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Zulu Cthulhu

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Posts posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. Some friend you are...shame on you for not telling him ahead of time that TBD is no place for people who actually know about / actually played football. It is resevered for those posters who summarily trash a different bill every week and then throw out unrealistic scenarios about signing the entire bears front 7, or about waiting for others to express an opinion and then insnuate that they are a racist, retard, "window licker", etc. :thumbsup:

  2. It was a taylor love-fest today. In the minds of that cast, the only DE in the AFC East are Taylor and Seymour, and even he gets overlooked from time-to-time. Taylor gets a lot of credit for his work against Brady because the QB has so many Dolphins-related issues.


    Seyour wasn't overlooked the day Cris Carter did his little sob story about how his crazed father stalked his hysterical girlfriend down the street, shot her in the back several times, killing her, then blew his own brains onto the asphalt. Cut to Seymour: "uhh, its weird cuz i know he did it, but i can't believe he did it" Cut to Carter praising Seymour for...i really couldn't figure out what. Being on the patriots? yeah thats got to be it.


    I give berman his props for actually being a vet who carved out a distinctive niche for himself which all later SC analysts have subsequently aped, quite unseuccessfully. And I will bet Berman knew Jackson dead wrong about the record, but didn't want to correct the dunce and embarass him on the air.


    JACKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Rarely has such a short post told us so much about the poster:


    Admitted ignorance.


    Hypocritical irony.


    If you actually KNEW what was going on in the Duke Lacrosse case, you'd UNDERSTAND that people like you got in a tizzy over something that had virtually NO factual knowledge of (instead believing everything they heard). That ended up costing the head coach his job, ruined the reputation of three kids and a prestigious university, caused racial tension, and got A POLITICIAL RE-ELECTED.


    Really? The lacrosse case ruined Duke's rep? You who are so quick to demand proof and statistics from those you disagree with -- you got any "facts" to back that statement up, besides some quote from sean hannity? Show me numbers. Or shut your hypocritical ass up.

  4. From Bills Digest Page with Chris Brown:

    BEST 'I OWN YOU' MATCHUP: Aaron Schobel vs. Matt Light - Schobel had two more sacks Sunday and now has more sacks of Tom Brady than any other player in the NFL (10.5). He also had a pair of QB hits and a forced fumble. He makes Matt Light look like a turnstile.

    leave it to that jerkoff tom jackson to get his facts wrong AGAIN. Espn has devolved into a sorry state full of cartoon characters and meathead ex-players who have no business getting on tv and actually talking. Im sick of the bills (even its individual players) getting no goddamn love ever (except from berman, the network's only saving grace).

  5. Overpay? Who said they were going to overpay for him? I certainly didn't. Did you mean his contract or using a second or third rounder to get him? If so, check out Taylor's stats before you start mocking.


    So to support your argument about how RBs grow on trees you point out the 1 in 20 shot that the Jaguars hit on. Yeah ok, that sounds reasonable! :blink:


    At least I can point to the Patriots who traded for Dillon and acquired A. Smith for their road to the Superbowl. Good "old" Jerome Bettis sure didn't hurt the Steelers last year. Taylor's got at least three good years left. What's your plan? Who in the draft would you want the Bills to pin their hopes on? What FA would you be on board for having as our top back? Please be specific, enough of the broad strokes and generalities.


    I like taylor too but there's no way in hell this deal would go down. I agree taylor's injury prone reputation is undeserved. But look at it from Jax point of view. Yes they do have a good rookie back in jones-drew. I think they keep taylor around however out of concern for jones-drew getting hurt, not taylor. jones-drew is listed at 5'7"-5'8", which means he's is probably around 5'6". Being so tiny, i don't think jax is ready for their little guy to run 35 times a game --> someone that small is bound to get banged up soon or later. taylor gives them the option to limit jones-drew's carries and cut the chance of injury. They hang on to taylor, probably one of most beloved jaguars in that city.

