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Zulu Cthulhu

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Posts posted by Zulu Cthulhu

  1. Kid languished at Mike backer in KC and still picked up over 100 tackles his last two years, before moving to weak side still and tore it up for Giants last year with 76 total tackles, 71% of those unassisted? Even in Ellison's most productive year (2006) he only registered 51% unassisted tackles. Weak side LB is crucial in pas rush as well and I think Mitchell will help our D up front as much (if not more) than 99 this year......thoughts? :lol:

  2. Yea


    can one of the mods get on this clown? Either way to put Seattle ahead of the bills in a league-wide ranking for the simple (1 sentence) reasoning that they are in a easy division betrays this guy's stupidity right there. Not even worth posting. We'll see how the Hawks handle with NO running game again this year and their #1 receiver is 37 years old.

  3. Marshall Faulk makes me want to puke - hear that little comment he made about our O-line on the Lynch play? Don't have the link but can someone confirm that before last season he predicted us to win 3 games at the MOST (i swear that was it)? And they pay this a$$bag??!! Last I checked our O-line last year was the best we had in a while (I know it's not saying much)

  4. Still seats available in my section as of today when I renewed - 126 (medium blue on chart)! great seats, a bit more $$$ ($408.00/per). been there for 2 years now, and had the chance to move to the middle of the field up in the 3's, stayed in 126, good atmosphere, not too many dumbasses.

  5. what happens when youre 29, single, an insane fan and decently paid? you buy season tix along w/2 buddies and make the short drive from rochester to witness gloriously blind optimism in its purist form. i am a seaon ticket holder...sweet. go bills. i cannot wait. :lol:


    Congrats! 27 going into my second season with season tix...U will enjoy them - we may not have many more left. : (

  6. :lol: .....yeah...so did the Bills....you still support them right? So what is your point?



    I got Sirius just for Stern in '06...he really hasn't disappointed so far...Kawika did seem a bit down on the whole Buffalo deal, but it can't be much worse than Kansas City can it? Honestly the buffoons on Sirius NFL radio are the ones that really piss me off, luckily I'm not gonna tune into them until late July - Go Bills against the Lions! Preseason only 2 1/2 months away.

  7. Although I hate the refs dictating the game, all things being equal I would increase the frequency of offensive pass interference on wide receivers in the game, given the ridiculous amount of PI penalties on corners and safeties called in today's game. The average WR is 2-3 inches taller than the average corner today, that averages out to about 15-25 lbs heaver and alot more muscle to shove off - guys like Moss and TO have been doing it for years.

    Ideally of course I would like to see the pass interference penalties reduced altogether - 15 yards 1st down at the most for D-interference, but lets face it - this is a QB/sack master league now and its gonna stay that way for a while so I would just like the playing field evened out a little bit!


    MCKELVIN for President

  8. Yea


    Will one of the mods please! ban this a$$ hole? this is just getting annoying with his YEA!!!s. If you have a human-sized brain in your head Deep Voice could you maybe exercise it on the board or get the F off? You are not George Carlin, Richard Pryor or Chris Rock you are not funny...not even remotely funny. Kill yourself

  9. Just a few thoughts on this FB issue:

    1. I don't know why some are still clinging to this H-back theory when Turk and Jauron have been explicit in saying they are returning to the "pure" FB formations. Our quantity of throw away tight ends are special teamers, nothing else. There's no Chris Cooley in that sorry bunch.

    2. Just for reference, my top three FB's in recent memory and where they were selected:

    a) L. Neal - 4th round

    b) Mack Strong - UDFA (recently forced to retire due to neck injury, see how Alexander's production fell off once Mack was done?)

    c) Sam Gash - 8th round, as already pointed out by Falstaff.

  10. The Colts, Giants, Jaguars, Browns, Steelers, Seahawks, Titans and Buccaneers all had winning records last year. Seven of those 8 were 10-6 or better.


    Again good counterpoint...I did say almost essential but that may be an overstatement as Dibs said...I personally would remove Seattle from that list; I consider Trufant an elite corner now - I've been a fan of his for a while

  11. In all fairness, he did say almost.......though I think it an overstatement anyway. Many top teams do not have elite CBs.....but most have good ones with depth. Personally I think you have over-valued our incumbent CBs. 2 solid starters & a good nickel? I tend to think we have serviceable/decent starters & serviceable/decent nickel. Which of our CBs would generally be rated in the top 20?.....top 30?


