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Posts posted by Willis990

  1. This is the #1 thing that concerns me. I was going to bring it up myself, but thanks for doing the research.


    We cannot expect to win consistently when opposing quarterbacks have such an easy time completing passes. We may do a decent job preventing the big completion, but we're being dink-and-dunked to death.


    The thing that gets me is that there is a fairly simple blueprint to beating Pennington and the Dolphins: press the receivers and get some pressure on Pennington. We did neither. Why?



    Because they can't.

  2. I liked this post from a Pats fan in that thread: we lost our starting QB and the league's best player, our starting RB (over rated as he was, yet still the starter) and our starting strong safety for good. why are you bothering with bills? i'd be happy to swap our injury list by position for theirs any day



    and their still 4-2

  3. On the list of top ten QBs to date (by passer rating), Trent is tied at #4 with Aaron Rodgers (98.8).


    One stat that immediately jumps out at me is the lack of TDs (5), when compared to Rivers (16), Romo (14), Warner (12), Rodgers (12), and Brees (12).


    While that stat might lead one to believe Edwards is compiling statistics via a "pop gun" short yardage passing game, another statistic belies that notion -- yards per pass play. Edwards ranks 5th in that category at 8.0 -- a great number for a QB.


    Combined with a 2nd-best completion percentage of 69.7, it is clear that the passing offense under Edwards is extraordinarily productive. Credit obviously goes to Schonert and the receivers as well.


    I believe we'll see the TD numbers start to increase more significantly in the weeks to come.


    (FWIW, Chad Pennington has put up remarkably similar stats for Miami so far -- 8th in rating, 4th in comp. %, 8.1 YPP, and 6 TDs -- so the Bills had better be prepared)


    Matt Cassell has 86.78 rating and 6 TD's

  4. Question. Has anyone else noticed that all of the deepballs that Edwards have thrown requires the receivers to slow down? I've yet to see this brought up anywhere and therefor wondering if i'm nuts. He has great zip on the ball in his short game, but I also believe that we have left some TD's on the field cause the WR's haven't been able to keep stride in their deep catches. I'm not complaining by any means, I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed the same things.



    I think he has adequate armstrength. Look at Chad Pennington, he won with his ability to read defenses and get the ball out quick.

  5. Lets see.. Not dissing on Lynch who averages 70 to 80 ypg in shared duty.


    102 Passes thrown by Trent Edwards without an interception until DeAngelo Hall picked him in the third quarter. He had a streak of 120 passes without a pick last year. I feel he was ROBBED by the Refs on the dual possession.


    Edwards went 13 of 18 for 177 yards over the final 15 minutes to cement his standing as one cool competitor. Now having 2 straight games where he lead the team to VICTORY this season.


    With Edwards the Bills have given their fans plenty of reason to start Bill-ieving. Buffalo is 3-0 for the first time since 1992.


    What occurred over the final 7 minutes seconds against the Raiders was a case of 45 players and coaches picking themselves up off the canvas.



    The Raiders are awful so that was not impressive.

  6. Ummm..Drrr..fries with that one Willis?? I wasn't aware they were teaching monkeys to use a computer these days ?

    Anyway, its "You are very knowledgeable" if you please..If you are going to play wise guy, at least use the correct english.


    Warren & Wilpork are decent, Seymour has seen better days...lets talk again about stats after week 8 dumb dumb.



    Seymour has seen better days. Watch the game against the Jets where he dominated Dbrick Ferguson. Wilfork is considered the best nose in the NFL. Below is a quote about Warren "But look for the Patriots to "Ty" one on against the Eagles, just as they did at Pittsburgh in the AFC championship matchup. Second-year veteran Ty Warren, the team's first-round pick in the 2003 draft, has emerged as a big-time player during this postseason run. He had eight tackles versus the Steelers, playing against an offensive line that many considered the NFL's best unit, and moved the line of scrimmage a yard into the Pittsburgh backfield. One Steelers coach allowed that, in the AFC title game, Warren was "like a full-grown man just toying with a bunch of kids, he was so dominant." Warren will play left end in the 3-4, then sink down to tackle in "nickel" situations and when the Pats morph into their 4-3 look. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs04/c...&id=1984422 That was Warrens 2nd year and he is a far more mature player now as the Pats just signed him to extension last year.

  7. Top D ?? C'mon..

    First off they lost Samuel & Gay & Wilson + Vrabel & Pooski have seen better days..

    Statistically, they are actually the # 9 D..far off # 1 who by the way is Baltimore...Buffalo is #5..




    Here is the top 10 (total D)







    ARIZONA ???






