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Posts posted by tombstone56

  1. You liked the whiney little "b*tchy" tone of that question? I think it is disgraceful that fans and ignorant media feel that it is their job to be sarcastic and "hold the management accountable".


    In the context that it is used on this board, "holding someone accountable" = "blame someone because I am not happy and I can't accept step-wise improvement". "Wah wah, wah I have waited too long for a winner so nothing is good enough other than an instant turnaround into a SB team".


    IMHO, reporters like this should be thrown out and not allowed back. They aren't "analyzing" anything. They are just being smart-asses and stating the obvious that things didn't go well. What would their plan be? What would they have done differently?


    I will be happy the day some coach punches one of these losers in the face.

    totally agree , except id probably would slap the little bi*** ,by the way was sully visiting the browns ?

  2. draft tek is a so-so information site ,although better than many of them ,,,the writers are just idiots in many cases ,the local guy is DEAN KINDIG ,he's right about as often as OBAMA,

    USE THE SITE for information on players , but use some sense ..Mike Evans is a big target but not IMO anywhere in the top25. and Ive been rating players since the 70's, good player but but stats are inflated because he's practically the only guy Manziel throws too.,

    ,me personally id take Trent Murphy 1st, de/olb ,,think TALLEY but ith a mean streak a mile wide.

    try and trade back into the 1st for Cyril Richardson og..steam roller with hands

    i do like the AJ McCarron pick but id take CJ Fiedorowicz te ,,,, likes to run over tackles rather than avoiding them

    i also like Arron Lynch ,ive seen him play it'd be a big step but he's got something extra to bring to the table,.,,,,after that who knows its just guessing at this point.

  3. I THINK WHAT WERE SEEING IS THE DC is learning how to best use his people ROBEY has been a great find if he was 3 inches taller he'd of been a first rder..ya gotta like the guy it seems when hes on the field **it happens ,..

    i doubt kiko will win droy mainly because of PLAYING IN BUFFALO INSTEAD OF NYC,he need huge game against PATS on national tv ,another int would help!..

    overall this is the best draft CLASS IVE EVER SEEN BY THE BILLS,

  4. I would still like to know who pulled the trigger on the Maybin pick. Jauron was kind of made the scapegoat for that pick but I call BS on that. If jauron did make the pick wouldn't he of made more of an effort to get Maybin playing time instead of having him ride the bench. I got a feeling Nix had his hand on that pick also even though he wasn't the GM at the time. & oh boy what a dumb pick that was when Orakpo/Cushing were still on the board. & yes a ton of posters on this board at the time could not believe the Bills passed those 2 over Maybin & I was one of them. It was reported that when the Bills made the pick of AM that several other teams tables could be seen laughing because it was such a stupid pick.

    DURING THE DONAHOE GUY MODRAK ERA , ALOT DRAFT AND FREE AGENT MOVES WERE TO SAY THE LEAST DYSFUNCTION! the acted independently like mini fifedoms, which led to the donte, maybin and lynch picks among others

    .while MR.WILSON gets blame for bad choices in most cases it a consortium of people and he merely agrees ,WHEN you have a corporation which inreality every nfl is, you have to rely on advice from others ,in sports errors are magnified because of fans,,..ask yourself does jerry jones or synders meddling make their teams better?

    that being said the pick that kept me awake involved a trade , passed on , a exchange of picks with the 49ers . we wouldve been able to get p willis, we passed .. now that was "stupid",,..maybin over cushing or mathews that was nightmarish, but donte over ngata was assinine!l..look at a former GM for your answer..


    by the way has BILL POLIAN ever said who it was the Bills almost traded for and he was talked out of? hes mentioned hes regretted not doing it several times but said he could say because of his position ,at the time he was gm of the colts.

