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Posts posted by Moose

  1. I do not even want Bledsoe ON THE TEAM anymore!!!! He's a pitiful moping loser whose influence can not be healthy for a young quarterback in the wings. And don't give me the "he mentored Brady and he turned out okay" argument, because it doesn't apply here.


    Get rid of him - and send "genius" Donahoe packing, too.

  2. Clemens is an overrated, fat-assed jerk who HITS batters intentionally. He has a problem with anger management and aggression control. Yankee fans "forgot" this reputation when he became a pinstriped-clad hero.



    Once a jerk, always a jerk. (He probably kicks his dog when he's mad.)








    He'll get no respect from me... ever.









  3. I never was a member... but I did try to fall into line and support him. When he threw the ball out of bounds on a 4th down late in a game (against Philly, I think), I knew for a certainty that the "Drew-Bledsoe-I-never-feared-when-he-played-against-us" was in the house.


    Someone gave me a Bledsoe bobblehead doll when he first came to Buffalo, and I ran over him several times with my SUV immediately following his 4th down sack/fumble for a touchdown against the Patsies three weeks ago. (BTW, I think Belichick is Bledsoe's real daddy!)


    Come to think of it, I was never a card-carrying member of either the Todd Collins Apologists Club or the Rob Johnson Apologists Club. Like it or not, the last leader the Bills have had behind center - and the only one since Kelly's departure - was Flutie.

  4. It may not happen next year, but I think that Donahoe will be gone after the 2005 season - and I'm hoping that someone with a brain comes in to turn things around. (Let's hope Mr. Wilson is still alive by then.) Flame me all you like, but I also see Jim Haslett coming in to be the coach. Maybe then we'll have some hope of building a contender.


    In the meantime, I will still refuse to watch this team under Bledsoe's "leadership".

  5. Listen, I have said this before, but I'll say it again, I know everyone wanted him to be the Savior when he came here. There was alot of excitement because of his name.




    Not everyone. I was vehemently against acquiring him, as I am now against sticking with him.


    He was great.



    I respectfully disagree. He was above average, at best, and never scared me when he played against the Bills. Now there are no words to describe how much he stinks. Worse, he's too ignorant to even see what a laughingstock he has become.


    To put it in perspective, just imagine how much we'd all be gloating if the Dolphins had traded for Bledsoe instead of the Bills. We'd be snickering up our sleeves and hoping he stayed there a long, long time so we could pummel them twice a year.

  6. Greg, I stand at my computer and applaud your post!



    I've watched a lot of bad Bills teams through the years, and I truly believe that this is the absolute worst ever. They are indeed a laughing stock - and they look the part with those ass-clown uniforms, too. I'd rather watch those underpaid, talentless Bills teams of the early 80's; at least they played their hearts out instead of just showing up to collect their paychecks.



    Thanks to Donahoe, this franchise has hit bottom... and is now starting to dig.

  7. I guess all you bandwagon jumpers crawled back under your rock, sucking your thumbs, while clutching your Drew Bledsoe bobblehead dolls.  Sorry for the vitriol, but I took a lot of grief from a bunch of braindead numbnuts who don't have the guts to show their faces now.





    My Drew Bledsoe bobblehead met an ugly demise after the Patsy game, as some of you may recall. This team not only sucks, it also blows! Tom Donahoe has transformed this team from one with a proud blue-collar workman attitude, to a losing bunch of ass-clowns who only play for their paycheck. And their uniforms are a bleepin' joke, too!


    After almost twenty years, it's time for me to write another letter to Ralph Wilson.

  8. I have nothing against Bledsoe personally; he seems like a classy, stand-up kind of guy. I just don't like him being the Bills quarterback. He isn't even in the top 20 right now in the NFL.


    In short, he stinks - and we are going nowhere with him as the so-called leader of the team. I have tried to support the guy, but he has fulfilled all of my pre-acquisition reservations about him.



    Now, would you like to know what I think about Donahoe, the man who has singlehandedly destroyed the Buffalo Bills as I knew and loved them?

  9. We Bills fans have heard RW at half time ceremonies. The man, as great as he was for this town, is senile and barely coherent. He needs to sell this team to somebody with a clue so we can start anew.

    That said, the very first order of business should be to fire Tom Donahoe, the consumate loser, and total disgrace to the great people of Buffalo and WNY.



    Whoa, Bill. And I thought running over my Drew Blesdoe bobblehead was harsh. If I had a Ralph Wilson bobblehead, I certainly wouldn't run over it... but I would have put a Tom Donahoe one under the other rear tire opposite Bledsoe! :blink:

  10. After the fumble, I got my Bledoe bobblehead out of storage and ran over it several times with my SUV and then threw its remains into the waste basket I keep in the basement for used kitty litter and bagged dog poop. Now he's out on the curb waiting for his last ride to the dump in the morning. This was probably a very juvenile act in many of your eyes, but to me it was a symbolic cleansing. I vow that I will not watch this team again with Bledsoe, the embodiment of losing, as quarterback... nor will I purchase or wear any Bills merchandise. I have better things to do with my time, money and energy than to spend it on a team whose quarterback plays like a Patsy "plant".


    I could also rant on about Donahoe, whose list of bungles began when he ditched Flutie in favor of Surfer Dude... but right now I'm spent.

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