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Posts posted by Moose

  1. Maybe not really in his Bills coaching career where he had Kelly the whole time, but he did repeatedly pull QBs in other stints during his coaching career most notably in KC with Fueller/Killner (sp).



    I distinctly remember after the Collins/Hobert incident that Levy said he had never pulled a QB during a game (except for injuries) - even when he coached prep school and college.


    Maybe he considered some of the yanks of QBs in KC as "suspected head injuries" when they did something stupid. ;)

  2. Here is my observation on how Bills fans on this board have reacted to the QBs since Kelly retired.


    Flutie, everybody loved him when he got the starting job but when he started to look bad, it was let's get Rob Johnson he will win for us.


    Johnson, gets to the the starter when Flutie goes to the Chargers and guess what, everybody wanted him gone, some even called for Van Pelt to start.


    Bledsoe, when the Bills traded for him, everybody was so happy, Bledsoe will get the job done, now three years later he is ready to be run out of town.


    Loseman, everybody wants him to start, the new savior for the Bills, he will lead this team to glory, or so goes the wisdom on this board.


    Anybody see a pattern here?



    First of all you omitted Clodd Tollins, who had everyone's support until he proved to be a dunderhead and even Marv Levy pulled him from a game (which, except in cases of injury, he had never done before in his coaching career.)


    Then you forgot Billy Jo Hobert, who went in for Clodd Tollins (see above) and stunk up the place. After the game he admitted that he had never even studied the playbook.


    Flutie: IMHO, we should have kept him. He was fun to watch and was the only QB since Kelly who had both a competitive spirit and a winning record as starter. So, you are wrong in saying "it was let's get Rob Johnson he will win for us."


    Rob Johnson: yes, I was among those who wanted him gone. Even though on paper he has the best stats of any Buffalo Bills QB in history, he was always a sack and an injury waiting to happen. In short, he stunk - but he made a lot of money and has a Super Bowl he didn't earn. He was probably the worst ever QB fit for a Buffalo Bills team.


    About Bledsoe, you say, "Bledsoe, when the Bills traded for him, everybody was so happy, Bledsoe will get the job done, now three years later he is ready to be run out of town." BZZZT! Wrong!!! I never wanted him here EVER and will be glad to see him gone.


    Losman: Until he plays, no one knows how he'll do. I don't see him as a "savior". Only time will tell if he has any promise.



    In short, your observations are as lousy as our QBs since Kelly have been.

  3. Bills Team Report

    They just wonder if Losman's feel for reading defenses and decision-making can match his physical skills...



    Hello!? Were they wearing blindfolds when Drew was behind center? Can't the exact same concerns be raised about HIM????

  4. This is the first job I've ever had in which I am part of a union... and, frankly, it feels kind of slimey to me. Every person in the school district belongs to one union or another, and I've never witnessed firsthand such a dysfunctional and inefficient system in action. At the non-union community college where I used to work, the atmosphere was totally the opposite: it was a model of helpfulness and efficiency!


    Here, the custodians (janitors) are members of the teamsters union; they make a very decent wage ($25/hour to start) and they are absolutely the most worthless, lazy bunch of workers I have ever seen! If there's a broken bottle out in the parking lot, that's not the custodians' job - you have to "put in a work order" to have the district grounds crew come by and clean it up. (I just grab a broom and a dust pan and go clean it myself so no one gets hurt or gets a flat tire.) When they have to cover a basketball game in that may run until 8:00 PM, they COME IN EARLY so they can get at least three hours overtime... even though they normally work until 9:00 PM! I run the sound system for plays and musicals and often stay to pack up my equipment in the auditorium after everyone has left. (As a favor to the music department, I work "off the clock" so they don't have to pay me a ton of overtime. They give me a decent cash token of appreciation instead.) Anyway, the custodians run a quick broom through the auditorium and then go read a newspaper for a couple of hours after the event so they can pad their overtime. If they're ever caught sleeping on the job, or leaving for a lengthy dinner while on the clock, nothing happens. Everyone is afraid to confront the union. The only time a custodian in our building was ever fired was when one was caught in the act of stealing from a teacher's purse - and even THAT rose a stink with the union!


    The way I see it, unions are a two-edged sword. Without them, there is a chance that employers will take undue advantage of employees. With them, productivity plummets and this is a direct cause of U.S. jobs going to Third World countries. The solution to many of the problems in this regard lies in instilling and promoting a keen sense of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY on the part of everyone involved! (How to go about doing that is the million-dollar question.) Employers have a personal responsibility to treat their employees fairly and employees have a personal responsibility to put in an honest day's work for their wages.

  5. I Remember Mama (1948) with Irene Dunne, who won an Academy Award for her role.


    Very touching movie...



    If you've never seen the Marx Brothers in A Night at the Opera (1935) or Horse Feathers (1932), they are worth your while.


    Also, another of my favorites is Sidney Poitier in Lilies of the Field (1963).

  6. I just want to know why pats fans are hanging out at a bills message board after they won their 3rd superbowl in 4 years?

    I get it they're a dynasty a great team.  Now please go to your own message boards. Go out and celebrate.... Go Get drunk and get laid.  Just do something thats not here  :doh:



    Really. My thoughts exactly. Shouldn't all the Patsy trolls have been out burning cars or popping pimples or something to celebrate?


    Sheesh. Get a life.




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