shake out, but the biggest thing is winning our sixth game.

  2. Losing in Miami still burns me, losing to the Jets drives me crazy. In our 12-4 dream imaginary season the Pats with Brady and at Seattle were two of the losses, so I can live with it if we come up short in this game, and am excited to take it on as a challenge and opportunity.


    But Dareus missing game #9 of the season is just crazy, and not to come in after his suspension ready to play every snap and make a difference is crazy.


    It reflects very poorly on him as a player, teammate and person to not be crazy completely ready to go as soon as he was eligible, but it also reflects so poorly on the team in terms of their preparation, planning, and ability to plan for this stuff to make sure players are in football shape and can avoid what are very preventable injuries.


    I seem to remember another four game suspension in our division, and while the circumstances are different, can you imagine if that guy came back out of shape, suffered two little baby injuries, and barely played at all through game 9?

  3. The "Not East to Get Football Ready" is a giant load of garbage that is covering up lazy players and bad training.


    Same thing happened in San Diego with Joey Bosa holding out then hurting a hamstring right when he got back and tried to jump in to practice intensity he wasn't prepared for.


    Here is the newsflash: If you haven't been practicing with the team and playing in games, you need to do something DIFFERENTLY than everybody seems to do. You have to make it your job to train and prepare and stretch in a more and/or different way to account for this.


    The Bills should have hired someone or encouraged Marcel to hire someone to organize very specific and intense training and preparation prior to his return to team practice, and it is a joke that he is off the suspension and still not contributing weeks later, and a double joke that his presence healthy easily would have made the difference in Sunday's loss which could very easily be the difference between a 9-7 playoff miss and a 10-6 playoff make when all is said and done.


    I blame Dareus personally, because it was definitely his job to be fully ready to return from suspension with a vengeance, but I also blame the Bills organization for not being at the forefront of this stuff and doing more to prevent this from happening.

  4. Interesting that we can pick up Lawson, Dareus, and Watkins as the season progresses. A little wild card that I don't think any other team comes close to recouping three first round special talents as the season progresses who hadn't contributed in the early part (although I can think of one divisional opponent that seems to have recouped a sixth round HOF talent).

  5. Let's go with BPA seven times and sort out the details in training camp. Taking inferior players because of where you think they fit early in an off season dooms you to get less value out of them over five seasons and build up a talent deficit. Injuries and turnover and time it can take for rookies to excel mean that picking what you think you need most isn't likely to be what you really need anyway.


    The good news is that BPA is an inexact science, and often there will be multiple very similarly graded players at a pick, so you can go WR over OT, etc. But knowingly passing on a better player so you can get an inferior player at a different position is silly.


    And I also don't buy the standard grades and think things need to be positionally weighted, so I'm not suggesting that we end up taking seven straight guards because Kiper grades them that way.

  6. Turning into a team that wins meaningful December games starts by winning meaningful December games whenever presented with the opportunity. We play a game that matters against a hated rival, I would like us to take a step closer to being a team that wins those, and no amount of humiliation motivation or draft order hopes will make me believe that the best thing for this franchise is anything other than beating the Jets.

  7. Is this your first season as a Bills fan or something?


    Nope, I was traumatized as much as everyone else by Norwood and the long slide since then, but like the Broncos in 1997 and Patriots in 2001 (each of whom had never won a super bowl and suffered through multiple losses too), I don't think that the past locks you in to a losing future.


    I think what happens on the field the next three weeks is separate from Rob Johnson and Scott Norwood and Thurman's helmet and Bruce's flu shot.


    It probably is not separate in the heart and minds of disappointed fans like yourself, but fortunately they don't impact the outcome. How the 46 guys in uniform perform compared to the other 46 guys in uniform is what matters.


    Growing up a Bills/Red Sox fan (due to an ill timed move), and watching the here-we-go again down 3-0 to the Yankees in 2004 turn into FINALLY!!!!, I know that the unexpected can happen, and until it actually does, many fans will view it as impossible rather than improbable. I don't expect that to happen with the Bills this year, but I do expect them to beat the Redskins and keep playing like it matters, because it still does.

