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Posts posted by Prognastic

  1. Lets look at the facts;


    Fact; Third straight home game not sold out including one against the hated Dolphins.


    Fact; Seats at the Ralph are not that expensive. Lower end seats for 40 bucks or so?


    Fact; The Bills will say sayonara to WNY and should since the locals take them for granted and simply dont deserve an NFL franchise.



    Can you say Los Angeles or Anaheim Bills? Then again, like the Ravens & Titans, they'll probably choose a new team name.



    Who then will you root for? Steelers? Browns? Lions?

  2. One man's list of the worst presidents ever:


    1. FDR - Most dictator-like president in U.S. history. Moved toward a centrally-planned economy. Insistence on "unconditional surrender" in WWII discouraged the German generals plotting against Hitler, it prolonged the war for years, and ultimately resulted in Soviet control of most of Europe.

    2. LBJ - Great Society program an utter disaster. Vietnam War. Open border immigration policy.

    3. Woodrow Wilson - Got the U.S. involved in WWI based on false Allied propaganda about German atrocities. WWI failed to achieve the stated goal of making the world safe for democracy.

    4. Truman - Snubbed the British after Churchill gave his "Iron Curtain" speech. Republicans had to pressure him to enact the Marshall Plan. Destroyed two Japanese cities with nuclear weapons. Fired General MacArthur for wanting to win the Korean War.

    5. George W. Bush - has asked American soldiers to die to "fight terror" while refusing to fight terror by securing America's borders. Sold out to corporations, and reduced civil liberties. Poor environmental record. Iraq war.

    6. Grant - Deeply corrupt administration

    7. Clinton - More corruption and lack of moral leadership. Weak environmental record. Bungled military efforts. Failed North Korean policy.




    No love for Jimmy Carter?


    I'd take Truman off the list. Dude had BALLS to drop those bombs on the yellow menace. Payback's a b!tch! Konichiwa homies!

  3. The bottom line is this, whether it is intentional or just psychological it happens every year.

    There's no such thing as a "home job", instead it's a "have job" in the NFL (& NBA, I don't follow hockey, so I can't say whether it's the same in the NHL).

    By this time of year the haves & have nots are established. 

    The "haves" get the breaks.  It's been that way for years.

    For whatever reason, awe of superstars, unintentionally expecting the better team to actually be better, or just plain incompetence, the refs give the breaks to the team they EXPECT to win.

    As a result, the team that is expected to win gets the breaks from the refs. 

    It may just be as simple as they are fans of the game and get carried away admiring the good teams.

    A more sinister thought would be they want to prop up the best teams so that they are more interesting come playoff time.  Two 14-2 teams meeting for the AFC championship, might appear to be better than two 11-5 teams.  I don't believe that, but a conspiracy nut easily could.


    Think about it, we seldom have had games to remember as poorly officiated, years later, when we were an elite team.  We seem to get screwed when the team is perceived as mediocre or worse and the other team is better or has a popular player loved by all (officials?).

    When we get good again, the refs will be on our side-right now with our current non playoff string, we'll be playing against more than 11 guys when an elite team is our opponent.



    How does that explain the Patriots having around 10 penalties called on them yesterday?

  4. um, no. it doesn't come out in the wash. the bills were clearly screwed on four important plays, by my count. the chargers were screwed on nada.



    um, yes. It DOES come out in the wash as I'm pretty sure there have been games where the Bills were on the receiving end of some bad calls more so than their particular opponents.


    My 2nd point is, if you want to be a quality football team, you cant put yourself in a position where a bad call or 2 can break you. Take care of business and the refs no matter how bad they may be will not affect the outcome of the game.

  5. Cincy win hurts us, no doubt about it.


    Here is the rooting guide for the rest of this weekends games:

    1) Detroit over New England

    2) Green Bay over NYJ

    3) Jacksonville over Miami

    4) Tampa Bay over Pittsburgh

    5) Cleveland over Kansas City


    Seattle/Denver I am unsure about.  On one hand, I want them to run away with the first WC slot because we dont have a good chance at beating them out in a 9-7 tie-breaker.  On the other hand, a loss for Denver brings them back in the pack.  I cant believe they will finish 8-8 though.  I think we are better off seeing Denver win today.



    Forget the Jets. That one hurts as they're KILLING Green Bay.


    Cleveland is hanging tough with KC but I heard Frye is out of the game. NE is up on Det by 3 going into the 2nd half but I cant see the Lions pulling the upset and quite frankly, the division is out of reach anyways.

  6. Not sure whether the little lightning bolts or their baby blue throwbacks are exciting the loosely loafered in Anaheim, but the Chargers ownership has been trying to move the team north for the past 6 or 7 years.


    And in a grand display of the Charger lack of draw, the game this weekend has not sold out. Lack of box office on their part will almost surely end up forcing the Chargers to seek a larger population base.

    Chargers to Anaheim



    So the Bills not selling out is the Chargers fault?


    How's the weather in denial these days?

  7. good grief yes.



    white and black is just the tip of the iceberg when you consider the problems that exist between light skinned blacks and dark skinned blacks.



    Dont forget Northern Mexicans and Southern Mexicans or Dominicans vs Puerto Ricans.

  8. Thats great but at this point the predicting is getting really pointless.  Look at just this past month: miami beating chicago? tennessee beating ny? The BILLS almost beating Indy in Indy?  Chances are the Bills aren't going to win out, but i wouldn't rule out any of these games as hopeless for the Bills, who are playing quite well right now.




    I think all this speculation is meaningless.



    Focus on 6-6 rather than 10-6.



    Beat San Diego and THEN start having this conversation (depending on what the Jets/Chiefs/Broncos/Jags and Dolphins do.

  9. Albeit a slim chance the Bills can make a run for the wild card.  It is just nice to know that in Early December in Buffalo next Sunday, there will be a feeling of hope...a feeling if "if we can just win this game and this other team loses, maybe we can sneak in as a 6th seed"  We all felt that in 2004 to a bigger extent, and even though 2004 ended in bitter disappointment, that feeling of hope as a sports fan is great, that is why we watch sports in the 1st place.


    Now the Bills have equaled their win total from a year ago.  Any more W's at this point is called progress.  The Bills could sure use another big w this week and a good finish (8-8 perhaps)...because when prospective FA's look to sign with a team, they look at things like this.  They want to get paid, but also pay for a winner.


    Just my 2 cents




    2 chances, slim and none and slim just offed himself.



    Denver, KC, Cincy and the Jets are going to battle it out for 2 spots. Bills, Dolphins and Jags are on the outside looking in.

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