    I agree McGee and Greer get their globes washed entirely too much around here. They are serviceable doing the "bend-don't-break" thing, which I have been tired of for quite a while now. Hopefully McK's signing signals at least a slight change in defensive philosophy, given his athleticism and chance-taking tendencies. With the steady upgrades at D-line and linebacker, getting away from the Tampa 2/Cover 2/Cover 3 schemes could help avoid the 12-15 play drives we seemed to give up at least once a week last year.

  12. Someone forgot to get Mr. Polian that memo, I suppose.


    Fair point. It's may also be fair to say that Indy's defense over the past handful of years has been something of a liability for them, barring the spectacular run they had in the playoffs '06 when they finally won the SB. Most of that liability came from the back seven (well, 6 when Sanders was healthy.) Peyton and the offense helped mask that just a little bit.

  13. Methinks this thread betrays some of our posters' ages a bit. The NFL of today, 2008, is a pass-oriented league, more than ever before. More teams are using the slot receiver and spread sets than ever. We just happen to be in a division with the most prolific passing offense ever; a team we have to man-up to twice a season. Interior D-linemen are often as big as the offensive linemen they face now. Tailbacks break down, many teams now use the "tandem" strategy to try to get some sort of run production week after week.

    My point is that possessing an elite corner is almost essential to compete today. Jauron knows this. The rest of the front office knows this. McKelvin was the surest bet this draft of securing a player that can develop into an elite at his position. I don't think any of you can argue with that.

    Spout the "championships are built from the lines out" line all you want. Its true to a certain extent, and I think the Bills have more than adequately addressed those areas in the last two years by molding Peters into a pro-bowl LT, adding Walker and Dockery, locking up our DEs (who can play, they have showed it in the past), and adding Stroud and Spence.


    And please stop complaining about McK's height. He's 5'10 1/2". With the kid's athleticism that is plenty tall to cover all but the most monstrous WR's. The front office isn't enamored with midgets. They have added size at the lines where they know it counts the most, and heeded everyone's call for a bigger WR.

  14. JAMES HARDY went to the BILLS, who pride themselves in character and sportsmanship...he will be on good behavior.



    Does anybody think we should be worried about James Hardy? Personally, I think he is going to be an All-Pro in this league!


    Absolutely not...I wouldn't necessarily characterize the incident Hardy was involved in as "major." Obviously it was a big no-no as any domestic abuse allegations are, but Hardy did whole-heartedly admit fault when asked about it, he was a kid when it happened, and the alleged victim later dropped all charges. I don't think that incident, which happened when the kid was what? 19, 20 years old should derail his chances when F'in Ray Lewis is implicated as an accomplice to murder while he was a pro, and, once he was cleared, the entire league re-embraces him immediately afterwards because he's the "heart" of his particular team and helped them win a Super Bowl.

  15. Buffalo simply CAN'T take a risk on a receiver at that spot ( # 11 ) with slow 40 times and coming off an injury.


    Basically by definition he is not a 1st rounder. Slow and hurt, maybe round 2 or high 3. We'll see.



    Trade down.


    I don't know...just because Kelly seems no longer viable at #11 does mean that Limas Sweed or (especially) Devin Thomas are not. Thomas, although slightly shorter than Sweed or Kelly, Thomas certainly looks the part of a WR that could come into the NFL and contribute right away: a muscled-up, durable guy in the mold of TO (he's 1 inch shorter than TO, same weight) who has good speed and can go over the middle of the field for us. PLUS! I haven't heard of him beating on any women or anything like that.

  16. Al Davis is getting insane day by day.


    They are paying 10M/Year to Hall and also owe about 9.5 M to their other CB (Franchise Tag)...... 20M of their cap on their corner backs....and they paid quite a bit to Michael Huff two years ago...


    Oakland to land Hall


    And rumor has it the sick &*$# is already fed up with Huff after only two years...I remember the debates on this board two years ago between Whitner and Huff. Looks like we chose right after all based on Davis' actions! FWIW.

  17. After seeing Kyle Sampson in front of committe today, I am starting to understand why President Bush seems to be struggling so much...Sampson, Rove, Cheney...they all look like clones of some pudgy loser that got his a** kicked throughout high school. These dorks are probably so bitter they enjoy pissing all over the Constitution. Bush should can everyone around him that looks like they didn't get laid until they were 41 years old.

  18. let me see here, for month after month one of the top stories across americas was about three kids who supposedly raped a girl - and the word Duke was associated with the story every single time.


    Although I'm pretty sure "ruining of reputation" is not something that can be backed up with numbers (making your request incredibly stupid) you would have to be an utter ass to think that their reputation has not seriously suffered.


    Really, you think kids aren't still beating down Duke's doors to get into one the best universities in the country? Oh, and by the way assh0le, you AD could easily back that statement up with numbers -> how about application #s to start with. Try again.

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