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Posts posted by Prognastic

  1. Those are my thoughts too. The fumble after the int was a stroke of luck that graces NE more often than anybody else. But they still needed a sick parlay of plays to win the game in regulation after that play: a TD, 2pointer, 3&out defensive stop, and FG drive...not many teams get that done.



    Does it ever occur to you that instead of luck, its that these guys are so well coached and such aware players that they FORCE these mistakes?


    Troy Brown has an amazing field presence and instinctively knew not to give up on that play a la Plaxico Burress vs the Titans. Sometimes the best luck is the luck you create.

  2. Isn't it amazing how every game Schobel is all over Tom Brady for the first 2 quarters, then miraculously after halftime, Schobel can't get near him? Same happened to Shawne Merriman yesterday. Gee, how coinkidental!


    I know this is difficult for you to grasp but there are these things that good coaches do and they're called "Adjustments" A coach will see something that he doesnt like and make changes to prevent said unlikeable thing from happening again.

  3. Why is this? When reading articles on next week AFC title between Colts and Pats, the bias is quite obvious. The Pats are described as thorns in the side of Manning and Colts. Seemingly based on 4 year old contests between the teams. It is never mentioned that the Colts won the last two meetings,rather easily and in Foxboro to boot. The Pats get too much credit for what they did 3 and 4 years ago, when they were a better team than today. Many of those players are gone. Yet the patriot love fest goes on. Hopefully the classy Manning, Dungy, Harrison and Bill Polian get the calls this week. They should win the game vs Pats, but if the NFL wants its good publicity machine to keep rolling with a team called Patriots while the nation is in a questionable war... we can expect more of the same. The Pats can hold pass rushers and receivers with a wink and a nod to the refs, while questionable calls keep their failed offensive drives alive with uncanny frequency. I don't think the classy Colts players can be "baited" into personal fouls as easily as SD, but I smell a rat here.


    Wow, 2 regular season wins against the Pats. How'd they do in the playoffs?


    If you guys actually made the playoffs recently you'd know that the playoffs are a different animal. Just ask the Rams & the Jets who both beat the Pats in the regular season only to taste playoff defeat that very same year.


    If Buffalo went in to San Diego and withstood that onslaught, the media would be fellating you (and deservedly so)

  4. Complete disgrace...and a reflection of how mediocre the NFL really is.


    But of course, most here will just suck the ass of the NFL because they worship the damn ground it walks on.


    The NFL, yes, a league driven bu gambling, steroids, beer, tailgating, more illegal drugs and fantasy football. A league who's product is getting worse every year.


    But dont put it down....because I have Chad Johnson in my 5th Fantasy Football team!! What a joke


    But oh baseball sucks because the Yankees buy players, but every year now lately there are different World Series Champions.


    The Pats will win their 4th Super Bowl in what, 7 years in the watered down NFL??? Yeah, parity is great! :thumbsup:


    Keep fooling yourself and watch these games believing the New England will lose...they wont, the Tin Man will choke and ho hum, New England wins again...


    Bills will NEVER EVER win anything, I PROMISE you that....COMPLETE LOST CAUSE...


    NFL fans are getting more obnoxious every year too...who loves going to games and sitting around stupid ass drunks who make fools of themselves????


    Bye Bye NFL


    Your grapes sir, are very very sour.

  5. You have to be kidding - I guess I feel sorry for u. You're making a big deal about spanking a mediocre team at home; when the Bills did the same thing to them at their place 6 weeks ago. OMG you are acting like the Jets are actually good. Newsflash: they beat one team this year that had a winning record.


    You cannot tell me that Brady looked good yesterday. You are being foolish - not me. And hey, Please PLEASE PLEASE! start Seau next year. :rolleyes: What a riot!?!?!?! :lol: :lol: :lol::w00t: I notice you haven't said anything about getting b!tch slapped by SD next week. What, nothing to say?