  6. London Plays hard but must of his tackles are in persuit, he had a good year with 4 picks, but he rarely ever stuffs a play at or behind the line of srimmage. The focus needs to be on resigning Clements as quality corners are much harder to find than middle linebackers, Kelsay really picked up his level of play this year and he should be prioritized over London. London did alot of good things here but the bucks need to be spent elsewhere


    Hey I hate to sound contrary to my tag but most of the London defenders are right: he has been pretty outstanding on otherwise bad teams the past 4 years or so. He has also shown to be consistently classy and patient with our braindead local media after every stunning loss the bills have managed to shat out recently. Bottom line is though he IS 32 and headed for the downslope soon. He also has never been a fiery "do-everything" type of LB. So to put this one down: Is LF-B a great LB and will it hurt to lose him? Sure. But is he irreplaceable? Not by a long shot.

  7. cap space does not equate to intelligent spending.


    Nate may make sense sinse he is young enough to play out a 5 year deal.


    Fletcher is history. You don't break the bank for 32 year LBs who rely on speed and could hit the wall at any time.


    Agree 100%. What the BD&D on this board fail to realize is Clements, based on his comments, just doesn't seem to want to stay here in Buffalo, regardless of cap space and the ability of the bills to pay him. He is THE PLAYMAKER remember, he wants to go to a big market, make his chips, and "playmake" in prime time. I don't care if the bills can pay him more than Champ is making, let his B word-ass go play for greggo. Fanboys also seem to forget that clements was invisible the first half of the season and was burned repeatedly last season by the likes of Chambers, etc.

  8. A college junior drafted in round 3 is not a long term "project." Calm down about playing time -- like others have said, we had better guys higher up on the CB depth chart this year. Sorry you wanted a "look at" him, but guess what? the bills don't give a sh*t about what you want. The coaching staff (i.e. the ones that matter, unlike you) got plenty of "looks" at Youboty in practice this year, and they felt he wasn't as prepared or ready as the other guys in the unit, PERIOD. Remember we were in the playoff picture up until week 16, I think Coach J was a little more interested in winning games than giving expert talent evaluators like yourself a chance to "look at" all of our rookies. :D

  9. So you're "officially sold" on losman huh? Hey I know he'll be our QB next year, that doesn't mean I'm getting on my knees for him just yet. He reverted back to old sh*t for brains self today, and i'm not even really talking about the picks. He was back to pathetically underthrowing guys, throwing behind receivers, or way ahead of them. Usually when he actually had decent protection. But hey he can sure deliver the ball to evans 50 yrds downfield after Evans burns his man with a double move! Big f'in deal. Hopefully the coaching staff lets him run a little more next year, because he delivers the ball like a handicapped girl.



    As for Gandy and Preston, I don't think you'll run into too many homers brave enough to defend those stiffs.

  10. i understand that the line needs work, but once again






    do you not read the threads?


    I was a big willis fan, but posters are right he has underachieved this year. He doesn't have the greatest attitude, but that can be forgiven as long as he produces. He hasn't. I know our line is mediocre at best, i have trashed them all season myself. however, really good backs can still strive behind bad O-lines. i assume willis is frustrated with the line situation as well, and it has worn on him over time. i know it may be too much to ask for a RB to excited about playing here in Buffalo, in the weather, behind such shaky line play, but the bottom line is Willis, like every other back in the league is a professional and gets paid a sh*t-ton of money. If he ain't hungry anymore after only a couple of years in the league then he needs to be gone yesterday. I'm not saying that is so, but the front office needs to take a close look at willis this off-season. I have been saying that the bills NEED a legit 3rd down back like a K. Faulk with good receiving and pass blocking ability. Maybe that would light a fire under willis's ass, maybe not.

  11. Greggo has failed in Washington like he did in Buffalo.


    Players don't seem to "buy into" his coaching method/approach.


    It seems to take about 2 1/2- 3 seasons for players to see his BS.


    I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Redskins are the Yankees of Football. They regularly overpay and trade away draft picks (which equals young talent) in hopes of building a winning team through free agency. When you stock your team full of superstars (ego heads) there is no continuity, no building and no teamwork.


    They will never win a championship with this approach.


    I wouldn't mind picking up archuleta from moneybags since he is gone anyway. Kid is a great safety agaisnt the run and hits hard. Wash can have Nate.

  12. Well, well, well Mr. Genious. Only a fool argues fact. You wear it well. The NFL avg. for a running back is 4.0 YPC. Don't believe me, look it up. Now, check Willis' numbers, genious. It comes out < than avg., which means, he's in that "marginal/avg. category". Right, and I'm misrepresenting the facts. He is what he is and the facts are the facts... and the numbers show he stinks by NFL starter standards.


