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Posts posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. i think VERY few, if any, are saying what he did was likely to be fully justified legally and/or morally. just that this image a hurricane kromer blowing in on these kids for no reason likely isnt accurate. like you said, if he set a "trap" it probably happened before too. whether they caused damage previously, or mouthed off that night, or both.... odds are theres some context that changes it from absolute crazy psychopath to run of the mill hot head that will plea down to just about nothing legally, and get some light to moderate league punishment (thats probably triple what he wouldve gotten from them 2-3 years ago even).



    I think that is how it will play out. Unless something really crazy happens, Im thinking a 2-4 game suspension is the worst case scenario. I think it is possible for the bills to cut ties with him, but we need OL help, and he is good at what he does. Bills are also a little more forgiving than other teams



    This type of statement makes no sense to me. If the kids were acting obnoxious and screwing with Kromer, and he went off and hit one, there is more of a chance that the son would try and discuss it and help the kids out. The son could've known his dad lost his cool and was trying to smooth it over so maybe the cops weren't called.


    if that is the case,then the provoking was minimal at worst.

  3. I really have no idea what actually happened. But as far as the arrest goes, all the cops had to go on was a minor with a red mark under his eye. The kids are going to say they did nothing wrong and Kromer is going to say they did this and that and the other and the kids are going to deny everything. At that point they pretty much have no choice but to arrest the adult who may not have even denied he cracked the bastard.


    Then the police didn't do their job (which is very possible). they should have weighed what kromer said. If kromer gave them enough reasonable story to justify what he did, they never should have arrested him.

  4. I agree with pretty much all of that. But I find it equally or more hard to say he deserves to be fired or is automatically an !@#$, simply because it's impossible to believe that nothing, or even something minor caused him to punch them and threaten to kill them. That doesn't happen out of the blue. They had to do something to provoke it more than sit in chairs.


    The people who think he is going to be exiled from the nfl are ridiculous. Coaches have done a lot worse and got a slap on the wrist. Things might be worse for him with all the domestic violence stuff that happened last year with the players


    As far as the provoking goes....since he was arrested, and based on what people are saying, I would speculate that what provoked him didn't actually happen that night. With him allegedly "setting this up" to trap the kids, these kids or other kids have been messing around his property but he couldn't catch them. Then finally one night, he caught them and he went nuts on them after a couple weeks of them doing whatever do his property.


    That could be completly false, but it is something that fits more into what is going on. Because if the kids did something that night that was bad enough to warrant being hit, then the police wouldn't arrest him. So either the police made a huge error or he wasn't provoked that night, but provoked prior to that night.


    There are a lot of questions that are unanswered. Did the kids hit them back? If these kids were rowdy and were doing things where they deserved to be hit, wouldn't they be the types to hit him back? And why would kromer let his kid stay with these kids if they were such a danger? doesn't make any sense.


    So little facts to this story, and we only have one side to work with. But if I had to bet money on it, these kids were probably toying with him for a week before that night. It lines up with why he would set them up, why he is so pissed, and why the police arrested him. This is just me guessing though.

  5. Who here is defending Kromer to death?

    not many. most are being rational


    But I have been seeing quite a few posts like the one I quoted. I mean, the sarcasm of him saying " You are right makes way more sense than spoiled expectant little turds getting their just desserts. "


    I mean, wtf? We have so little info and we are leaning that these kids deserved to be hit? We heard from the kids what kromer allegedly did. But we haven't heard from kromer what the kids actually did, other than take some beach chairs.


    I just find it hard to say these kids deserved to be hit because they moved some beach chairs onto public property.


    I am very interested in hearing kromers side of the story. but whatever he said isn't in the report, and we have this mystery insight from foxsports which I don't entirely think is true. I find it odd that the report would blame "being too dark" as a defense without saying what things kids did that was so bad that justified a man hitting them. I think that report is bogus because it is too vague and doesn't give out details. "too dark" cannot be his best defense. If it is,then he is a bigger idiot than I thought.

  6. Well keep laughing at the hysterics because your world of rainbows and unicorns doesn't exist either. Those poor innocent boys who were victims of an unprovoked attack by an NFL coach with no prior history of this type of behavior. Thank god for those boys exposing this evil man. You are right makes way more sense than spoiled expectant little turds getting their just desserts.