    You might want to pick a different franchise to pick on or compare your beloved Bills to instead of the standard bearers of the NFL for the past 5 years.


    Why not start with the Dolphins or Browns?

  6. Dallas 38 Seattle 31


    Seattle's secondary which is shot is going up against TO and Glenn who like them or not, come up big in big games.



    NE 28 NYJ 10 - The Pats are gonna crush the Jets. No more toying around with them.



    Indy 35 KC 25 - Manning makes enough plays and takes an early lead to partially negate KC's strength



    Philly 24 NYG 17 - Giants are just cooked. This batch of players has to go as does Coughlin.

  7. Understandable thinking, but I disagree. The Pats have been beatable all year - yes, they've improved since the beginning of the season, but now that they're playing better teams, I think they're vulnerable. Just watch the tape of the game in Miami.


    My pick (crazy as it is) is for Indy and Chicago. I just have a gut feeling that Manning will do it this year and if Lovie Smith is as smart as everyone says, he'll pull a Wade and start Griese. The Bears had a bad night last night, but they'll come back from recent playoff exits.


    Thats some convoluted logic ya got goin on there. The Pats are vulnerable but the Colts will simply will away all their vulnerabilities?



    Okee dokee

  8. This is the broader issue, imo. A Jaguar DL taps Tom Brady and gets a roughing call - yeah, it was 5 seconds after the ball had been thrown, but a love tap does not constitute a roughing the passer.


    The problem is that the refs have been brainwashed to protect the QB at all costs - that had to be pushed by the owners to the league, so the QBs can keep playing, so the fans come to see said QBs, so the games are filled to capacity, so the league pockets more money.


    Sounds simple to me. :wallbash:


    They are protecting their bread winners.


    Gotta protect the QBs

  9. We got to see some Arabs fly American planes into buildings and kill Americans...


    We got to see some Arabs float a boat in the side of the Cole and kill some Americans...


    We got to see some Arabs drag American service members and contractors in the street burned and dead....


    We got to see some Americans get their heads cut off....


    We got to see some Americans go to prison for "beating" terrorists....

    Why can we see some nut case Arab hang with a good American made rope?


    Dont forget every major news outlet clamoring to get footage of poor souls jumping off the WTC and falling over a THOUSAND feet to their deaths.

  10. I'm going to save you guys a lot of time by just telling you what's going to happen.


    Week 16:

    Seattle over  San Diego

    Mia over NYJ

    Oak over KC

    Den over Cincy

    NE over Jax

    Balt over Pitt

    Ten over Buf

    Cle over TB

    Atl over Car

    NO over NYG

    GB over Minn

    Indy over Hou


    Week 17:

    Pitt over Cincy

    NE over Ten

    KC over Jax

    Oak over NYJ

    Buf over Balt

    Mia over Indy

    Arizona over SD

    Hou over Cle

    NO over Car

    Minn over StL

    GB over Chi




    Here's how I see things shaping up;


    Week 16:

    SD over Seattle

    Mia over NYJ

    KC over Oak

    Den over Cincy

    NE over Jax

    Pitt over Balt

    Buf over Ten

    Cle over TB

    Atl over Car

    NYG over NO

    GB over Minn

    Indy over Hou


    Week 17:

    Pitt over Cincy

    NE over Ten

    KC over Jax

    NYJ over Oak

    Buf over Balt

    Indy over Mia

    SD over Ariz

    Cle over Hou

    NO over Car

    Minn over StL

    GB over Chi

    Den over SF


    Not sure what that does to the seedings but there you have it.

  11. t is the best donut/coffee place in the world. it is worth stopping.  even the soups and sandwiches are good.


    it was started by former sabre Tim Horton. after his death his wife sold the chain to Wendy's




    Tim Hortons is terrible, the donuts are tiny and taste like rubber, the coffee not much better.


    Dunkin Donuts has chunks of Tim in its stool.

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