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Posts posted by Willis990

  1. Your comments about George are true. He had a deep arm like few others. I also agree that JP was not a "can't miss talent," and was not happy at all with the trade that brought him to Buffalo. I thought that we had (and still have) too many needs to toss away multiple draft picks.


    That said, the kid has improved, and under extreme circumstances. He has threaded the needle a few times this year, while last year he was throwing ground balls. He has taken it deep a few times and been accurate while doing so. He has made some runs for key first downs.

    Other than Evans, he doesn't have such great receivers, yet he still gets them the football. We all want to see more of the tight end, but the TE is busy trying to protect him because of the awful line.


    Does he need to improve? Sure. He needs to calm down, and put a bit more "touch" on some of his passes. This takes some qbs longer than others to develop, but I see progress. Don't you?


    Imo, the "cannon" thing is over rated. Yes.....Marino, Bledsoe, George, etc. had arms strong enough to flick 50 yard tosses from their wrist. These guys never won a superbowl. JP needs to put a bit more into it, but he too can throw the long ball. I don't see this as an issue.


    In short, while I don't view JP as the next Steve Young, his talent level is not one of the problems this team faces. He has enough physical ability, and seems to be learning the pro game. In addition to experience, JP needs protection. A defense to get him field position would be nice as well.


    Oh, welcome to the board.




    You are right on the money. There is no doubt about his arm strength.

  2. So after 15 starts, a trait that most QBs get better with over time, you have the ability to see now that he will never obtain it? But you can see Leinart being better when his flaws are those that he can never improve on? Like I said earlier lets see Leinart play more than 2 games and throw the ball over 10 yards before hailing him better than JP.




    This is what you and some others say on this board. All you talk about in regards to JP is his arm strength and mobility. Jeff George had a better arm than JP and what was he, an average QB. He was also a #1 pick. I believe that JP is talented, but he was pick #22 in the first round, hardly a can't miss talent. If he was so gifted he would have gone ahead of Ben (came out after Junior year), Rivers and Eli so tell me why he went #22. I know you will say he only played two years at Tulane and he's raw. Drew Henson would have been the #1 pick had he come out as a Junior. He was considered far more talented than JP. So please everyone get off this JP is immensley talented kick. Do you honestly believe this guy will lead us to a Super Bowl.

  3. Well, most of JPs fumbles "weren't his fault".


    Also, I suggest you look at the scoreboard. Apparently Leinart didn't play well enough to win, because he didn't.




    JP will never be a consistent NFL quarterback. He has had plenty of time to at least show some consistency and he has none. Yes, he will make the occasional big play but the problem he makes to many negative plays and by that I am not just referring to int's., fumbles. This is a field position game and he constantly makes negative plays that lose valuable field position. As I have said before good physical skills but way too slow of a decision maker on the field. Say what you want about Leinart e.g. lack of arm strength, slow feet, he is a very quick decision maker.

  4. You act like JP folds or throws the game away. Leinart had every chance to close that game and didn't deliver much like JP and the Bills have done. How many games this season have JP been put in positions with the ball, down by a FG and the clock running out to win the game? The only game close was against the Jets playing in the rain against a 30 mph wind! And in that game his gutty play got us back in the game.




    That was Leinart's second start against a very good defense. Leinart is already far ahead of JP in every aspect of his game. JP is not going to be a good QB in this league. Everyone keeps making excuses for JP i.e. OL, no seperation for the receivers, playcalling, etc.. Leinart has less time to throw than JP and was very productive. The Bills have not scored more than 20 against anyone this year. That is pathetic. I am tired of the excuses board members make for this guy.

  5. It is humorous how people on this board have gone out of their way to trash Leinart.  The guy is a good QB plain and simple.




    Are you kidding. JP is not even close to Rivers, Manning or Ben. All those guys are QB's and JP is a thrower similiar to Drew. When your arm is as good as Drew or JP's you do not have to make as quick a decision as say a Leinart, Brees or Brady so therefore JP is more likely to hold the ball where those QB's have to be decisive. This is very difficult for guys with big arms because you can get away with waiting for your receiver to be wide open and then release the ball in HS, College whereas Pennigton, Brees, etc. have really developed timing and anticipation because of their lack of arm strength or lack of mobility.

  6. I do not think the OL is the only problem on offense. That being said I really think that JP should be better than he has been. He has practiced for two years and started enough games to show some sort of consistency. Phillip Rivers was obviously a much higher draft pick and more should be expected of him but look what he has accomplished in five games. He seems light years ahead of JP. Now everyone will say he has a better OL but the facts are he has 5 starts and has performed very well and consistenly made the right reads. I hope he gets better, but from I have witnessed so far, my confidence and expectations are low. Look at the Patriots makeshift lines from the Superbowl teams, no big names and not a ton of protection for Marcia but he knew where to go with the ball to quickly get it out. I just do not believe this guy should have been a first round pick. Everyone talks about his arm and mobility. We need a QB that can get the ball out quick when needed, too many times he holds the ball and takes a sack which costs us field position. Field positon is the key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop blaming the OL and playcalling and Willis for blitz pickup and put some blame on JP.

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