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Posts posted by Fezmid

  1. I lived in NF, it's about 30-45 minutes (depending on how fast you drive).


    Not sure what all the talk about parking is about; I visited the Falls again last year for Easter and parked in a free lot (!) by the Falls and walked about 2 minutes to the Falls. No bus, no long waits, nothing. Unless things have changed since last year, parking was readily available.


    I'm flying home at 3:16pm CST today and will be there until next Tuesday. Yay! ;)



  2. wow, Fezmid hasn't touched this one yet?  Amazing :rolleyes:


    Go DirecTV.  I started with Dish back in 95ish.  Got the big run around from their service dept.  Switched to DirecTV and never had a problem since (about 97)



    I don't need to anymore, I've trained my minions to do that for me. :unsure:


    DirecTV is exclusive for Sunday ticket through the 2005 season. After that, they're exclusive to sattelite until 2008 (I believe). So it's a no-brainer if you want Sunday Ticket.


    DirecTV also has better, more reliable hardware from everything I"ve read. However, if you just want basic TV, I believe that Dish has a lower-cost base package than DirecTV. I think one of my coworkers only pays $25/month. But again, no Ticket.



  3. Don't come here for the women.  Trust me on that.  :w00t:



    There were some pretty cute girls in the touristy places... :D At least a couple of them said that they were full-time residents.


    As for prices -- we were told on several tours that fruits, vegetibles, milk, etc, cost more because it all had to be shipped up on a boat (not much grown locally). Same thing with building supplies, etc.



  4. Try an stick to the speed limit, it is listed for a safe reason.


    Not always -- there are several places here that I'm aware of that the speed limit is artificially low in order to trap people into speeding in order to generate revenue. That really sucks IMHO.


    It's also hard to take seriously when I routinely see police officers/state troopers going 15 mph over the limit while they're just cruising around.




    I'll add my own from my recent trip to Alaska:




    I wouldn't want to live there in winter (not because of cold/snow, but because of lots of darkness). But the summer was just BEAUTIFUL. 70 degrees and sunny our ENTIRE week there (excluding the trek to Hubbard glacier).


    *sighs wistfully*


    House prices are insane though, apparantly due to the fact that most of the land is protected and it's difficult to get new developments. Oh, and tell us how much fruits, vegetibles and milk cost Darin? Hmm? Come on, share the bad with the good. :wacko:


  6. The work appears to be all finished except for the startup (showing us what everything is and putting chemicals in the water


    I owe him 3K for installation of the liner and $500 for the startup fee



    Well great -- you don't have to pay until everything's finished, and since he hasn't done the startup, you don't have to pay it all and he can't put a lien on the house. That problem's solved.


    And if he tries to to do the startup, tell him you're busy and that you'll get to it in "no more than 4 weeks." *grin*


    Sounds like you're doing the right thing - phone calls and getting others involved. The fact that he withdrew from the BBB is telling in and of itself (not that the BBB is all that great IMHO).


    I'd still call the attorney general's office as well.



  7. He can't not honor your warrenty if you talk to the BBB.


    Personally, I'd probably call the Attorney General's office and see what they say. They're usually very pro-consumer.


    I would *not* pay the guy the full amount though -- and if he damages the pool, that becomes his problem IMHO.


    Did you pay with credit card? If so, you can also write a letter to the CC company and possibly have the charge reversed. I've done that before until people fix what they need to fix.


    He's using strong-arm tactics to scare you into paying. I don't respond well to that.


    Alternatively, you could mail your payment to him (certified mail) with a letter stating that you are very unhappy and will be pursuing legal remedies. Explain in the letter everything that's happened (icnluding his threatening to not honor the warrenty if you contact the BBB!) and why you're doing it. You've paid, so he can't do anything with your home (ie: the lean he threatened you with), and you can still go to small claims court (which is actually kinda fun; I had to take a landlord to small claims court, and the landlord was a total dufus who said stupid things like, "But your honor, I raised my right hand and promised to tell the truth, why do I need to bring receipts in?"). Keep in mind that lawyers are NOT ALLOWED in small claims court (my landlord tried bringing one, and we had to object and the judge made the lawyer sit down and shut up; classic).



  8. Call your vet and ask what they think. No need to bring him in, just get an opinion from someone in the field.


    Personally, I doubt it's a big deal -- it's just colored wax, and I'm sure kids eat them all the time -- but I'm not a vet either...


  9. Do you HAVE to go to court, or can you just pay the ticket? If you have to go to court, I'm guessing the cop probably will show. Be polite, wear a suit and maybe the judge will be kind. If you're lucky, he may charge you the same amount but make it a non-moving violation. That's a REALLY good thing, as it doesn't show on your driving record..


    Good luck.


  10. Jack: Thanks for the info. I'll see if my parents/relatives have any folding chairs that we can bring as well.


    AiO: Thanks for the offer - I love hamburgers :( Maybe I can see if we can somehow bring some brats with us (we're going to Green Bay this weekend!) No guarantees (as keeping them cold on the plane trip, as well as the drive ot the game will be difficult), but we'll see.


    Can't wait! ;)



  11. CW how do you burn DVD from your Tivo receiver?  I am looking for a way to take what I recorded on the Tivo to be watched elsewhere in the house?



    You can hack the TiVo so you can send the video directly to your PC over a home network; I havn't looked at how to do that yet (if anyone here has and has documentation on how to do it, let me know - I could make better Bills DVDs for everyone then!). I actually have a standalone DVD burner (replaces my VCR) that I burn games to...


    Probably not the most helpful answer.



  12. Hey Chris maybe I missed something how with Tivo can I watch two games at same time.  reason I ask is I just bought 50" Samsung HD and can do split screen and would love to watch dish picture on both sides.


    Here is the setup I am going for:

    In Living room with HD TV a new DTV HD receiver( Not going with HD Tivo since too expensive yet) with integrated over the Air HD antenna

    In Bedroom Tivo/DTV receiver with line to TV and possible output line to HDTV in living room.


    This way I can record anything and use Tivo output as one of the inputs for the split screen.



    You can't watch two games at the exact same time. However you can do something better (IMHO). Setup a recording for both games that you're interested in. Start watching game A. When there's a commercial, pause game A and flip to game B. Start watching that from the beginning. When there's a commercial, flip back to game A. Wash, rinse, repeat. I don't do that during Bills games (because I usually am giving the play by play in the chatroom), but I do it for the 4pm games quite a bit.


    Alternatively, you could buy two DirecTiVos and hook them both up to the TV. You could just connect one line into 1, the second line into the 2nd TiVo (instead of two lines to both), and then watch both games at the same time if you wanted. But I prefer to give 100% of my attention to each game personally.


    flomoe: No prob on the splitter vs multiswitch -- lots of people think they can use a cable splitter to get the signal to multipe TVs, so just wanted to make sure nobody got confused.



  13. Sounds like people have the beer covered, so I guess I won't bring the Universal Currency with me (since nobody in my family drinks it...).


    Right now, leaning towards bringing a bunch of chips and such. Probably a few cases of pop as well, unless someone has any other suggestions...


    What's the seating like? Picnic tables? Lawn chairs? Bring our own? My wife's concerned because she just found that she has a ruptured disk in her back and wants to make sure she'll have someplace to sit (other than in the car...) I seem to recall reading that there were going to be tables and chairs, but need to know for her peace of mind.



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