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Posts posted by Prognastic

  1. I agree Coach, and think that he will hit the wall ala Brad Johnson and Rich Gannon. He did not impress me at all last season.


    If the phins are smart, they will draft blockers this year and replace Green in 08. They might as well just write 07 off, because they truly suck.


    I think another team in the AFC East will be writing off 07 as well.

  2. What Imus said was stupid and unfortunate, but he shouldn't be strung up for it. He appologized for it and he'll be suspended for 2 weeks - why do Al and Jesse insist on his being fired?


    I'm also ticked that these two are the ones screaming for blood, as if they come from pure backgrounds. Anyone recall Jesse referring to NYC as "Hymie Town" in 1988? Anyone recall Sharpton defamed Steven Pagones in the whole Tawana Brawley circus, was found guilty in a civil case and to this day has never said he was sorry for the pain he caused with his false accusations? Why do these jokers get to make decisions about who gets to keep their job over some stupid words?



    The Duke lacrosse players are waiting for Al's apology as well.

  3. I admit that the other news media is biased towards the truth.



    You mean like when CNN agrees to slant news to favorably cover Iraq under Saddam in order to remain on location in Baghdad? Or when Dan Rather went ahead with those forged documents claiming Bush was AWOL?



    Lets not even get into Cronkite's Tet Offensive reporting...

  4. Ahmadinejad is a crafty fellow. It will be interesting to see how much political capital he thinks he can win out of this "goodwill" gesture....


    Well played by the Iranian "dictator". He saves face and curries favor around the world as a kind and gentle leader.

  5. Why was Pelosi wearing a head covering?



    Would we require Muslim delegates to our country to wear a yarmulke or something akin to being against their religion/culture?



    Much like the British prisoners in Iran. No outrage whatsoever that the female prisoners are practically wearing burquas but yet throw underwear on a terrorists head and there's world outrage.

  6. I don't have a dog. I rely on the coyotes in the hills across the street to eat the cats that people let run outside.

    I'm glad they ate the one that kept s**tting in my planter box when I tried to grow tomatos on my patio.


    And to keep the coyotes in check, there have been three sightings in four days of mountain lions in the middle of the next town over (about 5 miles from me).


    We have coyotes and fisher cats (a type of marten for those who've never heard of them).


    If you've ever heard the sound of a fisher cat killing a cat, you'll never forget it. It aint pretty and them things are vicious. Neighborhood cats have been vanishing left and right around my 'hood.

  7. Why do they always make women, who aren't even Iranian or Muslim, wear that head scarf?


    I saw an interview with Diane Sawyer and she was made to wear it.


    Image making a muslim reporter in the US wear jewish or christian symbols?


    Disgusting that it is not noticed by so called "rights groups"



    In their world, we're second class citizens to be treated like dogs.


    Would you consider eating from a dog's bowl or being led around by a leash? Thats what we are to them.

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