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Posts posted by tombstone56

  1. THERE IS A NEW line of ideas coming out regarding CLOWNEY ,one has some merit ,he quits college and signs a one year deal in CFL, by doing that he makes a cpl million + this year ,but more importantly it voids the nfl draft for him, he could pick any team in the league rather than be drafted ,,he would have the same rights as a unrestricted FA. and then sign more what would possibly be double what he would receive even as the top 1-2 pick..now thats leverage that the NFL didnt exspect . all about the benjamins.!

  2. With some 70+ juniors declared there is a larger pool depth and talent in many years, albeit not the qb class with more elite talent.some scouts commmented at the east west that you can get starting talent as late as the 4th this year . others commented that some of the FA this year might be in for a surprise because teams may wait for the draft rather than pursue available players.

    any thoughts of bidding wars for players seem to be on hold as one scout i talked to said,, curious if its going to hold true.

    by the way devon taylor is the real deal ...

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