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Son of a K-Gun

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Posts posted by Son of a K-Gun

  1. 17 minutes ago, Logic said:

    Hearing the national coverage of this game has me feeling like I'm taking crazy pills! So many one-sided arguments, contradictions, or flat out ignoring of facts and stats. 

    1. I keep hearing that the Bills are "too one-dimensional". Stop Allen and you stop the Bills. First of all, the Patriots are just as one-dimensional. Stop their run game and you stop their offense. Second, why do we only hear the "too one-dimensional" argument about the Bills, but not about other great passing offenses? Why doesn't anyone ever point out that the Chiefs and Ravens are too dependent upon Mahomes and Jackson? Not only that, but the whole "shut down the QB and you stop the offense" argument leaves out one important fact: It's REALLY DIFFICULT to stop the QB. That's what makes him a great QB! If it were so easy, a lot more teams would do it!

    2. I keep hearing that the Patriots can run and stop the run better than the Bills. Since week 11, the Patriots have the third WORST run defense in the NFL, while the Bills have the 4th BEST rushing offense. What's that you say? A lot of the Bills' rushing success is due to Allen scrambling? Oh, well in that case, take those yards off the board. They don't count. Call Kyler Murray and Lamar Jackson and tell them none of their rushing yards count, either. Rushing yards are rushing yards, and the Bills are CURRENTLY statistically a top five rushing team and the Patriots are CURRENTLY statistically a bottom five rush defense. Those are the facts.

    3. I don't seem to hear a damned thing from the media about how good the Bills defense is. The tenor of the discussion always tends to be "how will Allen and the Bills offense handle the elite Patriots defense?". Well, this just in: the Bills have the number one defense in yards allowed AND points allowed. They're the best defense in the league. Yet I never seem to hear "how will Mac Jones fare against the best pass defense in the league?".

    I normally roll my eyes at complaints about national media coverage, but it's hard to watch this stuff and not get at least a little irritated after a while. The slurping of the Patriots and lack of respect for or mention of the Bills' strengths gets really old after a while. Watching it, you'd think the Pats were the division champs, we were the wild card team, and the Pats are heavily favored. Crazy.

    There goes @Logic using logic...

  2. 11 hours ago, Ed_Formerly_of_Roch said:

    Posted this elsewhere but think Allen needs to learn to take something off the fastball.  It may be OK in September an October, but with a wet, cold, hard ball coupled with a receivers wet cold hands just doesn't work well.   There were a number of dripped passes too.   But hard to say if Allen did take something off on some of those passes, would he have been able to get the ball to where it needed to get to?

    Man, if only there was a way to deflate the football a little bit...

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. Hard to argue with the Chiefs game, was such a long time coming and that was team focus all off season long.


    Loved that Miami game too though, was a real tone setter for the D.


    If I had to list my favourite play of the season I might just go with McKenzie's opening kickoff return against the Steelers.  That play was electric.  The stadium was rocking even on TV, and we all thought our Bills were going to be unstoppable.  Alas just like McKittrick couldn't quite seal the deal on that return, the Bills have been just a step away from living up to our lofty expectations.  Still time to right the ship though as we head into week 18 and the playoffs!


    I can't help but wonder how this season would have went if he housed this return?



  4. 1 minute ago, Blainorama5 said:

    Do we need to go back in time AGAIN to bring all 6 infinity stones together to get to this universe?


    Seems reasonable to me.  😉


    end game success GIF by GEICO

    No.  Competent officials are clearly a glitch in the matrix.

    Count me in, let's make things right!

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Ridgewaycynic2013 said:

    I thought Ryan Reynolds was a credible Green Lantern.

    As long as you're doing multiverses, got one where the officials are competent? 🤨

    If we are actually living in the Bradyverse does that mean these are competent officials?


  6. 24 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    So when voting for a player "they think is the best", they cannot consider any off-field issues, but when voting for a player to being included "with the best" they certainly can (should?) consider off-field issues when voting them as the best performers in their sport? 


    Why should "being a jerk" keep a player out of the HOF (on the 1st or any ballot)?

    In HOF voting for baseball there actually is a character clause...that's what is keeping out a lot of the 90's steroid-era guys (yet somehow Ty Cobb is in there).  Not sure if the Pro Football HOF has the same clause because frankly I do not understand their voting at all.  A HOF that has no place for Steve Tasker makes no sense to me.

  7. 16 minutes ago, D. L. Hot-Flamethrower said:

    I've felt that since the incident occurred that Rodgers MVP candidacy was in jeopardy. Out of 50 voters there are enough who hate his guts and will privately express it with their vote. It wouldn't take much to give it to Jonathan Taylor or even Brady.

    I see what you did there 😉


    I mentioned in the MVP thread that nobody holds a grudge like a sportswriter.  Back in the early 90's (so pre-PED's) Barry Bonds was far and away the best player in the National League.  The writers couldn't stand him (because he was a jerk) and gave the MVP to Terry Pendleton.  Rodgers lied to the media and played them for fools.  Now the media gets to vote for the MVP.  Hub isn't likely the only writer looking at Rodgers this way.


    “I can guarantee you I will not be the only one not voting for him,” Arkush said.