    Your very knowledgeable. Who is second in pts allowed?? hold on I know it's the Pats at 10 per game. The Pats easily have the best DLine in Football w. Warren, Seymour and Wilfork. BTW- Yards mean nothing-- points is the stat that analysts look at

  8. Philip Rivers cannot "air it out" one bit. He may be good, and sometimes he is very good, but he cannot come close to airing it out. He has a rag arm and he repeatedly shows it off. Trent's arm is significantly stronger than Rivers'.



    Check out the last play of the SD game that ball went 65+ yards in the air. I think his arm is ok.

  9. Willis, you're back! We figured since your binky Brady has a boo boo you would just crawl back under your rock. I must say Cassell and the Pats looked adequate against the second worst team in the NFL. Of course it took you all game to put them away.


    If I were you I'd be more concerned with your aging defense. Since the NFL is now watching your team like a hawk, it's probably harder to get those shipments of HGH to your players, and its showing. I guess time will tell, but I'm sure if the Pats* start losing, you will run and hide like most Pats* trolls do.




    Yeah the Hawks are a real powerhouse. When is the last time the Bills made the playoffs? It's been awhile

  10. awww, how cute. one of our resident patsy* trolls has finally stopped crying and come out of the woodwork. With brady hurt, have you ordered your Eli Manning jersey yet? Or do you already have one from last year's super bowl?



    The Patriots will still win the division and you know it. Again with the Pats fans are really Giants fan ref. -- Maybe in parts of CT

    Also I noticed you got off topic because Cassell did play well.

  11. Matt Cassel is nothing more that belicheat's arrogance on display. He's been out to prove that he's "smarter" than everyone, so he doesn't need a real backup behind brady because; 1. Brady nevery gets hurt (oops), 2. whatever belicheat touches turns into football gold (or so he thinks). So he's "smarter" thna everyone by carrying a guy that hasn't played in ages and arrogantly thinking he can succeed.



    He played very well in first game. Say what you want about KC. You could say the same about the Bills performance against the Hawks. His stat line doesn't lie: 13 18 152 72.2% 8.44 51 116.0 Rating

  12. Hell no. Tim Tebow is an absolute garbage passer, and is nothing more than the product of a gimmick offense. He can get by on his running ability in college, wheres he's bigger and faster than most. When he gets to the pros, everyone is going to be just as big and fast as him and he's going to get destroyed. He's got nowhere the elusiveness of a Vince Young.



    A gimmick offense you say. Coach Bill Belichick, fresh off his third Super Bowl title in four years, flew to Florida and spent four hours discussing and dissecting the offense in the film room with Meyer. He later dispatched his quarterbacks coach, Josh McDaniels, to Gainesville for two days to learn from Meyer and Dan Mullen, the Florida offensive coordinator, who was Meyer's quarterbacks coach at Bowling Green and Utah.


    "Some of the concepts they have are good," Belichick said in a recent interview. "I think a couple of them complement something we do or could do."


    At the end of Belichick's meeting with Meyer, he gave the system his blessing, the coaching Yoda approving the work of the young Jedi.


    "He felt like it was fundamentally sound, that it wasn't a gimmick," Meyer said. "Coming from him, that's the ultimate compliment."



  13. This place was full of posters that thought Moss was a shot player. But that obviously didn't jive with your your putdown. The "rap" on Randy Moss was not only attitude but his speed AND nagging injuries.


    Give me a freaking break, 38 years old is NOT that old for a QB. But you just let your kool-aid influenced mind keep thinking the Edwards led Bills still have the upper hand on the Favre led Jets this year.


    You guys have lost all objectivity. I love the Bills too, but you've got to face reality. The Bills chances have been reduced because of the Favre/Jets trade.



    I agree with you.

  14. Did you really just compare Favre to the Jets with Moss to the Patriots??? That's complete insanity. Were the Pats 4-12 in '06? Did Moss miss most of training camp and have to learn to run a new offense a month before the season? Is Moss 38 years old? The pats were a 3 time superbowl champion with no name receivers and were a 2nd half collapse away from another AFC championship in 06. I'll agree with you that the Bills can't count any team as an automatic win considering they haven't made the playoffs in a long time and a lot of the teams we are counting on beating count us as an automatic win. That being said, Favre to the Jets has not changed my view that I feel very good about this team having a winning season.



