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Posts posted by Fezmid

  1. Nor did I...but Best Buy is giving them away to new customers....so what the heck!



    I've said it before, and everyone who has one has concurred -- it will *literally* change your entire life.


    If you're a family guy, you'll be able to eat EVERY meal with your family (I havn't eaten dinner in front of the TV since we got ours).


    If you're a sports nut, you can watch TWO NFL games at the same time!


    If you go on vacation, you don't have to worry about missing any of your shows -- and you don't have to setup timers or anything either because it's all AUTOMATIC.


    Basically, it's the best invention in a LONG time...


    And remember, if you've been a DirecTV customer for a couple of years (or more), you can call them up and get a FREE ONE - although you may need to ask for Customer Retnetion.


    No brainer.


  2. I have a standalone Tivo (w/Lifetime Subscription) and DirectTV and it works fine.  I must tell you that I did have a little trouble with one of the receivers we had, that it wasn't changing the channels properly, but swapped receivers and no issue.  I just don't have a need for the DirectTV/Tivo unit right now.



    But you'd save money if you sold your current standalone box on eBay and got a DirecTV TiVo box instead... Plus, you'd be able to record two shows at the same time...



  3. I will be bringing MEMPHIS RIBS....



    I don't know what to bring... I've brought this up before - I want to eat (d'uh), but coming from out of town (no cooler, etc), I don't have a lot of options. If people want to share their grilled food with me, I'll be happy to bring non-perishable stuff (chips, paper plates, anything!) Should we have some sort of organization (like a pot-luck) for the tailgate? Or am I being too organized?


    I just want to make sure I don't starve :devil:



  4. A thought:  How much better would this team look on paper right now if

    TD had used that pick on an offensive lineman.  Better yet, traded down to

    get a 2nd and 3rd round pick o-linemen.  We would have had two linemen with

    their rookie years behind them.



    I seem to recall that, because the draft was so weak, nobody was interested in trading for the pick.


    The simple fact of the matter is we needed DL help - Kelsay was the targetted pick there -- but we grabbed WM instead and STILL got Kelsay in the 2nd round. Nothing wrong with that.



  5. Here's a question, where I'm living now, the guy has 3 sat boxes in the living room, each hooked up to it's own TV. Since we usually use at the most 2, is switching the 3rd unit with a TiVo unit a simple swap? What info would DirecTV need when ordering?



    Yup, you'd just buy a DirecTiVo and remove two of the receivers. However, as you noted, you would only be able to watch TWO shows at one time, since each receiver can only output one show. But you'd be able to RECORD two shows on the TiVo while wathcing something on the standalone receiver. You could also RECORD two shows on the TiVo and watch a previously recorded show.


    If you've been a customer with DirecTV for a year or two, call them up and ask them if they'll ship you a DirecTV/TiVo combo box for free. If the first line support balks at this, ask to talk to customer retention. You'll have to pay shipping (~$15), but otherwise it'll be free. You'll activate the TiVo, cancel the other two receivers and your cost will be exactly the same ($5 for the second receiver, $5 for TiVo vs $10 for the two receivers). Note that I wouldn't actually TELL them that you're going to cancel two receivers and replace it with a TiVo... Just in case. :devil:



  6. Great guys.  Thanks for your help.


    One more quick question.


    Can directv tivo system make its daily "phone call" over the directv satillite, or does it still need to be connected to a land line/intenet?



    Technically, it needs a phone line. However, the only thing the phone line does is send pay per view info, etc. The guide data and software updates are (mainly) downloaded via the sattelite. HOWEVER, after a month the TiVo will complain daily that it hasn't been able to phone home. You can ignore the message, but it's still annoying seeing it every day...



  7. I love CSI and looking forward to CSI: NY but can't stand CSI Miami


    love Without a Trace

    love Last Comic Standing

    love Cold Case


    will probably get sucked into Survivor again, just because it's on right before CSI


    love TLC and DISCOVERY... Mythbusters, BIG, OverHaulin', etc

    WPT, Celeb. Poker are always on too



    Oh yeah, I love Last Comic Standing. Didn't see the first one, but saw half of the second one, and now the third season.


    Most of the people from season 1 just don't seem funny at all, except for Dat Phan (the winner). He was HILARIOUS yesterday. I especially liked when he said something like, "Why do these racist people walk by me and go Twang phi ya bling rong? It's not like I walk by them and say, 'House, tree, car, fire hydrant, dog.'


    You had to see it to understand it. HILARIOUS. :devil:



  8. You'll want to sell your standalone TiVo because it's too expensive; with a DirecTV/TiVo combo unit, you pay $5/month for as many boxes as you have (1 box = $5, 100 boxes = $5). You're currently paying $12/month, unless you have a Lifetime subscription. If you do have a lifetime sub, sell it on eBay, and you'll get at least $200 for it. The DirecTiVo lets you record two shows at once, which is also a bonus over the standalone.


    You may be able to use existing coax -- -you should use RG6-QS (quad-shielded), as it prevents loss over long runs. It's not entirely necessary, but is generally helpful.


    I have Directv and TIVO and all that is required for installation is a screwdriver, a six pack and some coax cable. It's pretty straightforward. Directv is as simple as simple gets. You actually can use your existing cable lines as long as you connect them to a splitter. The splitter would receive the coax from the satellite dish and from there, you can run as many lines as the splitter will hold. If you're doing just a basic install, don't forget to have an addtional line available where the Tivo is going to be located so you can watch one show while recording another. I hope I answered your questions.