    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 4 hours ago, machine gun kelly said:

    Just remember in our game, Henry was running under 3 yards a carry until the big run.  In the past couple of years we held him to 80+ in one game and 50+ in another.  The Bills aren’t horrible against the Titans.


    KC is the team that concerns me as they are not the same team we beat in October.

    Wait, did we play the Royals in October?

  9. On 1/4/2022 at 8:22 PM, RalphWilson'sNewWar said:



    We argue about MVPs and Pro Bowls and Hall of Fames…all the while these actual decisions are controlled by folks with mental reasoning of Hub Arkush.



    I mentioned this exact scenario upthread...sportswriters are notoriously petty and hate when players lie to them, as Rodgers did with his whole "I'm inoculated" BS.  I am not at all surprised that writers are holding a grudge against him, though I am surprised that a writer was dumb enough to come out and say it.


    Here is Hub's actual statement;


    “I don’t think you can be the biggest jerk in the league and punish your team, and your organization and your fan base the way he did and be the Most Valuable Player,” Arkush said. “Has he been the most valuable on the field? Yeah, you could make that argument, but I don’t think he is clearly that much more valuable than Jonathan Taylor or Cooper Kupp or maybe even Tom Brady. So from where I sit, the rest of it is why he’s not gonna be my choice. Do I think he’s gonna win it? Probably. A lot of voters don’t approach it the way I do, but others do, who I’ve spoken to. But one of the ways we get to keep being voters is we’re not allowed to say who we are voting for until after the award has been announced. I’m probably pushing the envelope by saying who I’m not voting for. But we’re not really supposed to reveal our votes.”

    Rodgers was asked about the comments and he called Hub Arkush "a bum" multiple times and then spouted off that he's on a crusade against him because he isn't vaccinated.  Said that they should rename the award the Most Valuable Vaccinated Player.  



  10. 14 minutes ago, FFadpecr said:

    The Bills are much better off losing this game now, with the Burrow news (and likely Bengals loss)


    You DO NOT want to see the Colts in Round 1 under any circumstance. Worst AFC matchup for the Bills.


    Go Jets! (I'm serious). Bills need to lose this game now.


    Going on the road to face the Pats or Bengals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Staying at home to face the Colts.


    Avoid. The. Colts.

    Awful take.  The last thing this Bills team needs is another loss to a POS team like the Jets, no matter the circumstances.  Keep the winning culture going.

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  11. I have (somehow) avoided the dedicated stadium/dome thread(s), but have seen the same number mentioned in here a couple of times now…is it really only an extra $500K for a dome?  Hell if that’s the case I could sell my house and move in, Baker style.  I’m working from home and the kids’ school is remote these days so why not??

    • Haha (+1) 2
  12. Always a great read @Virgil and appreciate the effort you put into these.  One thing I will say is that when I read through your post there are always a lot of "oh ya, I remember thinking that" moments from during game that I totally forgot about.  Had never considered that you would need to be taking notes during the game to capture your thoughts but obviously when I see how many things I forget about it makes perfect sense.  I'm sure that effort detracts somewhat from your game day experience, so understand completely the desire to dial it back.

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 12 minutes ago, driddles said:

    Off topic but - what's your plan for the playoff game?  The test has to be done in the US so we can't do it ahead of time.  I'm not finding a lot on the internet about places a Canadian can book a PCR test in the US.

    Oh I missed that requirement that the test has to be outside of Canada, that's new.  I had planned on testing at a Rexall but had to wait for the playoff game to be set as I would be crossing back into Canada anywhere from Saturday night to early Tuesday morning.  It is becoming way too complex...I have no idea how to go about getting a PCR test with same-day results in a foreign country.


    For any other Canadians thinking of going...


    Arriving by car, bus, boat, ferry or train

    You must take a molecular test outside of Canada within 72 hours of your planned entry into Canada.

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. The Bills could bring in Penny as a Beasley replacement and call the package Penny Slots.


    The Bills could put Penny in to defend late game Hail Mary attempts and hope for a Penny Pinch.


    The Bills could pair Penny with a bruising fullback and call that package In for a Penny in for a Pound.


    Maybe bring in James Conner as well and we can call the backfield JC Penny.


    Ultimately I'm just not sure bringing in Penny makes much Cents.

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  15. 17 minutes ago, Logic said:

    It's so weird to see Bills fans begging for the team to stop running Josh Allen when he averages 7 yards per rush, is the team's best running threat, and has scored 30 rushing TDs in four seasons. Not to mention the fact that his legs seem to be the only way out of the offensive slumps this team sometimes finds itself in.

    I understand that we want to keep the guy healthy, but the answer, in my mind, is for him to learn to slide. It is NOT to take away one of the best offensive weapons on our team and ask a guy with that kind of God-given running ability to just stop running. Why take away one of the most deadliest modes of attack that your offense has?

    Josh needs to learn to slide and slide often. Russell Wilson has done this effectively for YEARS. The answer is NOT to just stop using the potent weapon that is Josh's running ability.

    It seems like Josh takes bigger hits in the pocket than he does when he runs. 


    Is it just me or when he runs he only really has big contact when he initiates it, and that is usually against smaller guys in the secondary.  If he is going to get licked by a lineman or linebacker he hits the sideline.  The biggest contact he takes might actually be from the ground when he decides to dive or hurdle guys...

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