    I never said they are innocent. I have no idea. But it seems hypocritical for people to post "don't condemn kromer!" then they turn around and condemn the boys. The hypocrisy is disgusting. People can't have it both ways. a lot of people here are being sensible. But there are some that are defending kromer to death with little evidence and then condemning the kids on even less evidence.

  7. I find it hilarious that people who are saying we shouldn't make Kromer guilty until he is proven guilty, but they are condemning this kids for underage drinking when there has not been a single report saying that they were drinking.


    "yup, they were 17 year old kids out past 11, they were probably drinking daddy's whiskey."


    Because you know, if they are teenagers and they are out and about at night, they have to be drinking. cause that is the only possibility.


    The kids probably paid off those cops so they didn't get in trouble for underage drinking. kids these days are loaded with cash.


    Maybe this isn't about beach chairs. Maybe kromer when out there to lecture these young people the dangers of alcohol and what it does to the brain. Then these little ***** got mad and went after him. Kids never listen

  8. Was there a witness to the punch other than the victim? If not, no other witness and no marks on his hand casts doubt. If he admits to hitting the kid though, that issue is settled, but if I was his lawyer, that's how I'd play it.


    If he is claiming self defense, then yeah, he is agreeing he hit the kid. The question then becomes if he had reasonably believed he was in danger and had to defend himself.


    Reports say His son was also a witness. So there were more than just the victims that saw what happened. plenty of evidence and testimony to go around for them to work with.


    It might not be something a lawyer can "play." He probably admitted to the police he hit the kid before he was arrested. he can take it back i guess, but based on the report saying he is claiming self defense, Im pretty sure he hit him.

  9. The issue is he still hit the kid so unless he can prove it was self defense, he will have a tough time defending himself





    Pretty much. so far the only one that did hitting was kromer according to reports. if kromer was attacked/hit first, it hasn't been reported yet. I am expecting some type of suspension. But people talking about some type of nfl exile is way too extreme. lots of coaches have done worse and were able to come back

  10. Geez guys, is it really so hard to believe it was dark out, some kids were messing with his stuff, he confronted them, they were disrespectful, and he overreacted? Is he really the devil at this point?


    Did he do something wrong? Sure. Should he be charged with battery? Probably. Should he lose his job, and be an outcast for the rest of his life? Get a grip. I know if some kids were pulling chairs from my backyard, I would confront them too. The world isn't all rosey, people make wrong decisions and they are punished for it in court. They don't need to be blacklisted because you read it on the internet. Such an overreaction.


    Im not saying he should be blacklisted, but unless something really positive comes out for him (he doesn't get officially charged, innocence, etc) then even if the bills do nothing the NFL is probably going to suspend him multiple games. Players would get suspended over something like this, and coaches are supposed to be held to a higher standard.


    I personally hope he sticks this season. Bears oline got a lot better under him, and we need good coaching on the oline.


    But there are other things the bills will be considering. We signed incognito, who has had his own issues. We are trying to keep him on the straight and arrow. Keeping a coach or not disciplining him could send a wrong message to incognito that we don't care about accountability. Incognito, who is coached by kromer. Also take into effect we have several players on the team with character issues now. Keeping them all on the straight and arrow can be comprised if all kromer does is get a slap on the wrist.



    We don't have a lot of information yet on what Kromer got involved with, but a lot of this makes me skeptical.


    Lets say he got home, and there were people on his chairs. Now, if they were kids, I would have told them to take a hike. If they gave me attitude back, I would totally shoot back at them. I wouldnt hit them though unless they were full grown and hit me first. From all the reports Kromer hit the kid first. Now there is a report kromer is claiming it was too dark to see. Now, if it were me, if it was too dark to see I still wouldn't punch someone unless they punched me first. They could have a knife, a gun, 10 friends with them, god knows what.


    I don't know exactly what happened, but if I had to guess alcohol was involved and Kromer went way to far, and he will be suspended by the NFL. and if the NFL lets him off without any punishment, the NFLPA will be pissed because had he been a player he would be suspended for at least 4 games, and he should be punished harder because coaches are held to a higher standard. or supposed to be.

  11. I hate harbaugh but to be fair to him I think he thought Cowherd meant playing the Big 10 was like having a bye week. Cowturd was referring to the Big 10 as up and coming and it was a "Buy" like a stock. It was a dumb question and after that it went downhill.