    You can NOT use a splitter for a sattelite signal. You can (and should) use a Multiswitch, but that's not the same thing. I have a 4x8 multiswitch - takes 4 inputs from the dish (you'll want a triple-LNB dish so that you can receive all of the programming, including HD for the future) and outputs to 8 different locations. They cost about $100, but you should get it for free with your new installation.


    You'll probably want to run two runs of coax to EACH room in case you get a TiVo in the future. We have one in our bedroom and the living room. They're the same cost as a regular receiver, so why not?



  9. Hey Mike, how much did you pay for your HDTV/DVR?They're been running about $1,000 lately.



    He still has cable :P


    I'm getting one of the HD TiVo's, as soon as that basement is finished...


    BTW, I knew about the platinum package including TiVo free -- but I figured most people don't pay $90/month for TV. :blink:


    DirecTV is *very* liberal with credits if you've been a customer for awhile. Some sales person REALLY annoyed me last night and I've thought about calling and asking for some credits. The conversation went like:


    DTV: "You've been such a valued customer for so long, we'd like to let you know that you can get the sports pack for $12/month."

    Me: "Not interested, thank you."

    DTV: "But with the sports pack, you can get blah blah blah."

    Me: "I already said I'm not interested, thank you."

    DTV: "But do you realize that you'll be able to watch sports with the sports pack?!"

    Me: "Listen, if I'm such a valued customer, then perhaps you should listen to me when I say that I'm not interested!"

    DTV: *stunned silence for a couple of seconds* "Well, realize that I'm just doing my job and that you'd really enjoy the sports....."

    Me: Bye. <click>


    Argh, I try not being rude to companies I do business with, but come on!


    The Comcast guys who call are even more obnoxious (and I generally hang up quicker). I need to learn to just hang up to begin with...



  10. No, a WMD is specifically defined as a chem, bio, or nuclear weapon.  Not "anything that kills more than one person". 


    Try and get this straight, people: it doesn't matter what you THINK a WMD is.  The term has a SPECIFIC definition outside your retarded little idiot thought processes.  A homemade bomb is NOT a WMD, because the term is not DEFINED to include homemade bombs.  A letter full of anthrax is, because that's what the term WMD was created to describe!



    Thank you DC Tom. :blink: It's nice to have real definitions to prove your point :P



  11. You should see what HDTV and and a DVR can do.  Breathtaking.!  Hell even T-Bone would look good on HDTV...well, maybe not.


    Fez I still can't believe you haven't made the jump. :blink:



    I *want* to make the jump! I just need to wait for the basement to be finished... And since the leaking problem has been fixed (hoorah!), I can work on fixing it. Then I"ll get to watch HD on my 100" screen (thanks LA!). :P


  12. Since I had an open invitation to respond, I shall do so.


    Digital TV with DVR is great and with my high speed internet connection life just got very good.


    And remember, you can always get cable, Direct TV depends on line of sight and issues like that which means that not everyone who wants it can get it.


    Sorry Fezmid..... :lol:



    Actually, more of the country can get DirecTV than cable... I read somewhere that only 70% of the country (or something like that) can get cable. Why? Because lots of people live in the boonies, and cable companies won't build the infrastructure there unless there's a certain number of people to make it profitable (which makes sense).



  13. I guess depends on what mass casualty means, however does seem to be a strategic weapon for bus bombers in Israel.   


    What gets me was the way parents wrote it off as a few fireworks. :lol:



    How do you know that's NOT what it is? The police havn't released what the bombs were made of, how dangerous they were, etc. And technically a pipe bomb is just explosives in a tube (like fireworks), no?


    Of course, the parents could just be in denial as well...



  14. They are fun to play with, but as some of the stories pointed out, they can be dangerous. I lived in the country with huge fields around us, so I didn't have to worry about breaking the neighbors windows, or someone reporting gunfire.



    Or being arrested for possessing a WMD? :lol:


    One of my coworkers used to make trebuchets that launched pumpkins. Apparantly some people came make them so that they fire the pumpkin for MILES. Wow...



  15. ...


    So back to the pipebomb thingy.... why would you say it is "ludicrous"?  The kid is being charged with posession of WMD.  Are you a lawyer?  Do you think the prosecuting attorney is devoid of intelligence? Do you think he'd charge the kid with WMD because he though it was a goos idea?


    Now, don't forget to give me your definition of WMD... How many lives have to be taken or threatened for a pipebomb to be considered a WMD?. Is there another reason for somone to possess a pipebomb other than to cause mass destruction? Hello?



    Wow, way to jump to conclusions... I was actually in favor of the war, even knowing then what I know now. But either a pipebomb is a WMD (in which case, Iraq is loaded with them), or it's not. I still don't see how you can call it a WMD.


    Is there some other reason for someone to possess a pipebomb? Well, the story says that he was making fireworks. It also specifically states that the police have NOT stated what kind of pipebombs they are or how dangerous they were. A firework is very similar to a pipebomb -- stuff gunpowder into a tube, light it, it explodes and sends stuff scattering around. You don't know all of the facts, just like I don't.


    And stop asking for a ridiculous, "How many lives have to be threatened for a pipebomb to be considered a WMD," because it's irrelevant. How many people can I threaten with my car? Yet my car isn't a WMD. How many people can I threaten with my handgun (which I don't actually own)? Yet my gun isn't a WMD. There very well may be a NEW law stating the classifications of a WMD - however, most of these new laws were knee-jerk reactions to 9/11 (sorta like the Patriot Act).


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