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Joey Balls

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Everything posted by Joey Balls

  1. Looks like congress is going to force the issue and subpeona Rove, the White House will kick and scream and the thing will probably wind up in the Supreme Court. Funny as hell watching Tony Snow tap dance today. It brought back fond memories of Scott McClellan. This is getting real interesting.....for a "witch hunt" anyways.
  2. Really? That doesn't seem to be the case at all. Even Fox, if anyone here considers them MSM, is carrying some bits which is far more than they did for the Libby trial.
  3. I don't think anything is going to stop Obama, esp. on the Republican side where a whole slew of losers (Newt Gingrich) is willing to embarrass themselves (Newt Gingrich) and their party for one last powergrab at the brass ring. Once Rudy's candidacy starts to tumble like a house of cards it should be clear sailing. http://www.buffalobeast.com/114/obama.htm
  4. Yeah he has a tendency to raid the National Review Online website whenever he can. Christ he actually linked a Charles Krauthammer piece last week concerning the Rove?Libby/Cheney fiasco. I mean Chuck Kraut!?! I never saw the Salon piece you linked here before and it managed to clear up some things that I had mangled badly in my topic post including the fact that Buffalo attorney Battle wasn't one of the eight purged in the middle of a term by the Bush/Gonzales axis. As the article points out Battle works for the justice department now. I stand corrected.
  5. Save your breath, wait awhile, then soon maybe DC Tommyboy can tell you how this is getting more unwarrented media coverage than Clinton/Lewinsky. Oh wait...he already has?
  6. Well they just postponed the predicted subpoenas of Rove and Miers today so once that happens then we'll see. But it is interesting that many conservatives are coming out against Gonzales' office. I hate to say it but he made John Ashcroft appear competent.
  7. While the forced resignation of eight US attorneys because they weren't radically conservative enough for the White House may seem like just another scandal in the most corrupt administration of our lifetimes, it may just spell Karl Rove's demise. Rove pushed hard to replace the Arkansas attorney Cummins with the conservative ideologue wackjob Tim Griffin. Also forced to resign was Buffalo attorney Michael Battle. While the mainstream media seems to be focusing on the possible resignation of incredibly inept Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, the more interesting upcoming events in this story will be when Rove and/or Harriet Miers is subpoened. Who knows how far up it goes?
  8. What I find more priceless than yet another glaring example of conservative moralistic hypocrisy is the amount of people who actually take Gingrich seriously as a politician.
  9. I've been recieving tax exempt checks from the Nation for years, now all of a sudden this? http://www.buffalonews.com/258/story/29651.html Meet ya down on the Rez...off 438. Bring your tires.
  10. Oh my goodness what did you do to yourself? Run on over to www.nro.com and raid their homepage?
  11. This should deflate your Toensing editorial Mister Wacka. http://www.tpmcafe.com/story/2005/7/13/04720/9340
  12. Deputy attorney general in the Ronnie Ray-gun administration? That should tell anyone where she's coming from. The right wing in this country...and yes that includes this board...has been pretty dismissive of the whole Libby affair including one unfortunate chap who managed to stretch credulity here by comparing it to the Ken Starr "witch hunt". My main point, which you still haven't managed to confront with that silly "editorial", is that Plame WAS a CIA covert operative whose cover was blown by the administration in an attempt to stifle any criticism of the criminal war effort our leaders mounted. Instead you give me a piece that uses terms like "alleged" and "Washington cocktail circuit" written by some old republican hack in a supposedly "liberal" daily. My breath is still held.
  13. The Washington Post is "liberal"? Maybe a time ago it was but it has become more and more appearent over the last few years or so that the paper's editorial direction has taken a right ward veer. The link you posted, which is of course making the rounds of the right wing media these days, still doesn't dispell anything about Plame being "covert" rather it adds to the mud slinging and innuendo by using terms Like "alleged" and "Washington cocktail circuit" to form the basis of reasoning that heck by golly everyone knew Vally girl was a CIA covert operative. That's pretty flimsy reasoning to dismiss Fitzgerald's case doncha think? It's almost like comparing the mainstream media's slavishly frothing coverage of the Lewinsky affair to the non-descript mundane sporadic coverage of the Libby/Rove/Cheney fiasco. Not that any rational attuned person would make such comparisons mind you.
  14. Yeah it's sort of like expending three posts on someone with a complete inability to make rational comparisons over recent political scandals.
  15. I'm saying you're acting moronic for making a completely invalid comparison that anybody with a sense of history of the last ten years can see through. Everyone here please take note how DC Tom has changed his terminology from "MEDIA induced circus" to "politically motivated witch hunt".
  16. Now you're just being moronic. There is no comparison whatsoever. Compare the amount of tv/radio newspaper time given to the Clinton skull session as opposed to the woeful lack of attention given to the Libby/Rove/Cheney smear job and you aren't even in the same area code. Try to think things through before you sound byte again.
  17. Oh for goodness sakes Derwood we're talking about Manne Coulter here. And is if your usual three/four word sardonic reposites add anything to the discussion here.......please! If the wacky conservative right, the branch that actually controls what stands for the current republican party, invites this insignificant drop of peroxide to speak at their coronation then they deserve every bit of backlash they get. Mainstream conservatives have come out against here and if the Republican party ever expects to get its act together they'd be best advised to dump that adams appled piece of trash and rejoin the human race.
  18. Anne Coulter should finally fly to Sweden and get that addadictomy she truly needs.
  19. It surprises (and dissapoints me) that you would try to draw some sort of comparison to Clinton's lies and this current administration's lies and deceit. As a poster DC Tom you are the only one I can detect that isn't partisan here, definetely an admirable trait. At the same time soldiers are being set up for road side fodder because an op-ed piece in the NY Times by a gadfly had the unfortunate timing of coming out and telling the truth, thus making him and his wife the subject of ridicule from the conservative side. Yes Val Plame was a covert operative at the time. Given the right wing conservative tilt of this board (way out of the mainstream of America) I dare anyone here to post links that will say Valerie Plame wasn't. I'll hold my breath until then.
  20. Ah Diane Lane....never a fairer beauty existed.
  21. I like Feingold a lot but he opted not to run. While Obama might be the favorite darling of Hollywood now, once again Dennis Kucinich is the only real anti-war candidate. If people wish to scoff at Kucinich just remember there was a thread here a couple of weeks ago devoted to the hopelessly unlikely prospect that Newt Gingrich would be a good candidate. Kucinich will get my vote in the Democratic primary. If Hillary is the candidate of the Democrats I will vote Nader once again.
  22. Before the mainstream media homogenizes her anymore let us nip her CAMPAIGN in the bud. It is not too late! All mod cons, libs, dems, reps, and greens have already joined the anti-Hillary movement. Have you?
  23. How come you don't miss bishop hedd, apu grape, whiskey dick and about eleven others? They sure give their regards Potsie.
  24. You're kidding right? Take this forum for example. Back then if anyone took an anti-invasion stance here they were immediately ridiculed, hounded, and in some cases thrown off the site. There was the legendary "USS Abraham Lincoln Mission Accomplished thread" (Goddam I wish that had been pinned) a ludicrous right wing conservative circle jerk love fest for all things Bush. Anyways many of us knew the invasion was a lie. We knew when they ignored all the weapons inspectors and when they started to manufacture their case.
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