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Posts posted by Prognastic

  1. I hear Drew Bledsoe is going to be cut soon.



    We got a first round pick from you guys for him and you all laughed and crowed at how "stupid" the Pats were for trading him within the division.



    Ahhhhhhhh.... the good old days.



    On the topic at hand, I fear no team within the AFC East. The Pats have it wrapped up for at least the next 3 years or so.

  2. What are you crying about? Politics are great. I bet the Iraqis would like to have a little more politics and a little less of what they got. Democrats just got most of the Republicans down on record as voting for the surge. That might be importnat here in the future. I'd say the fewer GOP votes the better


    Translation; Party first, Country second.

  3. 1) Exactly the point, at least Saddam knew how to keep order there.

    Wow, I guess we should end this here.


    The biggest blunder Bush made was to believe the people there could actually live with each other, and accept their differences without killing each other.

    PS. Do the Saudis have plan for the Palestinians driven out of Jordan



    Blame the Jews?

  4. LOL! It always ends eventually. See the Cowboys of the mid-90's. Same rhetoric from their fans.


    And a major problem for the Pats is their track record of treating their players. The latest stuff by Ted Johnson doesn't help.


    Of course, what goes up must come down eventually right? Thats about the only thing you can hang your hat on. The Ted Johnson stuff is mostly media driven. No one has questioned a single word of it? Funny how you believe the media when it suits your purposes.

  5. Facts? Only on boneheaded idiot would consider this moronic parable, that BTW is falsely attributed to an economics professor, a "fact." I wish I had the time to go over everything that's wrong with this, but I CANT.


    Fixed that for ya.

  6. Not in 07, but wait until 08. I believe that Belichick will be head coach of the Giants in 08, the deal that was set up by the meeting between Belichick and the Giants, and the meeting between Paoli and the Giants. Belichick has wanted to be HC of the Giants since he was assistant there, and I hear that Belichick's future fiancee works for the Giant's front office. This is all hearsay, but from some good sources.



    Okay, Tom Brady or Eli Manning. Tough choice there.

  7. I don't think the 1st rounders are the bench mark of a Belichek draft...In fact, our draft is not too bad other than Mike Williams....Remeber Seymour was a 2nd or 3rd overall pick....


    I think where the Belichek/Pioli make a killer draft is drafting in the lower rounds...Most of their OL other than Logan are 2nd, 4th and 5th rounders...


    Where they have made mistake is not getting good WRs....Chad Jackson might change that this season.


    Seymour was picked 6th overall in 2001 behind Vick, Leonard Davis, Gerard Warren, Justin Smith and LaDanian Tomlinson.

  8. I think with a lot of us it's more of a hope that they fade, but there are definitely some signs that they aren't what they used to be. Bruschi, Vrabel, and Dillon are slowing down, they'll probably lose Asante Samuel, and their DL isn't getting any younger.

    Their run is not very different than that of the Yankees in the late 90s/early 2000s - they're not the favorites anymore to win every game and seem to be pulling some out of their arse. I think some teams exposed them early in 2006. They were the better team against the Jets in the playoffs, but only beat SD because of mistakes made by the Chargers.


    That said, I don't see any reason to believe they won't win the AFC East next year, but it's very possible that the Bills and Jets could make things closer than usual.



    Seymour, Warren, Wilfork, Jarvis Green and Mike Wright are all in their 20's. In fact, their OLDEST D-Lineman is 28.


    Bruschi and Dillon are definately slowing down, Vrabel is still solid and they may or MAY NOT lose Samuel. I'll even grant you that Rodney Harrison is slowing down and becoming more injury prone.


    The fact is, they draft well and more often than not, make solid free agent moves so theres no reason to believe that they wont reload for next year's run.

  9. Hi Phil! Great site, no? :)


    I think that you could very possibly be right, especially if the pats are unlucky (for once) and are plagued at least a little bit by injuries. Because of the cap, no team really has a ton of depth.


    In addition, Lord Bruschi might be finished, and Mike Vrabel will be 32 at the srtart of the season. I am not making the case that he is a great player, but the s.o.b. is clutch. How long can he continue to make plays, and miss no games due to injury? I also think that Dillon either has, or will hit the wall.


    The 07 offseason will matter a ton to both the jests and the Bills imo. If Levy can see fit to address something besides the secondary, watch out. The problem with the jets (again, imo) is at qb. I don't think that they have any reasonable chance to win with Pennington.


    We shall see.



    Um, you did realize that Rashad Baker was SIXTH on the depth chart at safety and basically played the entire AFC Championship game?

  10. Tom Brady should be ranked #1 worst seeing as how his rating from 9 yards to 13.5 yards is only 34.7/8. HE also cant throw downfield during the crescent moon and during the time his girlfriend is on her menstrual cycle.


    And simply because I hate him and envious of him.





  11. Wouldn't it be cool if he were knocked to the ground after a play, and raised the upper half of his body up, and turned his head, like he did after Jamie Lee stabbed him in the neck, and thought he was dead?


    Kinda of like the Undertaker used to do.



    They could play that creepy piano key as he's rising whilst the music rises to its crescendo as he approaches the QB.

  12. His draft bio mentions something about a incident in college. Do you have any knowledge of these issues following him to the pro's? Sometimes an increase in maturity can wipe away those problems, but as we know sometimes these guys never mature. Hopefully he's got his stuff together because he seems like a player that could help for couple seasons and come at a decent price.



    I met him, fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no conscience, no understanding; even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face and, the blackest eyes... the devil's eyes! I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil!

  13. I'll be happy to answer that. From the very first post in this string, among the things I've proven with facts are that a quarterback skill most of the best of all time possessed is actually a huge chasm in Brady's game. I've asked you to simply acknowledge that all the facts support that Brady is awful at throwing the ball downfield.


    For some reason you refuse to acknowledge what is inarguable. So I figure you're either a Troll or a moron, and I feel justified in being condescending to both. If you're a Troll, you apparently can't find enough people to talk about your own team and you're here instead on a Buffalo Bill's board offering absolutely nothing in the way of a contribution to football conversation (or in societal terms- you're a loser). On the other hand, if you're a moron, you have entered a conversation you can't understand and that's a waste of the bandwidth.


    Hope that clears things up for you.

    Whatever helps you sleep at night.


    I bet you're a blast at parties.

  14. That'd be a big fat ZERO on the pop quiz.


    Let's give you one more chance to prove there's blood flowing betwen your ears:


    If a Quarterback in the NFL was among the 10 worst at throwing the football more than 9 yards past the line of scrimmage, and the league confirmed and certified that the quarterback was among the worst in the league, would you then agree with the irrefutable facts and the official league statistics that that quarerback was a poor downfield passer- even if he was the quarterback who's Fathead is on your bedroom wall?


    Why are you being so condescending? And what exactly is your axe to grind with Brady? Thats all I want to know, I couldnt care less about your selective lies, damn lies and statistics.

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