  8. 1. I can't believe I'm responding to this, as our season is obviously over

    2. Pitt does not necessarily have to lose to Denver

    3. The Jets do not necessarily have to lose to New England

    4. Even with those things going that way, we need to a) win out and b) STILL get an upset from Pittsburgh


    Nothing about the way the Steelers are playing makes me think they are going 1-2 in their final three. While I think Kansas City is a joke, they're not going 0-3 with this momentum they have now. The season is over and you can look to any one of our pathetic showings as the reason (JAX, NYG, KC, PHI).


    It is not over, and I sure hope the team is not going to quit.


    We need help from two of KC/Jets/Pitt all of whom have a good shot at getting to 10 wins.


    I don't think KC loses out, and am not putting much hopes in this, but I am sure rooting against them against the Ravens on Sunday, and know that the Ravens have a shot.


    I don't think the Steelers lose two of three after upsetting the Bengals, but with a game the Broncos really need on Sunday, there is a decent chance a week from today we are hoping the Steelers lose one of two.


    I DO think the Jets lose the the resurgent Patriots, which is what we need from them. They could also lose to the Cowboys in Dallas and I am rooting for that, but it isn't likely or necessary.


    Beat the Redskins, root for the Broncos, Patriots, and Cowboys this weekend.


    Thinks like this happen in football, and I don't want our 6-7 do be what dictates our approach or effort or faith in game 14.


    And if we can somehow 9-7 our way in, we could have one of the following matchups:


    a Dalton-less Bengals team

    a Manning-less Broncos team

    a Luck-less Colts team


    Face one of those on an emotional three game winning streak and playoff high, and there is a decent chance you get to play another game the following week (unfortunately most likely in Foxboro).


    Edit: also root for the Packers over the Raiders, because even though they finish with the Chiefs, the Raiders winning out could spoil our 9-7 hopes even of the other things break our way

  9. Super disappointed with the outcome.


    Very disappointed with the overall performance of the defense, and the inability of Rex to get the most out of them in his scheme. There of course should be some adjustment period on both player and coach, but since it was such a strength under Schwartz, this has been a big disappointment that Rex couldn't make more seamless adjustments. I don't think Rex forgot how to coach, and I don't think our players forgot how to be talented (although the Kyle and Aaron injuries are very disruptive ones). This needed to be done better this year since we weren't in a new coach rebuild, and we have paid the price for it being botched.


    Medium disappointed with the offense. Tyrod is in year 1, and he needs to be a more complex passer capable of reading the defense and not just being a deep ball or scramble guy (although those are really key weapons too). Roman/Tyrod have to get the ball to Sammy more as the broken record continues to say.


    No, I don't think Rex was a bad hire (our HC walked out on us for contractual/situational reasons, and I think Rex was as good a fit for this team as there was, although Schwartz could have made for a smoother transition, I don't think he is as good a head coach, and a better DC). I don't wish Rex is gone next year for a void. I am withholding judgment on Roman right now, but have some doubts.


    I expect better from this team and this coaching staff. I think I would like tweaks to each, and it is not time to blow it up.


    And by the way, our job now is to beat the Redskins. We still have paths to the playoffs with help, and have to keep playing for that goal.

  10. We just need to win.....and let everything take care of itself


    Yep. We need to beat the Eagles. Nothing else matters. Sure I will be rooting against certain other teams in certain other games, but we have to take care of Sunday and are not yet to complicated scenarios beyond winning.


    I think we are a 10-6 team at our core, and anything better than that would be overachieving and less than that would be disappointing.


    10-6 teams usually make the playoffs, 11-5 almost always, 9-7 rarely. There are still four weeks left, and so many variables, and very possible situations where we miss the playoffs at 10-6 and where we make the playoffs at 9-7. But losing to the Eagles would put us into magic miracle mode, while beating them has us in looking really good mode. So I suggest we just beat Philly and take it from there.


    But just for kicks, if we lose to the Eagles and then win out to 9-7, the only help we need to get in is Jets losing to Patriots, and Steelers losing to Bengals and Broncos (all three games the most likely outcome), then three teams at 9-7 and we pass. So while this week is awesomely important, it isn't even yet a season decider.



  11. Jets and Redskins..,

    I am not sure who those teams you are talking about are, but we only play the Eagles this week. So we can only beat or lose to the Eagles this week. I am sure the NFL will probably schedule a game for the Bills for the following week, and may have already done so, but right now the only game that exists is against an up and down Eagles team in their stadium after they just beat the Patriots and are fighting for their division. I would like for us to do everything to win that game.



