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Posts posted by marauderswr80

  1. There are matches that i like for Buffalo and there are matches I dont.


    First, I think the Bears DL is going to cause some problems for Buffalo's line.


    The one matchup i love, well I shouldnt call it a matchup but, with the defense the Bears run, atleast its something this offense has faced in training camp.


    I dont see this being a high scoring game at all.....I think its going to be a defensive game.


    But if Buffalo is going to pull this one off they better play the game on a short field atleast offensively.......and they need to get after Grossman, hes still young and will make mistakes. If we let their offense click and move the ball all over the field, then Bills are in trouble. We hold that offense down and protect the ball on offense Buffalo has a slim shot at winning the game!

  2. They have a right to be arrogant, they have a great team there in Chicago. It dont matter how you win games, alls that matters is that you win them. If my team was in the same shoes, you better believe im going to be arrogant aswell.


    With a bounce here and there, Buffalo is going into Chicago with a flawless record....and it would be game of the week in the NFL.


    Let them be arrogant, they have every right to be until someone knocks them down.....


    I mean you cant tell me you wouldnt do the same thing if you were in their shoes....I know I would!

  3. Every team has a bad game, even if they are as dominate as the Bears. They all have bad games!


    The one thing that has me thinking the Bills can win is that this offense sees the same type of defense the Bears run everyday! They have seen it all camp.....they go against it all the time.


    By playing with 2 deep safties, that tells me the middle of the field is wide open! We must take what they give us!


    Im just not ready to chalk it up as a loss right now, I just cant do it.

  4. "Stop Me Before I Blitz Again! No. 2: In the first 56 minutes of the Buffalo-Minnesota game, the Bills' defense held the Vikings to two field goals, eight first downs and 226 yards of offense. In the final four minutes, the Bills allowed a touchdown, six first downs and 104 yards of offense, Buffalo barely winning when a Minnesota player dropped what would have been a touchdown pass in the closing seconds. What changed between the first 56 minutes and the last four minutes? The Bills began blitzing like crazy."


    WTF? The Bills went into a prevent defense! What game was he watching?



    I was just going to say that!


    Bills defense was 25 yards down field keeping everything in front of them.....

  5. Bears are a very good team, thats an argument no Bills fan will win. Bears are nasty team.


    What im trying to say is that the Bears are coming off an impressive win over Seattle in a primetime game, I just think they are overlooking Buffalo and the Bills might sneak one away from them.


    If Buffalo wins id be shocked if it was by more then a TD.


    Its going to be a battle for sure, Buffalo will have to play flawless football all over the field to even have a chance at winning.


    The games not played on paper, its played on the field. The best definition of that was the Jets/Colts game, Jets clearly should have won that game! But before the game everyone including myself thought the Jets would lose by atleast 21 points!

  6. You're new around here, eh?


    Hammer: I'd take Buddy over for a walk and have him pee on the fugger.  :devil:



    I wouldnt say "new" ive been here many time just never posted. Im a frequent poster on BB.com, I go by the name Tom1015......


    Not trying to be a jerk or anything by all means, I just dont see why you would show 3rd quarter for the game....to me id like to get my monies worth for what I paid for the ticket....thats all im saying.


    Like I said before maybe the stadium gates should have a sign saying now entrance granted after halftime.....i dont know....



  7. :devil:


    Seriously, wtf does it matter WHY he showed up when he did?  If you have a ticket to an event that is still in progress, you should have a right to use that ticket.



    I understand your point.........




    why pay hard earned money for a ticket that got quarter of its usage?


    Sorry If I pay 58 bucks for the ticket, im getting to the gates at 11:30 to get in early see some players and enjoy the game from opening kickoff till the clock reads 0:00 4th quarter......


    But you are right if you have a ticket to the event you should be permitted access to get in. Maybe if they put a sign at every gate stating you have until a certain time to arrive at the stadium....


    But, I still dont see the point showing during the 3rd quarter....


    what was the reason for showing in the 3rd quarter?

  8. Dont get me wrong Chicago is a good team, they are tough as nails and very well coached on all sides of the ball.


    But......every team has a down game, could this be the game for the Bears to have a down game? I think so. They are coming off a big win against a strong Seattle team in a primetime game. They might still have a hangover from that win and might struggle to get things going, and that could be when Buffalo strikes.


    I know the Bears are going to be tough to beat in Chicago, right now they are ranked #1 in the NFL by multiple sports writers as they should be, however, there is a part of me that thinks they have yet to be tested....truely tested.


    Buffalo has a respected offense, and the defense flies around the ball.


    I see alot of matches that can go in Buffalos favor.


    I smell an upset in the air. If Buffalo can some how win this game, they WILL grab the entire leagues attention and will be recongnized from here on out! This is a statement game for the Buffalo Bills, if they come out and play competitive they are going to build from this game, if they win....this is the tone setter for the rest of the year.


    I want nothing more then this team from opening kickoff to march up and down the field and knock Chicago in the mouth win or lose let the Bears know they were in a football game!


    I smell upset in the making!!!!!!

  9. You have yourself to blame! Why show up soo late? Makes no sense? Why pay for the ticket to begin with?


    I dont blame security I blame you for not showing up on time.


    I mean if it was due to emergency or something then I apologize, but honestly I dont blame security for not letting you in after the or during the 3rd quarter.

  10. I'll wait a couple of games before I judge Preston too harshly.  He stepped in against one fo the best defensive linemen in the game.  He's got a full plate ahead of him and its time for him to get out there and establish himself.



    Yep, every player has a time where they need to prove if they are worthy of being in the NFL it just happens to be Prestons time!

  11. Yeah I tend to agree with you. I dont care for him. I like Tirico, but the other 2 guys just dont belong. I also dont see why you need 3 guys in the booth to do the game.


    Id like to see Tirico be matched up with Aikman or Simms or someone like that....Theisman drives me crazy. And with Tony Kornheiser in their its like, they desperately need something for Tony to talk about.


    I feel for Tirico, hes the best out of the 3....but those other 2 just make that crew look bad!

  12. Two things.....actually 3....first good post.


    Second.....If JP can play at this level rest of the year, its only going to help the running game more, cause defenses like it or not will have to respect Losman more and take and extra man out of the box to defend the pass, all of a sudden that helps the run game.


    3rd.....You all know what the Ralph holds toward end of the year, the weather changes, gets harder to pass the ball, so the Bills will concentrate at the running game more so due to that fact.


    But in all honesty I can see Willis being a top 5 RB, But I also see him being top 3 in the league aswell!


    Lets just hope the OL can hold up!

  13. im telling you with Willis leading the league in rushing, hes going to work harder then ever to lead the league this year! Your going to see a different McGahee every week from here on out. I think hes going to have the same type game this Sunday....25 plus carries for around 100 with a TD maybe, but picking up the blitzes with authority!

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