    FYI- Moss missed a lot of training (11 practices) and it was a new offense. Last year's thread: http://www.patsfans.com/new-england-...ad.php?t=39357




    Here's a breakdown first of the types of practices held:


    -16 days total / 23 practices


    -5 in shorts and no pads / 3 in shorts and shells / 15 in full pads


    -7 two-a-days / 9 single practices


    -18 on the practice fields / 2 in the Dana Farber Field House / 3 in-stadium


    -9 in the evening / 6 in the afternoon / 8 in the morning



    And a breakdown by number of practices missed:


    23 - T. Brown

    23 - C. Jackson

    23 - E. Jackson

    23 - Samuel

    23 - Seymour

    23 - D. Thomas


    21 - Scott (placed on IR after 4 misses)


    17 - K. Brady


    16 - Hairston (cut after 1 miss; signed to IR after Practice 8)

    16 - Stallworth (placed on Active/PUP after 1 miss)


    13 - Baker


    11 - Moss


    9 - Mills


    8 - Mitchell (activated off Active/PUP after 8 misses)


    7 - Hawkins

    7 - Yates


    5 - K. Brown

    5 - Watson


    4 - Green

    4 - A. Thomas

    4 - Warren


    3 - T. Brady

    3 - Washington

    3 - Williams

    3 - Woods

    3 - Wright


    2 - Alexander

    2 - Britt

    2 - C. Brown

    2 - Bruschi

    2 - Caldwell

    2 - Cassel

    2 - Colvin

    2 - Evans

    2 - Faulk

    2 - Gaffney

    2 - Gay

    2 - Gostkowski

    2 - Harrison

    2 - Hobbs

    2 - Izzo

    2 - James

    2 - Kaczur

    2 - Koppen

    2 - Light

    2 - Mankins

    2 - Maroney

    2 - Meriweather

    2 - Miller

    2 - Morris

    2 - Neal

    2 - O'Callaghan

    2 - Paxton

    2 - Sanders

    2 - Seau

    2 - S. Thomas

    2 - Vrabel

    2 - Welker

    2 - Wilfork

    2 - Wilson


    1 - Anam

    1 - Bissinger

    1 - Hochstein

  15. Did you really just compare Favre to the Jets with Moss to the Patriots??? That's complete insanity. Were the Pats 4-12 in '06? Did Moss miss most of training camp and have to learn to run a new offense a month before the season? Is Moss 38 years old? The pats were a 3 time superbowl champion with no name receivers and were a 2nd half collapse away from another AFC championship in 06. I'll agree with you that the Bills can't count any team as an automatic win considering they haven't made the playoffs in a long time and a lot of the teams we are counting on beating count us as an automatic win. That being said, Favre to the Jets has not changed my view that I feel very good about this team having a winning season.



    FYI- Moss did miss a good amount of training camp due to injury (11 practices). Below are the numbers from last year:

    Last year's thread: http://www.patsfans.com/new-england-...ad.php?t=39357




    Here's a breakdown first of the types of practices held:


    -16 days total / 23 practices


    -5 in shorts and no pads / 3 in shorts and shells / 15 in full pads


    -7 two-a-days / 9 single practices


    -18 on the practice fields / 2 in the Dana Farber Field House / 3 in-stadium


    -9 in the evening / 6 in the afternoon / 8 in the morning



    And a breakdown by number of practices missed:


    23 - T. Brown

    23 - C. Jackson

    23 - E. Jackson

    23 - Samuel

    23 - Seymour

    23 - D. Thomas


    21 - Scott (placed on IR after 4 misses)


    17 - K. Brady


    16 - Hairston (cut after 1 miss; signed to IR after Practice 8)

    16 - Stallworth (placed on Active/PUP after 1 miss)


    13 - Baker


    11 - Moss


    9 - Mills


    8 - Mitchell (activated off Active/PUP after 8 misses)


    7 - Hawkins

    7 - Yates


    5 - K. Brown

    5 - Watson


    4 - Green

    4 - A. Thomas

    4 - Warren


    3 - T. Brady

    3 - Washington

    3 - Williams

    3 - Woods

    3 - Wright


    2 - Alexander

    2 - Britt

    2 - C. Brown

    2 - Bruschi

    2 - Caldwell

    2 - Cassel

    2 - Colvin

    2 - Evans

    2 - Faulk

    2 - Gaffney

    2 - Gay

    2 - Gostkowski

    2 - Harrison

    2 - Hobbs

    2 - Izzo

    2 - James

    2 - Kaczur

    2 - Koppen

    2 - Light

    2 - Mankins

    2 - Maroney

    2 - Meriweather

    2 - Miller

    2 - Morris

    2 - Neal

    2 - O'Callaghan

    2 - Paxton

    2 - Sanders

    2 - Seau

    2 - S. Thomas

    2 - Vrabel

    2 - Welker

    2 - Wilfork

    2 - Wilson


    1 - Anam

    1 - Bissinger

    1 - Hochstein

  16. Nice job Shields! You have to protect your players- and Cocoa is a punk that deserves whatever happens to him. I can't he believe he tried to argue after that dirty slide. I just wish some one would of dropped Manny. I am sick of him showing up pitchers



    Nice job by Shields :lol: . Coco moved and hit him w. good solid straight right hand.

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