  12. Novak missed his first extra point which is why the Texans had to go for 2 to tie it in the 4th quarter...


    Yep. His relevance was based on playing him and includes that miss today. 9 missed extra points today, so isn't just on Carp, but I would have Novak over Carp if I could. Hoping he can get his head back on straight and his kicks back straight, because we will have some kicker difference moments in our final four games.

  13. 5) Mario is coming off a foot injury. Might be a cap casualty down the stretch, but still is a big presence who I think can help us a lot down the stretch.


    8) Not "technically" alive. Really truly alive. "Technically" alive will be if we were to lose in Philly and have to come up with creative ways to get in at 9-7. Getting in at 10-6 is a straight shot. Even if the Jets win all but our game including beating the Patriots, they would miss out to us at 10-6. Steelers have a very tough road to 10-6. We lose most tie breakers scenarios with them, so tonight, Go Colts!


    16) Carpenter has been brutal. I thought we should have picked up Novak a long time ago when the Chargers cut him. But I don't know that we can beat Carp in the waiver wire, so we might have to just cross our fingers and hope the worst is behind us.


    17) #WeAreOnToPhiladelphia

  14. I think Schwartz is better head coaching material than Ryan.


    First and foremost, Schwartz is intelligent and a good football mind. When he was hired by the Bills I posted a thread about the parallels between Schwartz and Belichick (here).


    Last summer I started a post about the hype of Ryan's D vs the results Schwartz got (here). It appears Ryan's D will not eclipse Schwartz on the most important stat, ppg.


    My point: Pegulas, admit Ryan was mistake. Get Schwartz back here before someone else picks him up. Ryan may be a good D coordinator, but as a head coach, he just doesn't have IT, and I believe the Schwartz does.


    Second most important stat. Most important is WINS, and I look forward to running the table and getting to double digits for the first time this season.


    As I have said in other threads, Ryan hasn't been at his best, and some of the decisions are questionable, and some of the growing pains of a new scheme have been hard, and injuries to three Williams boys have complicated things further.


    I actually really like Schwartz as DC and as HC, but I don't think Ryan is inferior at either. He has to do better than he has, and I expect he will.

  15. #WeAreOnToHouston


    Losing Schwartz was no fun, and being in year 1 of a new coach and scheme is no fun, and the ongoing injuries are no fun.


    But Ryan is better than Marrone, and Schwartz had a healthy Aaron Williams, Mario Williams, Kyle Williams throughout the year to make things happen. Our team has to play better and be coached better, and while we should always be trying to upgrade any part of our roster we can, I think we have the coaches and players to be a contender and evolve into a champion.


    That will also end up involving a little less Dareus in coverage and a little more targeting Sammy, so I expect improvements by our current coaches before we can reach our potential.


    i like that it's possible but the Bills haven't won 3 games in a row this season, let alone 5.


    No chance they can win five or three games in a row this weekend. And any team trying to is going to get beat, which is why the "win out" and "this is our first playoff game" stuff shouldn't go anywhere.


    What they can do is win Sunday. Of our final six games, @Chiefs was the hardest. If we were going to go 5-1 over those and not 6-0, that was the game we were most likely to lose. Doesn't mean we should have and doesn't mean it sits well.

    But what they can do is win a winnable game against a very hot but very average Houston team that has a four game winning streak, but doesn't really deserve a five game winning streak.


    Getting ahead of ourselves to beating the 4-7 Eagles backup QB after they have just been blown out by Tampa and Detroit is worrying too far ahead.

    Thinking about beating the 5-6 Redskins and hoping they play like the team Miami and the Jets and the Falcons all beat is way too far ahead.

    Preparing to take on the now 3-8 soon to be 3-11 Matt Cassel led Cowboys is really not the thing to prepare for this week.

    And thinking of feasting on the Jets at home with the season on the line to make the playoffs would be a silly approach this week.


    They have one thing to do and one thing only. Prepare to score more points than the Texans and find a way to make them look like the 2-5 team that Miami put up 44 against one month ago and leave the Ralph with their heads bowed and burst their bubble of a win streak.


    If we can't beat the Texans in our place with the season on the line, then we don't really have much reason to think about those other four games and the playoffs. They have a very good and hot defense lead by a very good player. But their offense is suspect and Rex can and will pressure Hoyer. Let's find a way to get to 6-6 before worrying about why that is actually going to be a pretty good place to be.



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