  5. AS YOU stated were at 6 , top 4 teams all need qbs jags,bucs vikings and,, texans ,if manziel comes out he ll lkely be there... that leaves hunley and bridgewater asnd marriota,,, the bigger question to me is does someone trade up for clowney pushing one back maybe to us .?or does one of the LTacles wind up in the top five ahead of a qb? realistically the bills mght have a shot at ucla's barr..top olb in the draft,

  6. JIM BROWN AND COOKIE GILCRIST were outstanding running backs and both dealt with overt racism during there careers. COOKIE even more so THAN J.B. playing in the CFL. ...THAT being said they never could separate the past from the present .R.I.P. Cookie but Brown seems to feel he was A FOOTBALL GOD , not just a football player. ABSOLUTELY he acts and treats others around him as if hes owed something!!

    BY THE WAY if you saw Cookie play you might not think Brown was the best!

  7. SIMILIAR SITUATION OCCURRRED HERE TOO, when ted washingtons contract was up.the going rate was around18-19 mill, but when synder bought skins ,he went out and drastically overpaid for dana stubblefield and big daddy wilkerson to the tune of 27 million the bills got stuck by it, winding up in the same pay range for ted.. not many teams are proactive contractually and it does bite them sometimes. :doh:

  8. Not since 1982 when Chuck Knox could not negotiate a new contract with the Bills and left to become the Seahawk's head coach have the Bills had a head coach who was not fired by previous teams or proven not to be NFL head coaching material.

    It could possibly be argued that Mike Mularkey is NFL head coaching material- clinging to his position with the Jaguars- but with a .333 career record and coming off a 2 and 14 season- he is in the margin.

    That's 31 years since such a hire.


    1983- 1985 Kay Stephenson. Did not return as an NFL head coach.

    1985- 1986 Hank Bullough. Did not return as an NFL head coach.

    1986- 1997 Marv Levy. Fired by Kansas City before joining the Bills.

    1998- 2000 Wade Phillips. Fired by Denver before joining the Bills.

    2001- 2003 Greg Williams. Did not return as an NFL head coach.

    2004- 2005 Mike Mularkey. Did not re-sign with the Bills, poor head coaching record.

    2006- 2009 Dick Jauron. Fired by Chicago before joining the Bills.

    2010- 2012 Chan Gailey. Fired by Dallas and Georgia Tech en route to the Bills.


    Granted Marv and Wade are very good NFL coaches but an argument could be made that they underachieved with the player talent they had available to them and miss out on the highest level of NFL coaching hierarchy. But the rest clearly were poor NFL head coaches. Also granted that there is no guarantee that Doug Marrone will prove to be a successful NFL head coach.

    However, it is refreshing and encouraging for the Bills to be off to a new start with a successful college level head coach with NFL experience who has written his own ticket to date.


  9. Quoted on Buffalobills.com, when referring to the need to institute blitz packages as early as OTA's, here is what the head-coach of the Bills said:



    “Everyone in OTAs now is doing it,” said head coach Doug Marrone. “We have to get our players ready. You think about how training from an offensive standpoint, we’re getting the technique correct and then you’re going forward and working on those technique and fundamentals. Then for the quarterback he’s going to throw a route versus air. Then the next point is decision making. So the faster we can get to situations where is it zone, or is it pressure? Now they have to make decisions on the field and the better they’ll become and the better the evaluation for us.”


    Whew. I can't follow that. We could be in for some painful post-game press conferences. But, I suppose that doesn't really matter. If he wins, I could care less whether he puts a grammatical sentence together.


  10. ITS AMAZING THAT CHRIS BROWN came to this conclusion, WOW what a revelation, friggin buddy said he wanted more picks publicly 8 weks ago.

    as for trade down scenarios now,

    st louis 1 and 2 for our first ,they pick patterson

    carolina 1and 2 for our first they pick lotolei

    minn trades both firsts for ours they pick millner

    and if you dream there is many more

  11. I'm on the same page with those who say NO to Mingo. I'd love Jordan, and I'd love Ansah - but those are the only two LB'ers I'd want to see picked at 8. Ogletree, I think, would be better had in the lower teens, bottom part of RD 1.

    GOT A FEELING OGLETREE is gone by10 ,,HE IS aplayer andin the NFL that all that matters. his upside is huge.

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