    It definently went more downhill after that, but the interview was painful from the start. I hate Cowherd, besides the opening question about intensity Cowherd did everything he could to give him an easy question to answer and he didn't do it.

  12. Two of the best RBs in the league were traded/let walk from their last teams. Connor and Felton will bounce around the league for a few more years.


    The Bills were 2nd in the league in rushing with a pretty good defense 2 years ago and they still couldn't win.


    I don't think they have invented anything....


    2 years ago we couldn't stop the run. last year we stopped the run.


    2 years ago we had a good run game. last year we had no run game.


    If we can get a season where we stop the run and run the ball well, we will win 10+ games.


    With that said, I think this trend started with San Fran and Seattle. Wilson is a nice QB, much better than what we have. But he is barely a top 15 QB in my opinion. And Alex Smith and Colin Kaep are pretty good, but they aren't what I would call great. But they won by playing good defense and running the ball. This is caused by QBs coming out of college that just are not the same. Once all the elite QBs retire (manning, brady, brees) the only dominant QBs left would be Rodgers and Luck. Rivers and Big Ben are up there, but they are nearing their end too. None of these younger QBs are impressive aside from luck and rodgers. I see the game changing unless some of these young QBs start turning some heads.

  13. Dolphins were looking to trade for him before he was cut. I would think they would be in the lead to sign him as a FA especially having more cap space than Bills at the moment. One would think they'd be more "all in"


    They couldn't be really serious. Why wouldn't the eagles trade mathis for something and cut him? even if miami offered a 7th round pick I would assume that the eagles would jump for it rather than cut him. I doubt there was any team that wanted him with his contract. any team that wants him, wants him at a discount.

  14. The comment about chip kelly was right after the trade happened, and it was months ago. A lot has happened since then, and he didnt want to talk about something he said months ago. I can't blame him for that, but he probably should have put it to rest rather than blowing it off. But it really isn't a big deal. That is really the only thing he has done "wrong" since the trade.


    He says stupid stuff a lot, but not the type of stuff that ruins teams or something. Like when he said that his son his a better football player than tebow, or bryce brown was going to start over fred and cj. He says stupid stuff all the time. But it is barely news worthy or contraversial. mostly stuff you would just shrug your shoulders at.

  15. #1 - making the playoffs is the only definition of a "successful season" for me.


    #2- an emerging EJ who earns the starters role is a nice consolation prize...kinda like getting jack eichel....a key building block for the future.


    This pretty much. With all the hype, I am going to be disappointed if we don't win a playoff game. But that is asking a lot from a team that hasnt been good in awhile

  16. At my bills bar in the Tampa area, there is this older bills fan that shows up named Bob. He spends the entire first half screaming whenever he sees any player with long hair on tv for someone to "rip it off!" because he "looks like a moron with hair that long!" Then at halftime, he leaves



    I have nothing to contribute to the thread, but after seeing his user name and reading his post it was all I could think of

  17. I don't bother paying for DTV because I just don't like their packages. I watch the games at a local bar, which obviously uses DTV. With that said, bars where I am can't open early enough to play the game anyway.


    I get people being upset because they pay for DTV. but for the people in the local markets will still get the game on the local station. Most other people will be ok or even happy with streaming it. This really effects a small group of people, and I get why they are upset.


    But on a bigger note, I wouldn't be surprised if this is starting to spell the doom of SNT on DTV. With the addition of the thursday games, and now this streaming thing being tested, DTV might not want to pay all that money for the rights to these games. I wouldn't be surprised if it starts getting sold off to multiple cable providers until it is fully streamed from some site.


    10-15 years from now, ill bet all the non national games get streamed and SNT is dead.


    I've never heard of this term "glue contract", but it explains why the Bills inexplicably gave Chris Kelsay a 4 year 24m deal early in the 2010 season. I guess Whaley really did learn a few things from Nix, because both have re-signed under-producing players to deals well beyond their team value. BTW, which other NFL GM's are wont to provide "glue contracts" to their veteran players who are good in the locker room?


    The things I learn from this board. :lol:





    If you never heard of a glue contract, then you probably never heard of the "hot sauce" contract. it is when you over pay for a big personality to add a little spice to a bland team of boring personalities.

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