    He's an overrated, underachieving, waste of salary cap$$$ (unless he wants to play backup). You believed all the hype and drank the koolaid because you don't have a mind of your own... you buy into the press and the media hype. Well, I've got news for you, there isn't a defensive coordinator on the planet that loses sleep having to prepare for a game against Willis. Now, LT, LJ, Frank Gore, Tiki Barber... now those are running backs, and DC nightmares. You need to get out more often to see what a real running back looks like. Willis is just a wanabee and pretender. I'd even pay Ladell Betts double what Willis makes.


    I will bet you right here and right now, the Bills will not extend Willis contract.... that's how much they think of him. And, I'll also go on record as saying the Bills will acquire a running back in the offseason with their sights set on him starting immediately.


    AND cut and print! you're a f'in moron troll.

  13. Uhh am i missing something or didn't 21 run for 95 yards against TEN? I do agree we need a tailback but not one that would challenge Willis. What the bills really need is a change of pace 3rd down tailback with excellent pass blocking and a good receiver out of the backfield a la K. Faulk or Reggie Bush. That would take much pressure off 21 and let him do his thing as an (almost) every down back. And goddamn, sure the guy is going to stuggle a little bit when he is playing hurt (cracked ribs, etc. etc.) half a f'in season and is relegated to only running to one side of the field because only one end of the OL can open up holes.

  14. Nate is a shut down corner, granted he has his moments and bad games, but I have NFL ticket and I've seen a ton of Champ, McCalister and all these other "shut down" guys, and they get beat every now and then too, and have bad games. Our eyes are just so much more focused on Nate we find every little thing he does wrong. He's 27 and has his best football ahead of him, can't say the same for Fletcher, finding top notch CB's is alot harder than finding good backers' like London. You have to keep Clements, and I'd love to keep Fletcher as well but, it just doesn't make sense. We can find a replacement via FA or the draft, theres no way we're finding somebody as good as Nate to replace him.


    Really? Yeah no corner in the league NEVER gets beat, but you can't put Nate "contract year" clements in the same class as some one like Bailey, who is just a goddamn ballhawk in every sense of the word. Sure Nate looks great and seems to be the best tackler on a run defense with more leaks in it than one would care to count. But despite he recent surge in play (his eyes surely on the $$$), Nate has coverage liabilites that guys like Champ simply do not suffer from.

  15. Many analysts this week have brought up again the infamous 4 game test for new qb's in the NFL. This week they are referring to Romo and his recent decent after coming out blazing. Basically the theory is that new quarterbacks usually get off to a good start in their first couple of starts before defensive coordinators and the defenses they command catch up to the qb's tendencies and weaknesses and bring them back down to earth. So how do you(my fellow humble posters) evaluate the QBs we have seen this season and about the validity of this theory in general???

  16. nobody say we're drafting Paul Posluzny,the guy isn't even the best backer' on his own team. It seems like alot of people on this site love him, and think he could be our guy. He's coming off a knee injury last year and wasn't nearly as good as he was prior to the injury. Ralph loves London and he'll be back, they are going to give Spikes more than 10-11 games to prove he can get back, and we already have Crowell. A 1st round LB is SO STUPID is makes my head hurt. Best available OL, DL, or WR bottom line.


    I have got another new rule: you're dumb. Posluszny has proved his caliber of play already...despite coming off injury this past year. Oh, you know who also is coming of two injuries, and is about 10 years older? Spikes. Seriously how much longer do you mooks think Spikes and Fletcher can play up to their previous levels? What would you rather happen...lose these old accomplished players in a year or to and THEN address the linebackers in the draft? Why not draft a top young prospect this year if he is there now and have him learn behind these guys, who are both far past their prime? Reading your pompous post makes my head hurt...ever play football in your life?

  17. I agree all great replies guys. my only concern about getting a FA offensive guard is that im not sure how deep that pool is going to be. Despite his porno first name, i really think the boys (grampas?) upstairs need to make a hard push for Briggs if we don't land a big name college LB like Posluszny in the draft cuz I still am not convinced about Ellison or Crowell in our present D scheme. Nate is going to command mucho $$$ though so if we reisgn him Briggs may be out of our reach.

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