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Posts posted by Moose

  1. Working with developmentally disabled adults (9 years)


    Career Counselor (9 years)


    Mac Technician (6 years and counting)





    Hmmm... looks like I have about three more years in my current career before I move on to the next thing. I'm hoping it will be "Multi-Millionaire" or something similar. :D

  2. My last two dogs have been Chows, a very easy breed to housebreak... but there are some common things to keep in mind:


    1) As some here have said, a puppy has little bladder/bowel control until they near 4 to 6 months old. This means that you have to take your little puppy outside OFTEN! At 8 weeks old, they need to go out every two hours, even through the night. Trust me, this is the most difficult time to have a puppy, especially when it's the dead of winter when they happen to be this age. Even if you have a fenced-in yard, invisible fence or other tie-out option, you really should go outside WITH your puppy to make sure that she "goes" and to offer profuse praise (a nice, high happy voice saying "Gooood!") when it happens. This is very, very, very important! Shirk your responsibility at this formative age, and you may have a dog who has accidents for years to come. As your puppy get older, she will need to go out less and less frequently. (I wanted to have a party when my dog, Koko, first made it through the night without having to go out.)


    2) Whenever you dog "goes" in the house, offer a firm and stern "NO!!!" and quickly take the dog outside. Do NOT strike or punish the dog in any other way! Make sure to clean the accident area promptly and thoroughly to prevent it from becoming a habitual problem spot.


    3) Try to monitor your dog's needs and get a sense of how often and when she needs to go out. Typically, a puppy will have to go after sleeping and after lots of activity.


    4) Be patient, be kind, and be consistent. It takes time and effort to train a dog to live in a house with us, something that does not come naturally to them. Know that it is all well worth the effort, though!


    Good luck and enjoy your new friend for life!

  3. The Pats are a great football team and should be shown a little props from Buffalo fans. I can appreciate what playing great football looks like in 2005 because they are it, end of story.



    Props and (measured) respect are in order, but that doesn't mean I have to like them! Since 1995 the Bills are 6-14 against them - with more than a little bit of help from the refs in two infamous games and thanks to Donahoe being snookered into a trade that brought their weakest link to us, freeing them to leave us as the sole AFC East team without a Super Bowl win! On top of that, their coach has all the warmth and personality of a vinegar-soaked rag... and their obnoxious troll fans, bragging rights in hand, have infested the Wall for more than two years now.


    I really hate the Patriettes more than I ever hated the Dolphins and I will probably continue to hate them until we ditch the Statue and figure out a way to beat their arses in humiliating fashion twice (or more) each season.


    So there!


    Die, Patriots, Die!!!

    DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!

  4. Thanks for a refreshingly different post - and welcome to the Wall!


    Your uniform concepts are great! We desperately need to get back to a three-color uni after living with our hideous six-color rendition now. (Yes, it IS six: two shades of blue; white; two shades of red; and a curious touch of silver.) Every time I look at our dreadful road uniforms, I just cringe...


    While I am not really a fan of having the logo on the sleeves (from a design standpoint, it's redundant) - I do understand some peoples' viewpoint that it's good for the jersey, sans helmet, to be recognizable as "Buffalo Bills".


    All in all, your concepts incorporate a nice blend of modern and retro. I do think you should send them directly to Mr. Wilson, along with a persuasive letter showing how they better represent the grit and blue-collar tradition of the Buffalo Bills than the current uniforms.


    If your uniforms were ever adopted, I would buy a jersey! Good luck!

  5. JP should start in any games against New England regardless of who is the official Bills starter. Being the headcase that he is facing his old team, Bledsoe cannot beat them. If Bledsoe is the starter, his record against NE will be 1-8.


    Let's face it: the path to the Super Bowl is going to go through Foxboro for the next several seasons barring any major developments - - - and they are Bledsoe's "daddy".

  6. Disagree.  If Trent Dilfer can QB a Superbowl team, anyone can.



    Tom, I'm just quoting you so I can reply to your "You can't handle the glockenspiel" tag. I'm probably one of the few here who can proudly proclaim that I handled the glockenspiel for three years in my high school marching band. It was not pleasant holding on to one of these wearing only white cotton gloves during sub-zero degree night games... but I never dropped it!



  7. Oh Holy Christ on a Stick....


    Flutie? Please.


    How about Brees...no one thinks we could pry him from SD? They HAVE to start their rook, because of the bling thrown his way.



    All I'm saying is that Flutie was better than RJ. Heck at age 42, he's still better than Bledsoe!!!


    As for Brees, I don't want another "Drew" under center. Or another Rob. Or another #11. Bad Karma, man. Time to move on.

  8. Trading for Bledsoe was a horrible idea right from the start as far as I was concerned. After Donahoe pulled the trigger on it, though, I wished I would be proven wrong. Unfortunately, I wasn't wrong.


    As long as Bledsoe is the starter we will lose twice a year to New England (who is loving every game of this blessed "experiment") and we will never win a playoff game... IF we ever even get to the playoffs.


    I don't know which Donahoe decision was worse: the trade for Bledsoe, or going with RJ over Flutie.




    Doug Flutie: He Just WINS!!!!

  9. Thanks for the hat tip! I'm glad you enjoy the wallpaper, Fan in San Diego...


    For 2005, I'll be redesigning the wallpaper template and also add some generic wallpapers as many have requested. (I just haven't had much free time lately and decided to wait until the new year to create these.)


    As always, TBD input and requests are always welcome! (Nope, I won't be doing any Bledsoe wallpapers unless the Buffalo Bills SPECIFICALLY indicate that's whom they want to feature!)

  10. Sorry if I'm just not very observant, but how long has Bledsoe been wearing this thing on his wrist? Has he had it all season? Longer?


    Without going into a lot of commentary, it reminds me of the "dummy" notes that Vinnie used to wear when he and Parcells were with the Jets.


    The days of quarterbacks calling their own plays are long, long gone. Perhaps the days when they even remember the plays will soon be gone, too.

  11. Good points, all.


    I'd also add another personality trait not listed: toughness, mental and physical, that matches the character of the city in which they play. I want Darryl Talley-type players who play like it's a summer's day when the temperature hits 20º below zero... not huddle around the heaters in October like these guys do.


    Oh, and I'd shed those fuggin' ugly assclown uniforms that Donahoe brought in. I am so sick of looking at them, especailly the humiliating yoked road unis. Pitiful. Bring back the uniforms of the Jim Kelly era, possibly with a darker blue all around. (Using two shades of blue is aesthetically wrong.)

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